can we revert the Bloodpact nerf?

So for those of you who didn't know, back in the PTB Blood Pact worked exactly the same HOWEVER you didn't have to complete a 100% full heal. You just had to at least perform the healing action. For an unknown reason it was nerfed which kinda made it WAAAAAAY more situational than it used to be. Before it was useful because if you were healing or getting healed and the killer started marching his way over too you you could gain a small speed boost but now that speed boost very rarely comes in. I say either increase the time its active or just revert it to what it used to be
Its nerfed for a good reason.
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what was that reason exactly?
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I'd imagine, though it might not sound like much, but 10 seconds of a bonus 7% can be pretty strong when all you need is a tap. Hope is already amazing against 110% mv killers as the difference in speed is 3%.
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@WeenieDog Already awsered it.
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Yea it was a bad change
It was a cool solo survivor perk but they kinda nerfed it for no reason
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Yeah a 3% difference for 10 seconds for a pretty situational scenario. Hope is great because the speed boost is lasting for 120 seconds not 10 and most 110% movement speed killers are 110% because they have a way to counter movement distance.
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I still like bloodpact
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Wouldn't you be able to tap, run for 10 seconds and tap again for another 10 second speedboost if it aplied to all healing
Not sure how powerfull that would be but that could be one reason for the change
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You’d have to come to a complete stop mid chase with the killer lol. Even if that was a problem they could make it so you need 2-3 seconds of healing for it to activate
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People were doing that in the ptb literally to loop killers so it apparantly was a problem.
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I guess you could run it with autodidact(?) so it comes close to the pre-nerf Blood Pact. Cuz Autodidact with 5 stacks means almost instant healing, so it would work better with Blood Pact. I loved the PTB version and I still dont see why they choose to nerf it
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bad reason for sure, it's not op at all
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In the PTB it was a cool perk to stop you from getting downed when you tried to heal someone by allowing you to sprint faster. Now the speed boost is practically useless because more than likely if you finish a heal the killer won't be near you.
I know people are saying that people could tap it all the time, but it was only a 7% speed boost that all killers are faster than or have ways to stop it like the ranged killers. Plus if someone is following a survivor to tap them, then that means that there's two people looping the same space which can cause them to mess up, and that's two survivors off of gens.
I don't know why they are so insistent on not nerfing killers on the PTB when they do it to perks like Gearhead or Blood Pact. At least let them on live for a while before you nerf them! God forbid that they make a perk that survivors might be interested in using instead of their meta perks.
If you are really worried about survivors abusing it, then make it so they have to heal for 2 seconds for the haste to work. Wow, look how easy it was to prevent exploits without destroying the perk's original purpose, I don't know why the devs couldn't have thought of that.
Sorry if this is a bit ranty but I thought this was a cool perk when I first saw it in the PTB only for it to get BHVRed.
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The perk would be far to easy to abuse if they kept it as it was on the PTB, the change was absolutely necessary for the health of the game. Movement speed is a core function of the game and altering it in any way has massive changes on how things play out, if I am being totally honest they shouldn't add any more "haste" perks into the game as it could very easily break things.
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I wasn't even fan of this perk, but I hope it will get buffed. Literally all Cheryl perks are situational.
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Two injured survivors being chased together, stopping every so often to tap each other to get the boost and presumably trying to loop the same area? I don't see that strategy working out well often. People brought up 110 killers but would you really want to try something like that on a huntress/spirit/slinger?
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Cheryl vs. Cheryl, brings back memory of alessa boss fight
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Chiming in as a Huntress main; two Injured Survivors trying to loop the same tile is a recurring wet dream of mine.
I'd imagine the same is true for the Hag mains, Spirit mains, and STBFL users out there.
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Agreed, they should revert the nerf
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Why they didnt they give it few seconds to activate so that it cannot be abused by click spam. Lets say when you heal the obsession for at least 2-3 seconds or fully heal the target you get the speed. Seems useless otherwise to me
And after that she says - "Already awsered it." when she said nothing basically
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It was abused by swf.
Just like all "good solo perks" That are extremely powerful when used by swf.
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How exactly is it abuse able in any way thats not beneficial to the killer?
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This made me laugh harder than it should have😂
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My thoughts exactly. Even if they tried that against a 110 killer, 110 killers have abilities that can easily punish that anyways.
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It is an interesting perk, but way too situational. I'd honestly rather run Solidarity than Blood Pact...
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Dont worry we have the exact thoughts. I was really happy seeing this perk as I definitely saw it as a new permanent addition to my future build but then they just kinda nerfed its viability :(
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Yeah but BloodPact pre-nerf definitely could've been slightly meta
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The Meta in this game has not changed for ever, DS, Adrenaline, BT, DH, Spine Chill, Unbreakable, Iron Will. Sure there are some other niche builds that require items and what not, but lately, the perks have been god awful. The only decent one recently was For the People from Zarina... Other than that, perks have been really situational, or straight up underwhelming. I do agree in it needing a buff to something, but this game suffers bad from poor perk balancing.
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Tbh they should just nerf most meta perks (except BT) then just buff a ######### ton of the perks that are used in less than 50% of games
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I don't understand why they don't nerf or look into perks that are used in a majority of matches. They are just really really slow at perk balance even when the forums have provided many suggestions for multiple perks. Hopefully soon they will buff the perks they said they would half a year ago...
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Yikes it really has been 6 months since they told us they'd buff a bunch of perks LMAO