Do I have to be lucky to rank up?

Hello. Imagine, you are a killer with only perks that are available at the beginning of the game. You have no Ruin, no Corrupt, no BBQ, no Enduing + SF. I know that perks are unbelievably important. Especially at high ranks. It seems to me that I need luck with survivors to rank up. I know how to play killers. What to do to get points to emblems. But usually, I get destroyed by those kangaroos. And if I have a good intense game I usually miss one point to rank up pip. It's kinda frustrating :-(.
The game takes ping into consideration so if you live near casual survivors, you will think killer is easy. some of us live in areas that produce mostly 4 man death squads that are "rare" for others.
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I have a friend on the same boat as you, he never bought any dlc for this game but not even with shards.
If you can't afford a dlc get killers via shards or wait for the shrine to have decent perks.
gl on that though since the shrine usually has bad perks.
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If you are a new killer, you don't want to rank up yet. Take your time. Build up a library of perks. Learn the ins and outs of being a good killer. Try to identify bad habits, and survivor norms. Learn to mind game. Don't be in a hurry to get to those red ranks. First of all, rank means nothing. There are horrible killers and survivors at red ranks because it is way too easy to get there. They get there, get owned and cry about the game balance (which does have issues, but not the ones they cry about). Rank is not a symbol of pride in this game. I am mediocre at best. I struggle on many maps due to colorblindness and I can't see scratch marks or blood unless I'm on indoor maps where I see a big black blob on the ground. If you are hiding in corn, I will not see you. I might hear you and swing blindly just to get lucky, but I won't see you. I don't even know who this Claudette character people speak of is...never seen her (j/k). I hang between ranks 1-3 pretty steadily. Not because I'm great, but because it's not that hard. It's even easier as survivor. I'm pretty sure we could teach a Chimp to play and it would be a rank 3 survivor within a few weeks.
So, please, don't let rank be a goal. Get good, and I don't mean that in an insulting way. Learn, grow, experiment with style and powers. Get confident, then worry about pushing rank. When you are new, it may not seem like this because you are busy getting run over by traffic everywhere. But you will see what I mean soon enough.
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This. Waiting for something you actually want on the shrine is a complete wash. You could be waiting months or even a year. You'll have to be more aggressive to procure stuff you really want.
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you can rank up to a certain level just by playing and then after that skill and luck come into play. in the current matchmaking system you can rank up to around rank 8 just by playing, and then after that you´ll need to have good perks and be good at the game to actually rank up.