I am an avid DBD player and absolutely love the game. But it is very annoying when i get downed and have a very slim chance of escaping because there are too many damn hooks around the map.

The offerings are random so it could only erase a hook thats nearby another 40 hooks.

Not everyone has saboteur and can communicate within game to get rid of hooks.

The damn wiggle time is too hard, we already have Iron Grasp to make it impossible, it doesn't have to be nearly impossible without it.


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Warship said:
    I am an avid DBD player and absolutely love the game. But it is very annoying when i get downed and have a very slim chance of escaping because there are too many damn hooks around the map.

    The offerings are random so it could only erase a hook thats nearby another 40 hooks.

    Not everyone has saboteur and can communicate within game to get rid of hooks.

    The damn wiggle time is too hard, we already have Iron Grasp to make it impossible, it doesn't have to be nearly impossible without it.

    Wiggle is there to make it impossible that the killer can always carry you to the basement.
    It is not meant to be an escape tool and actually the bodyblocking thing gives you a guaranteed escape (devs realized that too late sadly)

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    @Warship said:

    @Master said:

    @Warship said:
    I am an avid DBD player and absolutely love the game. But it is very annoying when i get downed and have a very slim chance of escaping because there are too many damn hooks around the map.

    The offerings are random so it could only erase a hook thats nearby another 40 hooks.

    Not everyone has saboteur and can communicate within game to get rid of hooks.

    The damn wiggle time is too hard, we already have Iron Grasp to make it impossible, it doesn't have to be nearly impossible without it.

    Wiggle is there to make it impossible that the killer can always carry you to the basement.
    It is not meant to be an escape tool and actually the bodyblocking thing gives you a guaranteed escape (devs realized that too late sadly)

    Iron grasp is there to make it impossible for you to escape at all. I'm not saying completely nerf it but at least despawn maybe 1 or 2 less hooks? They always spawn way too close and we might as well let killers automatically have iron grasp

    And sometimes there aren't any hooks near.
    Get bhvred.

  • GoobzV2
    GoobzV2 Member Posts: 20

    No the wiggle time is fine where it is.

  • ProfoundEnding
    ProfoundEnding Member Posts: 2,334
    Just use Boil Over.
  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    I don't have an issue with the time it take to wiggle out, I DO have an issue of how many key presses it takes to register ONE bar of wiggle. I don't necessarily think it's the game's fault, but it does get tiring spamming the wiggle keys to register one out of every 20 key presses it seems. I had this same issue with breaking grip on Friday the 13th. The difficulty is fine where it's at, I just want my button mashing to matter, and YES, I am alternating the A and D keys, like you are supposed to. I would be spamming those keys all day, but the game acts like I'm pressing nothing.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    Most killers use Iron Grasp and Agitation anyway, so wiggling is just a tease for most survivors.

  • serabeth90
    serabeth90 Member Posts: 100
    edited September 2018

    @CoolAKn said:
    Most killers use Iron Grasp and Agitation anyway, so wiggling is just a tease for most survivors.

    Yeah, this. I always do it unless there's no chance of anyone escaping, though. Even a few seconds of the killer getting caught on a doorway or something can be just enough to finish a gen, or opening the exit gates. Plus, there's nothing better to do while he's carrying you :P.

    I don't think anything needs to be changed about wiggling, though. It's short enough baseline that the killer usually just takes you to the closest hook unless they have iron grasp or agitation. I think the mechanic is more in place so that a killer doesn't just walk around with an obnoxious teabagging survivor on their shoulder the rest of the game to punish them ;). You should not have much of a chance at all of escaping once you have lost the chase. If it were any shorter, the killer would almost never get a survivor to the hook with all a team of 3 SWF bodyblocking the way each time.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Getting hooked after being picked up is intended to be the NORM.
    Wiggling free should rarely happen to begin with, unless other player interfere .
    The main purpose of wiggling is that the killer can't choose freely which hook to use.

  • shadowsfall42
    shadowsfall42 Member Posts: 201

    Wiggle is fine where it is. What needs to happen is hooks being better spread out. I've seen hooks spawn within 5 meters of each other (hooks should not spawn within 15, even 20 meters of each other) and I've also sometimes seen no hooks spawn within 20ish meters. (That's usually in one of the corners of the map. Remove a few hooks and spreading them out better would improve gameplay for both sides. You might just barely wiggle out on occasion, but doing so would require a lot of spacial awareness and proper routing. It would also mean that survivors can't just run to a corner that is far enough away from any hook that wiggling out works. Remove a few hooks and spread them out better. I don't think it would have many negative issues but at the very least they could put it on the PTB and see how it goes.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    There are still some really bad hook spawning pattern.
    Like Haddonfield with the next hook behind an long hedge ending in an even longer fence.
    Or Meatplant when you have no hook on one level and need to find a stairway to a hook.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @CoolAKn said:
    I don't have an issue with the time it take to wiggle out, I DO have an issue of how many key presses it takes to register ONE bar of wiggle. I don't necessarily think it's the game's fault, but it does get tiring spamming the wiggle keys to register one out of every 20 key presses it seems. I had this same issue with breaking grip on Friday the 13th. The difficulty is fine where it's at, I just want my button mashing to matter, and YES, I am alternating the A and D keys, like you are supposed to. I would be spamming those keys all day, but the game acts like I'm pressing nothing.

    That's because there's a max wiggling speed to avoid macros.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Orion said:
    That's because there's a max wiggling speed to avoid macros.

    So, you are saying people who can fill the bar with every press are using macros? That doesn't explain why the game will not register my key presses, which almost has the same effect as pressing nothing.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Orion said:
    That's because there's a max wiggling speed to avoid macros.

    So, you are saying people who can fill the bar with every press are using macros? That doesn't explain why the game will not register my key presses, which almost has the same effect as pressing nothing.

    No, I'm saying that there's a programmed limit to how quickly you can wiggle because otherwise people would use macros. Is English not your first language?
    If you're pressing the keys too quickly, it is possible for the game to simply not interpret them correctly. I suggest you test this in KYF. It could also be a bug, so if the testing in KYF doesn't yield any results, you should report it in the bug report forum.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Warship said:

    @Master said:

    @Warship said:
    I am an avid DBD player and absolutely love the game. But it is very annoying when i get downed and have a very slim chance of escaping because there are too many damn hooks around the map.

    The offerings are random so it could only erase a hook thats nearby another 40 hooks.

    Not everyone has saboteur and can communicate within game to get rid of hooks.

    The damn wiggle time is too hard, we already have Iron Grasp to make it impossible, it doesn't have to be nearly impossible without it.

    Wiggle is there to make it impossible that the killer can always carry you to the basement.
    It is not meant to be an escape tool and actually the bodyblocking thing gives you a guaranteed escape (devs realized that too late sadly)

    Iron grasp is there to make it impossible for you to escape at all. I'm not saying completely nerf it but at least despawn maybe 1 or 2 less hooks? They always spawn way too close and we might as well let killers automatically have iron grasp

    And still, it happened to me several times on certain maps that you are UNABLE to reach a hook, even without any bodyblocks. If anything, then the number of hooks needs to be increased

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Orion said:
    That's because there's a max wiggling speed to avoid macros.

    So, you are saying people who can fill the bar with every press are using macros? That doesn't explain why the game will not register my key presses, which almost has the same effect as pressing nothing.

    Try hitting them slowly. With some experience, you will find the sweet spot

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Warship said:

    @Master said:

    @Warship said:
    I am an avid DBD player and absolutely love the game. But it is very annoying when i get downed and have a very slim chance of escaping because there are too many damn hooks around the map.

    The offerings are random so it could only erase a hook thats nearby another 40 hooks.

    Not everyone has saboteur and can communicate within game to get rid of hooks.

    The damn wiggle time is too hard, we already have Iron Grasp to make it impossible, it doesn't have to be nearly impossible without it.

    Wiggle is there to make it impossible that the killer can always carry you to the basement.
    It is not meant to be an escape tool and actually the bodyblocking thing gives you a guaranteed escape (devs realized that too late sadly)

    Iron grasp is there to make it impossible for you to escape at all. I'm not saying completely nerf it but at least despawn maybe 1 or 2 less hooks? They always spawn way too close and we might as well let killers automatically have iron grasp

    "Impossible at all" … your really funny.^^
    Are you aware that IG gives you just 2 seconds more carrytime?
    IG is a weak perk to begin with.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Master said:
    Try hitting them slowly. With some experience, you will find the sweet spot

    Not optimistic it will work, but I'll try it out. If I am doing it too fast, then that's on me. I would like to try to at least get to 50% wiggle by the time I'm hooked (if applicable, obviously can't if the hook is close). At least that's better than having it do nothing.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Master said:
    Try hitting them slowly. With some experience, you will find the sweet spot

    Not optimistic it will work, but I'll try it out. If I am doing it too fast, then that's on me. I would like to try to at least get to 50% wiggle by the time I'm hooked (if applicable, obviously can't if the hook is close). At least that's better than having it do nothing.

    If you do it too fast, then the you actually do worse.
    Same applies for hammering space at the hook btw^^

  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    And when you do use a perk that allows you to be released from the killers grasp you will trigger said killer leading him to the forums to create a whinging post lol

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @Warship said:
    I am an avid DBD player and absolutely love the game. But it is very annoying when i get downed and have a very slim chance of escaping because there are too many damn hooks around the map.

    The offerings are random so it could only erase a hook thats nearby another 40 hooks.

    Not everyone has saboteur and can communicate within game to get rid of hooks.

    The damn wiggle time is too hard, we already have Iron Grasp to make it impossible, it doesn't have to be nearly impossible without it.

    There is a thing called body blocking hooks, sabo hooks, many ways to help survivors get off a killers shoulder. Also flashlights

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Wiggling is fine the way it is...however hook spawns could be more spread out instead of having hooks 10 meters apart. Boil Over should honestly be buffed to increase wiggling speed by a certain %. It’s a pretty useless perk. Other than that wiggling speed is fine how it is currently.

  • JammyJewels
    JammyJewels Member Posts: 610
    I hoped, from hearing about the perk, that Boil Over would provide a counter to Iron Grasp, like how Predator countered Lightweight. But they're evidently going in a different direction.
  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    I always thought that Boil Over should have had the name Dance With Me as the capabilities of the perk are more fitting for the latter's name. You are increasing the wiggle effects while being held by the killer, similar to swaying in a dance.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Just hit the skillcheck.
  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    Please go play killer a little bit and see if you agree with this logic still. Wiggle isn't there for you to get out, it's there to prevent a killer from holding you the entire match. People would start sabotaging hooks in front of the killer's face and due to reduced wiggle time, survivor's would always escape before a killer could carry you to the next hook. You have to remember, there are some people who main killers. That doesn't sound very fun for a killer, does it?

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Master said:

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Orion said:
    That's because there's a max wiggling speed to avoid macros.

    So, you are saying people who can fill the bar with every press are using macros? That doesn't explain why the game will not register my key presses, which almost has the same effect as pressing nothing.

    Try hitting them slowly. With some experience, you will find the sweet spot

    I tried this out for about a dozen games, and I was actually able to wiggle free without body blocks several times. Thank you for the tip.

  • Depy
    Depy Member Posts: 23

    They should not make it shorther you shouldnt be able to wiggle out before he reatches a hook, its there for your teammates to help you or the killer to walk around with you for way to long

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Orion said:
    That's because there's a max wiggling speed to avoid macros.

    So, you are saying people who can fill the bar with every press are using macros? That doesn't explain why the game will not register my key presses, which almost has the same effect as pressing nothing.

    What he was trying to say is that wiggling has a defined speed.

    It doesn't matter if you wiggle slowly or quickly, the wiggle bar will always take 16 seconds to fill up completely.

    That is to avoid macros being abused. If the wiggle speed was determined by how fast you press the keys/buttons, it would be possible to create a macro that presses them much faster than any human, filling up the bar very quickly.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @DocOctober said:

    @CoolAKn said:

    @Orion said:
    That's because there's a max wiggling speed to avoid macros.

    So, you are saying people who can fill the bar with every press are using macros? That doesn't explain why the game will not register my key presses, which almost has the same effect as pressing nothing.

    What he was trying to say is that wiggling has a defined speed.

    It doesn't matter if you wiggle slowly or quickly, the wiggle bar will always take 16 seconds to fill up completely.

    That is to avoid macros being abused. If the wiggle speed was determined by how fast you press the keys/buttons, it would be possible to create a macro that presses them much faster than any human, filling up the bar very quickly.

    My issue was pressing the keys, but NO wiggle progress was being made. Master has already helped me resolve the issue, I just needed to slow down on the key presses, and since then, every key press has helped fill the meter.

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    As a survivor its better to have it like this. We used to sabo all the hooks and run as far away from the basement as possible so we always wiggle out of the killers grasp. Man looking back that was just lame. I did enjoy it back then though.