Please, give me an option to not get matched with 3/4-man SWFs
It's a simple request, I'm begging you.
I don't want to play a match if all it's gonna do is stress me out, clicky clacky t baggy, horrid post-match chats, if you're part of these bully squads I hate you with all my guts.
I'm not the best killer out there and I admit to it, I used to be a survivor main. But there's a thick border between being downright outplayed and being blinded and tbagged for half the match, it just makes me feel like a terrible killer and really want go back to playing survivor for 10 matches before getting into it again.
Please, just stop me from experiencing these matches, I'll be really grateful and I'm sure many others will :(
if they did that swf would never get any killers due to the killers absolutely despising them and would pretty much only play against solos. as a result the game would suffer greatly due to how many swf there are.
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what is your killer?
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I personally like going against toxic swfs. Its fun having an actual challenge instead of an ez 4k🤷
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Translation: "Please give me a ez mode"
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Honestly atm whenever I see survivors like that if Im not bothered to try hard I just go into the basement and nut
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But isn't SWF "the easy way" in this case?
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You could just check in pre-game lobby as to whether the survivors have each other added on Steam. Usually in most lobbies for me there's at least two people who have their friends and profile showing. If there's 3-4 people who have each other added you could just dodge, but then that means you'd have to wait for a game again.
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Or SWF players could just git gud and stop using 10+ perks given to them by simply having friends (which is probably not hard to do)
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I try not to blame the devs for glitches, odd perk/character changes, game changing nerfs and buffs...but introducing SWF after building a game for a grouped solo experience is the dumbest thing and they deserve all the blame.
Why not let killers be a KWF experience too? One kills and the other has cameras and info grabbing abilities. Oh what? Does that sound unfair? Huh, who knew having someone give you privileged information could be detrimental to you killing or surviving.
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And not every killer uses a mori to tunnel of the hook. But the problem is, enough are, in both cases.
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Imagine SWF squads not using comms 🤣
Now you're gonna tell me they have no unintended advantage over Solos... LMAO.
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I don't use comms in swf. Some people don't.
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As soon as you give survivors the option not to match against Spirits, Nurses, Legions, Deathslingers and Freddy's.
See how dumb that sounds?
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As someone who equally plays on both sides.Sometimes I feel killer mains assume everyone they go against is swf.I mean I’ve had plenty of matches of being in a group of four solo’s and we beat the killer.
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Even when playing with the biggest potatoes who are just messing around we tell each other "the killer is there, the killer is chasing me, it's killer X etc". Dont kid yourself, I've never been in an SWF where no info over the killer was given.
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Congratz on being a minority i guess? Most SWF play with coms, I've RARELY been in one who doesn't use it. Like maybe one time out of 20 and most of the time it's a streamer who wants to adress his audience without ppl yabbering in the background where we can tune into the stream and get even more info that way.
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This issue with swf pisses the living hell out of me.
It is the annoying circle that ends with whataboutism.
As always it starts "I don't want to play against swf due to unfair advantage they have due to comms", quickly followed by these stupid arguments:
-But I want to play with friends.
-But not all swf are toxic.
-But not all swf are on comms.
-But you just want ez games, grow some balls and play hard mode while I and my friends play ez mode.
-But then SWF wouldn't ever get any games, as everyone would dodge them.
After said "arguments" are laid, main topic is already derailed and resorts to war between "mains" (Survivor mains that use swf scream on killer mains and solo survivors that hate it too).
Devs NEVER address the issue, don't even say their typical "we are looking into that", there is just void of communication regarding it.
It has been like that since swf was shoved half baked into dbd back in 2016, after "friends" we're glitching the lobbieds by trying to find their friends to play with in the same lobby, thus they had to join, see names, leave if no one was present and dbd being a buggy mess back then, one or two leaving like that would bug the lobby and make it to never get more players in...
SWF needs to be addressed, everyone knows it is a mess in terms of balance and silly arguments, often filled to the brim with hypocrisy, just annoys the living hell out of others.
But just know nothing will be done to it, business is business and swf is a cancerous cash cow.
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Join Dead by Daylight official Discord and look for friends to play with.
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Ahh again generalizing SWF. Play the game and understand that this is no cherry picking simulator.
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Actually it is, if I chose to do so I would never play against SWF as a killer.
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The swf boogeyman is laughable. Most of them are no better than going against a group of solos. Good solo survivors know where the killer is. It does not require someone on comms telling them. If people would quit taking the trueta1ent approach and screaming SWF every time they have a rough match and just play the game and work on improving they would get a lot better.
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Only SWF to fear is swats and I haven't seen any swat teams after event ended.
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Oh right, forgot it also depends on region. I've heard about South Korea being extremely competitive. And I believe it after watching TFBlade trying to get rank 1 in Korea as he has done in many other regions but he didn't come even close.
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Have fun waiting for a game if thats the case
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What an awful idea, this game is only fun for survivor if you are playing with friends. Imagine how long the queue times would be for survivor groups if 95% of killers couldn't go against them. Terrible idea
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They could always pick to go against them. If they find 4-man bully flashlight squads a "challenge", and BHVR could implement a BP multiplier for going against SWF.
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Sorry dude, but I don't think you understand how many people play against SWF. This idea would create seperate queue times and screw people over, it is incredibly dumb and shouldn't even be talked about
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Stop treating it like a win or die situation, stop feeding into the "rank", and take a tough game as a learning experience.
4 man swf isnt that common, and the ones that are arent the seal team sixes everyone wants them to be.
If you cant accept that some games are harder than others, and that stresses you out, maybe take a break from the game...
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Most of these replies are "But survivors would never get queues". Not everyone wants to play against a team of friends, as the game isn't supposed to have voice comms. Just do KYF if you can't get queues 💁♂️. And for anyone calling non swf "easy mode", the game isn't even balanced around SWF.
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If solo wasnt goes awful people wouldnt go to play swf and also I rather play with my friends.
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I said it plenty of times on this forums. You can avoid playing against 4 SWF if you dodge every game that 4 survivors pop at same time on the lobby. Play only games that they pop one by one, or two.
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Yeah, the game isn't balanced around SWF my ass. Look at the survival stats, they prove you wrong. Also you ever heard of the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Not everyone's gonna stop playing because you cry every time you lose a game. You would be the one punished by bad queue times if that was the case and it's no where near as fun if the killer can hear you. The uncertainty of what the killer is gonna do is the fun of it, going against new players. It's a multiplayer game, just because you have no friends to play with doesn't mean you should try to take it out on the rest of us. Maybe if you spent half the time playing dbd than you do right now you can get some friends that would play with you, though I believe you will need to improve your social skills first and learn how to integrate into normal society without blaming your failures on everyone else
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You have no clue what you are talking about. Take two teams. Same meta perks, same rank but one solo and one SWF. You know who has a massive advantage? It's the friends in comms who get every information perk in the game passively.
Game is definitely balanced around randoms and just because you have trouble playing against killers with your SWF team doesn't mean they are weak. It means you're bad.
Survivor stats means nothing. Where's the DC count? Where's the count of how often people throw games as survivor? Where's the count of people running around with flashlights and trolling around with head on? Survivors can have fun but it shouldn't be at the expense of killers
Should SWF be removed? No. But it needs balance. Action debuff is a good way to go about it. You get advantages? You lose something in return.
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play kyf
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Agreed. So annoying being gen rushed then being bitched at that you're "tunneling".
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Swf is fine, its solo that they should be looking at lol
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If you suspect you're going against SWF, just put the control/mouse down and go do something else. BHVR refuse to do anything or even bridge the gap since survivors are the money maker. It is the only thing you can do to keep your sanity. The cherry on top is that most bully squads hate it when they don't get the attention they so desperately crave.
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Kyf requires someone to play killer. If 3 or 4 friends want to play survivors, ######### are they supposed to do? Have someone play pig and follow them to gens?
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It isn't hard to find a fifth player, just make a thread for anyone that wants to do KYF.
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And if the friends want to be survivor? They play kyf with no killer?
How about this. Understand that 4 man hit squads are INCREDINLY rare. It's mostly overly altruistic ######### around groups.
Also understand not every game will be easy. When you get a challenge, you're supposed to learn from it and gain experience, not throw your controller down and cry "this is too hard".
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This whole comment is pure fail:
The weighs of the many outweigh the few, outside of being edgy bullshit and almost a counterthesis to how life actually works in for example action movies and military (dunno, never been to military but those action movies must be onto something) the few in this case are the 3/4man SWFs because they are by far outweighed by solo/duo survivors with solos even suffering from 3mans due to them often having a herd mentality and treating the solo and killer like #########.
The killrates are only 50% and that's with ALL the ridiculous DCing and suiciding on hook and doing challenges that are counterproductive to survivor gameplay across all ranks. They're far higher in redranks.
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So you're negating the entire fact that people want to play with their FRIENDS, not randoms?
Over what, 5/10% of games, most of which in THOSE PERCENTAGES arent even that good?
Stop taking a challenge as some personal impossible game, and look at it as every other tough situation game is, a learning experience and a challenge. You cant win em all. Learn from it. See where you can improve for the other 95% of games you get. STOP TAKING IT SONSERIOUSLY AND WORRYING ABOUT RANK.
Lastly, say they DO remove 4 man swf or let you opt out. You dont think the (very rare) tryhard groups wont go back to solo queue lobby picking until they play together like they USED TO?
You cant stop 4 people from playing together.