Real game balancing?

As this game goes on into its 4th year and towards the 5th. I feel like the game becomes MORE imbalanced as content is created. TBH The core game felt really fun, but I do realize that players would be BORED if no new content released.
1 ) I feel like the item nerfs to the survivors takes away the dynamics of having a "dollie" in their hand that they obsess over, has now become something that has zero use to the game. I mean after 5 seconds of use the toolbox is ded. Or how about those clutch, exciting saves with the OLD insta-heal medkits?
2 ) For killers; I feel as though power perks such as Fire Up, Brutal strength, Thana, and Hex RUIN don't help with anything now.
3 ) Survivors feel helpless in games and give up very easily. So a match that could last awhile. Goes into this whole downward spiral of Try-less, Q-more. Hatches are close-able, exit gates spawn too close to one another, and End Game Collapse didn't really solve "stale mates". Especially when matches are coming down to the wire, with 1 gen left (3 in the pool) and 2 survivors that are going to RUN, hide and avoid crows for however long it takes until the killer decides to QUIT the match.
4 ) locator/radar perks being something killers fall back on until they rank up high enough and don't learn the important skills needed to play against SWF teams.
These are just my thoughts in 3 of the 4 years of gameplay here. Share your likes of this game and don't forget to add your feedback here! Thanks!