Two BIG questions about cross-play and MMR!

Fuzzymanpeach Member Posts: 22
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

1. Are you able to turn cross-play for PC off but keep it on for Xbox/PS4/Switch? I don't think it should be almost mandatory for console to play against PC with all the advantage PC has over console. (Queue times will be long for disabled cross-play players)

2. Will survivors have different MMR for playing solo and with a SWF? If a new player gets carried by friends into high MMR, they will drag everyone down when they play solo. If a good (or frequent) player climbs into high MMR then plays with a bunch of low MMR friends (or friends that hardly play) they are going to get stomped by high MMR killers. If Behavior is going to separate killer MMR, they should at least separate survivor MMR into solo/SWF.


  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    I'd question your first point as PC killers have an advantage over console killers but console survivors have an advantage over PC players in that the comms software is in-built, so every SWF would find it easy to chat to one another.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,872

    I thought that argument is about performance of PC vs consoles and that’s why PC players would be considered having an advantage over consoles? But then switch performance is also worse than other consoles so that argument negates itself

    also we don’t even know how MMR is actually calculated, so it could still be relatively low if you are just carried by SWF friends because you still have to play yourself and chasing etc would be dependent on your own input. It will most likely not just take escape vs death rate into account

  • Fuzzymanpeach
    Fuzzymanpeach Member Posts: 22

    If MMR is even a little like the pip system, then playing SWF will still dramatically inflate bad survivors MMR. If survivors gain/lose MMR for chases, gens, altruism, and escapes, the only one not boosting the bad players is chase, as it is mostly the only 1v1 part of gameplay.

    In the most basic sense, SWF make more BP and better emblems than solo play. I can't see them building MMR around something completely different than those two things, so SWF needs a different MMR than solo.

    Although the only argument against split MMR is being able to party up through console or discord, but even PuG groups aren't on the same level as a decent SWF squad.