Did the deathgarden mask disappeared for everyone else?

Title ^ , I had the mask, and now I decided to play Meg again, I erased DG for memory issues and the mask is not in my inventory anymore.
I still have mine and erased DGBH a bit after they said the veteran was a bit too strong and gave her 10% damage nerf (that didn't alter any break points, so she was still exactly the same.)
I did notice that it isn't in the steam store anymore. Maybe whether it was purchased or downloaded after it went free matters.
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Maybe it does matter if it was bought or downloaded for free, it weirded me out and I really liked that mask.
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i got the game for free got the mask so i don't know.
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I still have mine.
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is it still installed or deleted as well?
I was thinking that maybe it not having a store page sort of deletes it from your library when you erase it, and maybe its a way of validating that you have it to unlock or not.
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nope i never install it either and i got it,funny i never use it either i hope you find a fix.
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ahh, I see TY.
I guess it could just be another case of DBD being DBD.
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it suck but it true.
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Exactly what I thought.
Thanks everyone, I just got unlucky but I guess I can live without that mask.