What will come to the game on the 28th besides Billy and Bubba ?

I really dont know the bots are going to come too? Training mode ? New matchmaking on Pc ?
Probably new cosmetics or even chase musics
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Definitly new cosmetics and maybe even neew chase music, I just want to know when the new rift is open
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The server-side hit registration will be implemented as a test when the patch releases too. It was going to be in the PTB but it was delayed. Also around 6 or so perks are getting reworks.
They haven't even mentioned an upcoming training mode yet. There are some leaks on a new little system with a red glyph and bots replacing disconnected survivors (I think the later was already in the PTB) but I'm not sure if either of these will be in the patch.
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A plethora a of new bugs that will remain in the game for months.
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The bots probably aren't 100% finished yet, I doubt they'd put them into the game without more testing,
Tome 5 will release the day after the patch, featuring Ace, Meg, Hag and Wraith.
Rift 5 will also release on the same day, featuring unique outfits for the characters above, Zarina's Greek Legends outfit, David and Doctor's treacherous water reskins from mobile, and the usual plethora of shop reskins and charms.
The Greek Legends collection will release 2 skins at a time in the shop, featuring skins for several characters.
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I pray for new chase music.
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The next rift
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Same. I really can't stand the original chase music anymore. Makes me wanna mute the game at times.
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Rift is on the 29th, not 28th.
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More bugs
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Bug fixes along with new bugs.
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Bubba got reworked so if anything he getting a chase music