Bogeyman - The Monster From The Closet (Locker)

Pirate Member Posts: 427
edited July 2020 in Creations

tl;dr:Bogeyman - A monstrous creature (maybe former human for the DBD lore) whos power revolves around lockers.

Killer: The Bogeyman

Power: "Monster In The Closet" - M2 in front of a locker and inside a locker

Pressing M2 lets the Bogeyman enter a locker and become undetectable. From inside the locker the bogeyman can hold M2 so all the other lockers in a 32m radius are highlighted to him, he can now choose a new locker and teleport to it by releasing M2. The teleportation is nearly instant but has 3 seconds cooldown for the next teleportation. The killer will never be able to teleport to an occupied locker and an occupied locker will NOT be highlighted in any way (occupied in any way, read further below)

Power: "Come Inside" - CTRL in front of a Locker

Infuses a locker with evil energy. The locker doors start rattling silently and visible if paying attention. When a survivor is close enough ("Head On" Distance) they are pulled by dark hands inside and rooted for 5 seconds. The Bogeyman starts with 4 charges of "Come Inside". Teleporting to a locker with "Come Inside" will remove it (possible information for survivors that the killer is nearby). If all charges are depleted the oldest infused locker will be overwritten with the newest (like hag traps).

Power: "Evil Grasp" - M1 inside a Locker

While inside a locker the Bogeyman can hear and see freely what is going on outside to chose the perfect spot for the ambush (as if there where no locker doors for him that could obscure the view). While inside a locker pressing M1 will let you make a very scary and very loud sprinting lunge attack that you can control freely (like Wraiths sprinting after unclocking). Holding CTRL while inside the locker will emit a growing terror radius from the closest locker nearby but the one you are inside. When a survivor opens a locker where you are inside you will pull him inside the locker for the "locker-sacrifice" (Passive!)

Passive: "Claustrophobia" - The locker-sacrifice

The Bogeyman can pull a survivor into the locker instead of hooking them on a hook. Doing so the Bogeyman will enter the locker with the survivor and changing his teleportation power from maximum 32m radius to minimum 32m radius (which means he can cross very big distances but also he is forced to leave the locker somewhere else far away, resulting in very high mobility and anticamping in the same time). The Locker-Sacrifice works like normal sacrifice (or even better like the sacrfice of Pyramidehead with skillchecks). When a survivor opens a locker with Bogeyman inside he will be pulled inside for the sacrifice. They bogeyman can not body block a locker with a survivor inside. The Bogeyman can not locker-sacrifice if the locker is occupied.


  • Scary Surprise (Icon: a chest that is a mimicry, with teeth and tongue) - 2 Chests in the trial are replaced with mimicrys chest that will bite the user resulting in a root for 4/6/8 sec and applying the "Deep Wound" status effect. The chest is highlighted for the killer for the duration of the root and do not drop any loot. The chest will stay a mimicry for the duration of the trial.
  • Ambush (Icon: glowing eyes looking from inside a locker) - If the killer is under the effect of "Undetectable" status effect this effect will hold longer for 4/5/6 sec if it should be broken.
  • Hex: Play With Me (Icon: 3 burning candles) - This perk spawns 3/4/5 more totems into the trial and ignites every totem in the trial.


The topic for the addons are mostly toys, clothing and sweets. Possible effects are:

  • increasing the maximum distance of the teleport - in several qualities
  • reducing teleport cooldown - in several qualities
  • More "Come Inside" charges - in several qualities
  • "Come Inside" root duration increased - in several qualities
  • prolonging the lunge from the looker for several meters - in several qualities
  • increasing speed of the lunge - in several qualities
  • entering a locker is faster - in several qualities
  • aura reading ability inside the locker for several meters - in several qualities
  • Ultra Rare: The overall killer speed is reduced from 115% to 110% gives the ability to apply "exposed" status effect to every survivor in the terror radius for 5 seconds after exiting a locker
  • Ultra Rare: Removes the ability to lunge from the locker, instead gives the ability to completly silently leave the locker and stay "Undetectable" for 5 seconds (Does not work with the addon above because it requires a terror radius, so you can stack it but it will just not work)
  • Ultra Rare: All lockers are rattling at all time for the survivors making it impossible to know where "Come Inside" is active
  • Common: You are no longer able to infuse a locker with "Come Inside" from outside instead the last locker you teleported from is infused with "Come Inside" automatically, If all charges are depleted the oldest infused locker will be overwritten with the newest (like hag traps).


The trailer for the chapter starts with a little boy trying to sleep but then recognizing that something is wrong with his closet and the closet door starts to open very slowly. He screams for his mother and she comes rushing in and turning on the light. The boy points to the closet and says there is a monster inside. The mother of the boy assures there is no monster and openes the closet door revealing that indeed there was no monster. She then turns off the light and leaves the boy. The view switches to the mother entering her bed and looking at her own closet for a moment the turning off the light. She closes her eyes but then hears a rattling of the closet doors. She looks briefly to the closet and the view becomes her view, the doors of the closet burst open and the bogeyman lunges directly into the mother/ the view ending in the title screen of the new chapter reaving the killer and the survivor.

Survivor: The Mother from the trailer


  • Mother Cares (Icon: Mother hugs her boy) - When there is atleast one survivor inside of 8/10/12m radius Grunts of Pain caused by injuries are reduced by 50/75/100 % for the user and for every survivor inside the radius. Grants the ability to see the aura of injured survivors in a radius of upto 36m.
  • Breakfast (Icon: Lunchbox) - Healing a survivor with an aid kit will deplete the charges of the aid kit at a reduced rate of 50/70/90% and skill checks will not be triggered.
  • It Hurts No More (Icon: an ice pack) - 30/25/20 seconds after the last injury you will stop leaving blood. Does not trigger if has "Mangled" status effect.


Several home buildings with a new skin for lockers inside of the buildings so the look like closets but still have the same measurements and funtions as normal lockers. NO long fences like in Haddonfield.


  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    Alternative to the Teleporting posted above

    I have an even MUCH MUCH funnier way to use his power then by teleport. Something that was not in this game until now:

    Power: "Monster In The Closet / Shadow Realm" - M2 in front of a locker

    You enter the Locker by pressing M2 in front of it which makes you a diverent state of existence the shadow realm. In this state you can move at 130% (can be more or can be less, just a number for now) speed but you can not interact with anything and you are undetactable and not visible by any means at all. This state gives you the oppotunity to scout the world unnoticed and prepare your ambush. When you want to leave this shadow realm you can enter any locker once again and do your ambush attack from inside.

  • cacao1
    cacao1 Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2020

    Overall: I love it!

    The power seems very versatile but also deep and functional. I just think that the teleport thing would be VERY clunky because it would be difficult to aim for the right locker! Just think about Freddy, with this teleport I often missclick for the wrong generator, but now imagine the huge amaunt of lockers in some maps! Because of that I LOVE the second idea, where you are just a "shadow" and move around without being able to interact with anything just for scouting purpose. On the other hand the anticamping mechanic from the teleport seems very dope!

    I love the lunge from the locker very much and also that you can trap the lockers, so you can potentialy force a survivor run near a locker that will pull them inside.

    I love the thematic of the addons and that you made the addons to alter the power of the killer in many ways! I wish BHVR would come up with such interesting concepts for addons themselfs.

    And last but not least I ABSOLUTLY LOVE the trailer idea! Somehow when I read it I could imagine it very very good! It would make a briliant trailer very atmospheric!

    Unfortunatly I dont understand what the killer looks like. There is no Bogeyman in culture where I am from and googling for it gave very different results. BUT on the other hand it could give oppotunity for very creepy and scary skins and themes.

    It seems very very balanced on the paper. I realy hope someone from the developer team would give it a look. I personaly think one can use it exactly like discribed.


    I also think the perks you picked are very cool and very different from most what people post here (including myself :P). The perks dont seem to be extremly powerful but I still can Imagine many uses for them especialy Ambush and Hex: Play With Me. About the chest that is a mimic on the one hand I think it does not fit any killer outside of the Bogeyman because I imagine him a little like "IT" who can alter things on the other hand I think it would be very atmospheric for the killer himself, so maybe it would be part of his power that can trap lockers? SO he has his charges and can trap lockers AND chests?

    About the survivor perks, in general I like them but I think that "Breakfast" should be renamed to something like first aid and a different icon? I think it would fit more the concept of the functionality of the perk. Would "it hurts no more" counter Oni?

  • Pirate
    Pirate Member Posts: 427

    Thank you for your comment and for the feedback!

    About the teleport: yes I thought about it myself, thats why I came up with 32m range maximum in the first place, so there are not that many lockers that would obscure the view. IF the devs would pick my idea, I would be happy with either teleport OR the shadow realm.

    About how the killer looks: I am also not familiar with the Bogeyman itself, I thought about how to name the "monster from the closet" and I thought Bogeyman would fit the description. In the end, the character could be named what ever the devs want like simply "The Monster".

    About the Perks, to be honest I had a different idea for "Breakfast" at first and switched it to the current one in the end, I did not switch the name or the icon because I simply forgot about it. But I like the "First Aid" idea very much, I just hope it is not in use already.

    About "Scary Surprise" (the mimic chests) one could switch it from mimic to the Entity traps the survivor, so in that way it would fit more the lore. But either way many killers bring perks with them that do not 100% "fit" every other killer, so it should not be the problem. And about "It Hurts No More" I did not think about Oni tbh. I dont think that this perk is very strong, so if someone wants to poker and take it just vs Oni, they could try I guess. But if it would not work against Oni it would not be a big deal.