Is there any mid-tier life on PC?
I'm a relatively new killer. Been playing casually for about a month. Was having an incredibly good time early on. Getting 3 or 4 kills per match and even in matches where I do bad, the match was fun. The moment I hit Rank 14 suddenly I stopped being grouped with other new players and exclusively grouped with top-tier players. I regularly get groups of four survivors all Ranks 1-3. I don't think I've seen anything below an 8, and usually nothing below a 5.
So, I recognize that my goal is to eventually be a good enough killer to take on this high ranked survivors, and it was probably getting a little unfair having me still being grouped with new players, but I feel like I missed out of a middle tier of people who have learned the basics but don't have 4 years of experience and all the best perks.
It's frustrating for a few reasons. For one, I am only dancing between 13 and 14. I'm way closer to 20 than I am 1. More importantly, though, I haven't been playing nearly long enough to have all my Killers maxed. I have a few at 30-40 for the perks, but the ones I really want to experiment with are all between 1-15. Obviously I can't take those in, so I'm stuck playing Killers I don't wanna play right now to farm bloodpoints before I can experiment with the others? Even then, matches are over so quickly. By the time I get my first hook, they are down to 1 or 2 gens left.
I just feel like I shouldn't be up against these guys yet. I'm clearly outclassed. Where are all the Rank 17-8 survivors. It feels like the bulk of the ranks are empty, and survivors are either exclusively Rank 20 or Rank 1-5. Is this because I'm on PS4? As my thread title says, is this something I could be finding on PC or once crossplay is added?
Don't worry about it, that's just DBD. You aren't experiencing anything out of the ordinary. I took a 2-month break, went from red ranks to rank 13 (rank reset two days after I came back) and my opponents still haven't changed. Lovely rainbow colours, or all reds. One or the other. Mostly, it's because ranking up as survivor is insanely easy, and by extension it can be easy to rank up as killer because you are slaughtering boosted survivors.
But they are adding an MMR system to make matches a little fairer, so stick with it. It might actually work.
Edit: Also, the grind is real in DBD. I have all perks on exactly 1 killer, and more than 50% of perks on about four more, as well as on 2 survivors.
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A little bummed to hear it isn't any better on other platforms. I was really hoping it would be. I just don't see why I'm grouped with Rank 1s and not 20s when I'm 14. Can you elaborate on what the "MMR system" they are adding is?
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Basically, the pip system sucks and doesn't actually reflect someone's skill very accurately. For example, I am usually at red ranks and I really, really shouldn't be. So the Devs are implementing a completely seperate matchmaking system based around an MMR score, however it will be hidden from our view and we will not know what our MMR score is. (MMR stands for Match Making Rating, lots of games use MMR systems, however in DBD it's going to be hidden from view and we will still only see the current ranks and pips and such.)
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"however in DBD it's going to be hidden from view and we will still only see the current ranks and pips and such."
Which is exactly why I don't trust it in the slightest. No worthwhile MMR system is "hidden". Sure, there might be hidden variables, but how the hell do we know they aren't just saying "Oh no, we're definitely implementing an MMR system! Really!" while doing absolutely nothing?
From the player perspective, literally nothing will change. So how can we just take this on faith? It makes zero sense without a visible metric to prove that things aren't just as broken as they are now...
God this game has made me so pessimistic...
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Is it really a need for the MMR system or do we just need the game to keep a mid-tier playerbase to fill in the gaps? Is there something that's keeping new players from sticking around so we're left with just newbies and veterans?
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One thing I found was that it only takes a couple of good players to really counter a killer at mid tier (Which is where I like to hover as I don't have to sweat to much). So you have to pick your targets wisely. You might go up against 4x red rank but at least two of them will be complete potatoes. They know enough though that they can be carried by the good payers and still be generally effective.
A really experienced two man team that coordinates well will really carry two potatoes through. Sometimes you see the end game and you have 2x red 1 yellow 1x green and you think I should have done better there I picked the wrong targets. If the red/purp folk escape but you kill all the green etc then you have to think to yourself that's probably what should have happened.
Hopefully MMR improves things. I'm really looking forward to four potato salad, I get them every now and then and I think wow how the hell did you get to red ranks. Rank does not mean skill it means time spent online.
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I'm really hopeful for the MMR as long as they tweak a couple of things. They really need to address the grind better, cause lets be real. I have no killer with every perk. My Dweet has every survivor perk and that cost me around 300 hours alone. That's a little #########. Stick with it though my guy, it feels super rewarding to beat out the rainbow colours. Knowing you won against people better than you feels so good.