Killer build you don't see too often.

madradfox Member Posts: 190

Earlier today I went up against a killer, whose build made for a highly, highly unusual match at red ranks. I wish I had taken a screenshot, to make this quicker, but anyways here it goes.

Map: Hawkins Lab

Killer: Pyramid Head

  • Unnerving Presence III - 10% more skill checks within terror radius, 60% smaller zones for checks
  • Huntress Lullaby III - 6% regression for missed skill checks, no warning
  • Distressing III - 26% terror radius increase
  • Coulrophobia III - 50% healing speed penalty if healing within your terror radius

As a survivor running with Spine Chill (10% more checks, 10% smaller zonesa), it seemed like there were 3 times as many things going on in the match than normal.

I have never before had to constantly move my eyes between the icons, the center of the screen for the silent checks, while also checking the area behind me for red aura because of the never ending terror radius audio and spine chill icons getting triggered in spite of being on different floors.

As if the frequency of the checks wasn't enough, getting their zones reduced by 70% (with active spine chill) made altruistic healing a very altruistic thing indeed. Per the wiki: for every second of altruistic healing , the total chance of triggering a heal skill check was:

  • 15% base
  • 10% for UP
  • 10% for active SC

for a total chance of 35% every second of the now 24 seconds it takes for a full heal because of Coulrophobia.

I am pretty sure I actually got 3 separate skill checks during a single altruistic heal, which is very uncommon in my experience.

....we did get 4K but it made for a fun and original match