DBD Is not balanced

(This Is just my honest opinion on DBD) One thing I've noticed and many others have when playing Dead By Daylight over the years Is that this game Is not balanced you got Gen Rushing survivors who get all gens done fast which Isn't really fair for the killer but at the same time Killer has got way too many perks (Tracking perks specifically) Bloodlust which will lead to certain doom for survivors because survivors get no boost which Is fair to a point, the hitboxes have been made to the point where you can literally not get hit with the weapon and still get Injured. Survivors of course can hide behind a tree and killers won't see them and have to waste their time looking around to find the survivor keep In mind killers have a terror radius so survivors know your near them before you even do they need to add a radius so killer's know when they're at least close to a survivor. So Survivors have good perks but they have not lots of ways to know where the killer Is which Is Ironic considering the fact you can't even fight back so they should have more killer tracking perks so they can sneak around and fix gens however It's the other way around. As I said before killer's have more tracking perks which Is fair they are the hunter but still survivors can't even defend themselves so why does the killer get to know where they are 24/7 but they don't get to know where he/she Is just a little yea you have a terror radius but that only works when your close you can't really run and risk being chased because you will go down. Generators oh boy this Is a fun topic generators are way too easy there Is no way you will miss a skill check on a gen anymore unless your a newcomer they need to do something to make skill checks easier to fail maybe when the gen's near completion basically gen's get overcharge. Every skill check from halfway done would be replaced with the overcharge skill check until completion It would be fairer over the easiest skill checks In the world. Fix the gens they're too easy despite them being the main objective. Lastly why do survivors get environmental stuff like Pallets and the killer doesn't can't the killer have something like honestly IDK.

Overall this game Is not balanced (just my honest opinion) Gens are way too easy to complete and Killer's have basically 24/7 track, don't even get me started on perks like NOED (TRASH.) I Just want to have a balanced game where I don't feel like the killer always knows where I am and where survivors can't do gens so easily thanks for reading anything you agree on anything you don't agree on let me know In the comments below just do me a solid and just be calm and don't call me stuff because you don't agree I don't want hate just wanna discuss.
