DBD pulled a Paladins with Legendary Skins

Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Why link everything together?

Half the fun with cosmetics is mixing and matching... Why not simply unlink, and make it, so if you have any part of the "Legendary" cosmetic attached to your character, head, body, or weapon, you have the animation change?


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    Honestly I love BHVR, but just don't support those skins.

    When they notice the difference in sales, I think they'll realize that players just aren't into them.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited July 2020

    I wouldn't even say that I'm not into them personally. I like the designs, they look nice, animation changes are always welcome.

    But linking them together, and forcing them to be bought all together. That's just incorrect.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited July 2020

    I could give an exception, if the change is drastic enough sure they would probably need to be locked together.

    But no way will that the case for all of them. Unless it's something super form altering, that straight up wouldn't work with the original body design. What's the real harm?

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Yeah, but for killers, we should be able to change our weapons, and survivors should be able to change their pants.

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    Yeah exactly thats mostly what I was trying to say. Some of the linked ones should just be standard but if its a complete transformation like the oni skin it needs to be linked

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited July 2020

    And that's very fair.

    I can see the struggles of that whole ordeal. Especially clipping.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Hot take; being able to mix and match is the biggest draw of cosmetics and looking unique is why most enjoy it- look at WoW and transmog, it is near universally loved. The "clipping" reasoning is thrown out when you realize you are free to wear full sets already and if you dont want to you dont HAVE to.

    Being forced into wearing the full set and paying full price instead of picking and choosing is just not excusable, thrown in a $10+ pricetag and it is even worse.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    they were presented as different characters at first... yet most aren't, so far. There's no reason I shouldn't be able to put Cheryl's dark ahir on the other bodies, for example. I wouldn't have bought it if I had realized it. And I was almost going to buy a different knife for legion, until I realized I'd have to take off Robbie the Rabbit to use the new knife. so there's now zero chance I ever spend money on another skin for Legion, which make no sense because there's no reason Robbie can't hold another weapon; technically he shouldn't have any weapon in the first place. So BHVR shot itself in the foot here.

    And then there's that newer Nea skin, which is linked for no reason either; the bug allowing it to change out proves that. Hard to understand, but there's no evidence BHVR is smart.

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    Ok, I'll explain this in two ways for each of the possible things you mean.

    First, legendary skins are the linked skins that change the character, their body structure, and animation such as Lisa Garland, and the Minotaur.

    Second are linked skins, they give the character new outfit, but it can only be worn in full.

    Legendary skins are linked for what I feel are obvious reasons, for example, not having a man's head on a woman's body, or vice versa. These may also be for licensing reasons of being able to add more characters from previous chapters, ex stranger things Robin, Johnathan, hopper, Joyce, L4D Zoey, Francis, Xenomorph as Demogorgon or even a fix for Quentin.

    The linked skins are what people normally have a problem with, being the cosmetics for characters that aren't legendary, but are stuck together anyways, such as the newest Nea, Jeff, Clown, Jane and silent hill characters outfits, and the reason behind those are so they can make cosmetics that they otherwise wouldn't be able to make, for example, Neas hood on the graffiti outfit, or Jane's full body dress. My solution to the issue of everyone hating those being linked is to only link what needs to be linked and let the last part go, so Nea's pants, or Jane's head, or heck Moonrise and Bunny Feng's head and legs respectively. A reason for these may also be because of licenses wanting to keep their characters looking a specific way, and not wanting their likeness being mixed with their several outfits.

    On a side note, I wish they made a goddess outfit for Kate, and made a Medusa hag for the Greek set. Wouldn't that have been sick?

    Well, imma go waste money on goddess Feng, c'yall later

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    One thing I wonder with the killers is if they will retexture their powers, because if they make a Xenomorph Demogorgon, they could retexture the portals to vents

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    Because there are cosmetics that shouldn't be combined. Look at the oni it wouldn't make any sense to combine anything because it's a whole skin a character it's not just clothing like on the other skins its a new person dude. The answer isn't "MoNeY" dude the whole dead by daylight community is too stupid to count 1 and 1 together.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    For real for every linked outfit comes 20 posts whining about them

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,197

    i can stand the oni but i do think they shouldn't make these cosmetics to offend.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,166

    Linked skins are mostly fine. I may not particularly like them, but I can live with them.

    Legendary skins for licensed characters (Like Lisa Garland for Cheryl) I can live with as well. I still believe they're a waste of money and will never support them, but I can still accept them.

    Legendary skins for original characters are what I have an issue with. Yes, the Minotaur skin for Oni looks amazing, but I would have much rather had an actual Minotaur, not a Japanese demon samurai that's pretty much playing dress up. A waste of money AND limits potential future Killers and Survivors.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    There is a difference between Legendary skins like Heather and Oni vs. Nea skin. One type is a full on change to character, the other is clothing on what already exists.

    "Everyone is angry at a new system that has hardly seen much use yet"

    It's not a new system, everyone know hows skins work, its not something with a hidden meaning or such.

    • Making a linked set that thru the store bug is proven to look fine separated is not okay. The store bug that allowed people to harmlessly use the head on its own was fixed faster than it took them to fix the copy+paste Gateau offering. Faster than it took them to fix "hook tech" even.
    • Bhvr apparently got upset at a certain streamer(s) for showing off the bug for people to make the outfits they want, then it was patched out without any word in patch notes (that I can see at least) and it starts to piece together.

    seriously, who actually cares if my Nea has a shaved head? If you do, take a look in the shop at meg and kate's headpieces

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    That's the only set besides Lisa that I've seen be jsutifiable in locking it. Personally I might actually get that one because turning off the weeb factor might make Oni playable.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I don't think that linked sets should be a thing. If it's not a legendary basically if it doesn't change the models and the animation it shouldn't be linked together

    I'm fine with legendaries because of the model and animation change simply because I feel like it would make your character look incredibly stupid to have different body parts with different proportions that don't match each other

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    As I said to another person in the post here.

    For instances where the body and face just wouldn't match in the slightest, I can see why they are linked. It would be a mess, but that would be the exception.

    Past that, unless is a pretty drastic change, there is no real reason for them to be linked other than for a stupid price tag.

  • Raccaine
    Raccaine Member Posts: 18

    I'm happy with most of the sets so far (Even if the rare cheryl ones being linked is... ugh.) but I do have a concern that it'll be flooded with a lot of skins that have very miniscule reason to be sets (Such as the new Jane one. I love it but you didn't have to lift up the leg portion by like 8% and then call it a linked skin lol.)

    I'd rather they try and make most cosmetics unlinked with the occasional linked ones for designs that just wouldn't be possible otherwise, rather than its current state where there's miniscule differences that make a skin linked (Such as giving Clown like, 1 extra chin. C'mon now.)

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020

    The linked cosmetics where you're forced to use everything as a full set is entirely new and you'd be very hard pressed to prove me wrong on that. It's just a fact, linked outfit sets were introduced and are a new featured "system" of cosmetics that is why we're talking about it now and two or three years ago. That's not something an arguable point to make, nor is it worth making I don't see how that's something you could disagree with me on.

    Because such a bug and taking advantage of it was a blatant violation of End User License Agreement and terms and conditions. You shouldn't be able to mess with anything in the store on such a scale like that and regardless of whether or not you think it looks fine, it's the developers who have chosen this is a new feature and this is how they've chosen it to work and that they want to introduce and tinker around with for awhile. They're not going to shut down their whole operation because a few people think "it looks fine".


    "While participating in the Game, you also agree to comply with certain rules of conduct that govern your use of the Game (“Rules of Conduct”), for example you may not:

    ...Modify any part of the BHVR Services that BHVR does not specifically authorize you to modify.

    ...Exploit errors in design, features which are not documented, and/or bugs to gain access that would otherwise not be available"

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752
    edited July 2020

    "The linked cosmetics where you're forced to use everything as a full set is entirely new and you'd be very hard pressed to prove me wrong on that. It's just a fact, linked outfit sets were introduced and are a new featured "system" of cosmetics that is why we're talking about it now and two or three years ago. That's not something an arguable point to make, nor is it worth making I don't see how that's something you could disagree with me on."

    You would be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't understand the concept of a linked set. This is not some elaborate system that need testing to see the effects.

    "Because such a bug and taking advantage of it was a blatant violation of End User License Agreement and terms and conditions. You shouldn't be able to mess with anything in the store on such a scale like that and regardless of whether or not you think it looks fine, it's the developers who have chosen this is a new feature and this is how they've chosen it to work and that they want to introduce and tinker around with for awhile. They're not going to shut down their whole operation because a few people think "it looks fine"."

    yes, lets equate the hook tech exploit or old Legion mending stacking which were REAL exploits to changing a headpiece. Great logic there.

    "They're not going to shut down their whole operation because a few people think "it looks fine"."

    You have to buy the set to DO the bug, they dont lose money from me doing it. At the end i ask you this; How is your game affected by me using a Nea head outside of its set?

    Spoiler, it doesnt at all

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985


    A complete set can be sold for more money.

    Its the next step up from $10 skins. They're trying the waters, seeing how many will buy it. If enough people do, then there's $20 skins. Then there's $25 skins. $30 skins. Its coming, if people keep telling BHVR its OK.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    That doesn't change the fact it's new and therefore a relevant topic of discussion. Holy ######### man, I'm not trying to say BHVR just cured cancer with a brilliantly minute and complex series of medical assessment and experimentation, I'm saying they created a new way for stuff to be worn. Hello????

    I have no idea why you decided to copy and paste what I wrote, you already quoted me, are you just trying to make your post look longer??

    It doesn't matter because it's still a violation of the Eula, exploiting a bug to access something you couldn't previously, that something being, mixing and matching pieces of character models that are not meant to be separated. End of discussion. Why? Because the Eula is non-negotiable.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Its relevant topic of discussion, and 1 glance at the forums, subreddit, content creators, everywhere you look people are against it. Taking an outfit such as Nea's and locking it together and slapping a $10 pricetag is gross. The store bug showed that it doesn't need to be linked together further leading to belief it was a decision fueled by greed, as it doesn't clip and matches just as well as everything else. This is not some revolutionary idea to make the game better, its a decision to fatten their wallets.

    I'd never think I would find people who are excited for anti-consumerism, blows my mind holy #########

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020

    Anti-consumerism my ass, people are angry because you can't stick a rabbit head onto a leather jacket and be "quirky, weird, and fun" and because they can't the refuse to give a chance to a feature that's been out for less than 2 months.

    and I'm not even saying "be excited for it" I'm ######### saying give it a chance to see what the devs decide to do with it, to not tear it down before they have the chance to do something cool with it you stubborn, arrogant, blockhead. That is an extremely low-bar to clear and an entirely reasonable request. You guys decided you didn't like it before it even came out in the first place.

    The 15$ price tag for legendary skins is gross, but the 10$ price tag for premium cosmetics is something that everybody seemed to accept as soon as the store went live 2 years ago and there's no fighting that now.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Please pay attention to where I said Nea, how I described neas not having ANY issue fitting with different outfits. Now point me to where I said Legion.

    per Mariam Webster:

    Anti consumerism: opposition or resistance to a culture or way of life emphasizing the purchase and use of consumer goods : opposition to consumerism

    being restricted from using a cosmetic that does not cause any visual issues for no discernible reason. And even if it did cause clipping, it only affects the person using it and nobody else.

    Take bunny feng, if this were released now then it would be a linked set, but it’s not despite causing clipping. Bhvr previously stating they wanted to find a way to make it separate and delayed releasing it for a very long time.

    btw Ad hominems are not how you get your point across, it just makes you look like a fool without any ground to stand on.

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    "Nancy's head on HOPPER'S body???"

    Say that to the countless fanfictions.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020

    It doesn't matter because you're sticking all outfit sets under the same umbrella and therefore I can mention any set to make my point of how ridiculous most of these qualms are.

    Notice how you skipped over and completely ignored the fact that exploiting such an error in design was against the Eula. Which still stands, it's something all players agreed to when they first launched the game and therefore are rules all players must abide by.

    As for my Ad Hominem, I called you a blockhead. Deal with it, it's a fourth grade insult that isn't meant to be taken seriously. The only fool here is you for even remotely thinking otherwise. As well as being incapable of finding a reason to justify breaking terms of service, and so immediately falling back on the classic "you have no ground" tagline.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    I specifically mentioned Nea, stop trying to contort my argument into something else. Either address the argument presented, or don’t address anything at all.

    You have yet to give any substantive reasoning as to how this change is good for the players. The only thing I have hold that has merit is it prevents clipping, but again, every other outfit can clip in one way or another and it only affects those wearing it. As to the EULA, I don’t care, truly, if I must be banned for using a different head, that’d be hilarious way to get away from this game: banned for bypassing a needless cosmetic lock whilst actual hackers continue to prove EAC is a joke.

    BHVRs notoriously slow development cycle and seeming refusal to increase it even in the form of perk tweaks is as always disappointing. Regardless, none of this changes it being a change made for more money.

    notice how I can create a strong argument and deconstruct yours without insulting you, even in a childish manner? It’s a trick I learned in school.

  • Cosmin262
    Cosmin262 Member Posts: 117

    I was just thinking about this,how paladins went from a great customization game to a basic looking -lol-smite style or even more overwatch-y .But I doubt this will happen to dbd as they wont change any previous skins.

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    I mean it's a free to play and I don't think their devs works for charity.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124
  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    A lot of people confuse the differences between legendary cosmetics and sets. Legendary cosmetics are skins that change the animation and character completely, so it wouldn't make sense to mix it with another skin.

    Sets are the cosmetics that cannot be mixed and matched (like the latest Nea skin), so if that's what you're talking about then I understand.

  • Dito175
    Dito175 Member Posts: 1,391

    Honestly im glad that the Robbie skins are sets, imagine the abominations that people would create with them.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited July 2020

    Funny how you can easily be found guilty of the exact same thing. I've never claimed it was good now I've always on this thread said it has the potential to be good, but we can't very well see where it goes if people get all huffy puffy over just the mere idea with very few proper examples to actually cite for reference until only just recently, and even then there still aren't that many within the game.

    You haven't deconstructed anything, you've only ever said rhetoric like "no ground to stand on" and "I deconstructed yours" but that doesn't actually make it true.

    I've already re-clarified my point that all I am looking for from people is them to provide BHVR the chance to provide us with something cool, which is something you have failed to address time and time again instead contorting our points to a "you like them and I don't". I brought up the fact that streamers and other players blatantly violated the terms of service and you flat out said you didn't care. You even dropped your argument about how the linked cosmetics aren't "new" features because they unmistakably are.

    On top of that you've repeatedly thrown Red Herrings and completely unrelated comments around in your posts to buffer how many words are actually in them, such as calling out BHVR's slow development cycle and tweaks about perks, what does that have to do with cosmetics in the shop?? Or how you've aggrandized the entire argument into a problem of "corporate greed" and "anti-consumerism" just to distract from having to build your own argument, which isn't even your own argument your central focus this entire time has merely been to poke holes in what I'm saying and in general trying to tear me and my opinion down. Newsflash: that's not an argument.

    In truth, you've proven absolutely nothing and in fact you gave up on one of the first arguments that responded to me with because it was something you couldn't prove. Repeating rhetoric that boils down to "you don't have an argument but I have created a strong one" and actually believing that makes you a strong argument or case is completely asinine.

    I wholeheartedly agree.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited July 2020

    I feel the vast majority of skins that get linked together, would be fine to mix and match otherwise.

    Unless it's something super form altering that would cause a ton of clipping problems, or just doesn't match the body of the original design, that would be an exception. That just makes sense.

    But past that, there is no good reason to be locking pieces together.

  • Witherrr
    Witherrr Member Posts: 85

    I didn't understand it either, but after a bit of thought, a lot of these sets seem impossible to mix and match with other individual cosmetics, they would clip through each other horribly, and as for the silent hill skins it seems they are going to be doing this with a lot of the silent hill characters and possibly other licenced character, which seems to be a decision on the license holder's part, not bhvr. I just hope they don't pump these sets out as much as they have been, but as of now I feel like the design artists are just taking the opportunity to pour out all of their artistic ideas since now they are way less limited when making these into a set. The sets probably won't be as common in the future. It's a new feature that I'm sure design artists are super happy about and want to use the heck out of for a while