Aura changes

Why are the auras so hard to see now? I'm not even colour blind, but I can't run aura perks anymore cause of how bad it is. My first match in, I ran Alert, and it proc'd several times and I still couldn't tell what killer it was till I saw him and was in chase!
I can't even imagine how colour blind people are doing with this patch...
Please revert these changes. NO ONE ASKED FOR IT!
I dont understand why the devs would try and change something that isn't broken in the first place. I guess it's part of their graphics update.
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I have sufferd some blindness type eye problems in my left eye for 14yrs now
i am 20yrs old and have adapted with this problem over the years and just got on with it and played the game
i played in public matchs the other day and noticed this problem
at first i throght this was a screen problem and closed down my DbD then relauched it back up and tryed another match but still the same.
you've taken the words out my mouth by saying this and i can say how hard it is to see in this game now and play with not being able to use arua perks at all or anything related to seeing other players or even the killer exspecially useing the survivors perk = Kindred
they need to fix this now because from somone who has some eye/ blindness problems this game it now 10x harder to play and even harder to see anyone to help u get a good idea witch direction not to run towards..
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I've got two types of colorblindness, I've finally given in and started using an NVIDIA filter for the game because it's now actually impossible to play correctly with the new auras. It's still not a guarantee to see things when all the reds are bright purple, but it's better at least...