60 seconds DS is an abuse



  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    DS should end the instant you hook a DIFFERENT Survivor because it has achieved the desired effect of you not tunneling the obsession.


  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529
    edited July 2020

    First of all you need to work to make most of the killer perks to work. For pop to work you need to hook a survivor, then find a generator under 60 seconds, STBFL you need to hit multiple survivors.. there is absolutely no reguirements for DS. Here you got hooked (failing) get this 60 second immunity (which is supposedly anti tunnel perk).. The fact that you are arguing abaut this speaks for itself. DS would be still strong if it de-activated if you go touch a gen

    And when it comes to killer perks. For example sometimes with pop goes to weasel you need to make a choise if you use the pop, OR chase the survivors. This additional time you spent kicking a generator for pop could give the survivors extra seconds to reach a good pallet/ window. Same thing should happen for DS. You should make a choise if repairing generator is worth it, if you feel safe enough to lose the DS timer

    DS is literally as crutchy as NOED.

  • Catt_xo
    Catt_xo Member Posts: 36

    And that is what they do. Tunnel and camp and expect us to not use ds. I hate using it as I want other perks but as of late, I have to use anything to go against tunnelers such as ds and off the record. So your comment speaks volumes here. I feel like I should start a tread that blood warden is abuse or something stupid to match this rubbish. But also, like you -- my bf that mains killer has never had this issue either. But...hey ho.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    "there is absolutely no reguirements for DS. Here you got hooked (failing) get this 60 second immunity (which is supposedly anti tunnel perk)."

    Really? You just claimed there's not requirement for DS to work and you sit there and type the requirement.

    Stop it with this "Immunity" talk, my God, people on the forum can't have 1 Independent thought.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited July 2020

    After touching a gen or completely healing oneself it should deactivate. Its that simple.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576
    edited July 2020

    The reason DS is hated: small pp build.

    The combo DS+unbreakable shouldnt exist.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Another parrot.

    What about We'll Make It? It's enough time to pull off a heal even when the killer is on his way back.

    What about Inner Strength? Is it fair that DS deactivates when you're hiding in a locker and you manage to pull off the heal?

    What about an Insta-Heal during a chase that you managed to pull off while the killer is still chasing you?

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    @sekkima take my praise.

    Im a Trapper main, I dont know whats going to feel to face 4 OoO squad when Killer is now unable to change character.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    And you are another abuser.

    You treat DS as an extra health bar, and thats exactly what it should not be. You shouldnt have it all.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    If you felt comfortable enough to repair generators you aren't being tunneled. Simple as that. Also maybe you shouldn't heal in same place where you got hooked. You can also 99 the heal if it comes to that. DS is 60 second crutch immunity which is poorly designed.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I said what I said. What you say belong to you.

    Its nice that someone finally noticed me as killer main. ^_^

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    The funny thing is that I'm also a killer main.

    And I never find issues with DS.

    I know how to count to 60, I'm aware who wants my attention, I'm aware who's trying to body block, I'm aware who's been recently unhooked.

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Every person in this forum claims to main killer or survivor. So it's completely pointless. I'm currently rank 4 survivor and rank 10 killer, and i can prove it if you like.

    But i want you to prove in exchange. Post a picture of your trapper when u have diamond stone and stitched bag equipped. This way i know that you don't post your killer rank from 1 year ago.

    I reached rank 1 survivor already in 2017, but i still mained killer at that time. So posting old pictures is pointless. But i want to see your current killer and survivor rank.

    For survivor you can take jake with commodious toolbox.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    You know what for me as a killer main this sounds reasonable.

    Give noed tokens corresponding to the amount of totems still standing when it lits. Each token gives the killer an insta down on successful hit. Max 5 hits so it would still be oppressing but not infinite. A compromise to the old 2 minute timer.

    But DS really needs some conditions like the timer speeds up when a gen is done. Being save and repairing a gen in the killers face is still stupid.

    Also DS makes egc or end game (I mean open doors) completely useless for the killer since a combination of bt and Ds is always a save escape.

    But since I am only mediocre myself I just eat it when it happens, sooo.....meh.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    They are often altruistic as hell and don't really aim for the escape but to show their superiority over the killer.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Furtive Chase shuts off when the Obsession dies. Same with Dying Light.

    When you kill survivors with Thanatophobia you lose the slowdown.

    When you hit a survivor, Zanshin Tactics deactivates for a bit.

    There, I just named 4.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    How many posts about DS are we going to get daily?

    Most of them are more about exaggeration rather than reality, I've played a lot of killer after the whole DS concept got reworked with a timer and rather rarely did I get hit by a DS, plus now you've got PH if you can afford him/have him already which counters both DS + unbreakable combo.

    So I'd rather ask what would you do to DS so it keeps its utility and be fair at the same time without some perspective bias? Cause it's one of the hardest perks to keep useful with any small changes.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    DS is supposed to be there to avoid tunneling, so recent unhook survivors have another chance.

    The reality: recent unhook survivors go just straight forward to your face and emote you, or go into a locker, because 60 seconds of inmortal. So basically is another tool to mock the killer.

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    Second chance perks shouldn't be able to synergise so well with one another. On their own they aren't much of an issue.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    In Jund’s video all he had to do was not pick up the Claudette. He should have known he hooked her within 60 seconds. He could have just slugged and then waited as it would have forced the other 2 survivors over.

    Same for Tru3’s video. Just lunge from a distance.

    The problem with DS deactivating after hooking someone else is that campers could then easily play around with it.

    Funny how its Claudette players abusing it in both scenarios. Im not surprised one bit.

    I could understand DS maybe deactivating if you worked on a generator or did an unhook but I dont think healing should be affected. First thing a survivor should be doing is healing to help give protection against a tunnel.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I kid you not with the killers I’ve had recently even We’ll Make It isnt fast enough to get a full heal before the killer comes back. Especially against Hag players.

    These kind of chumps complain about DS the most but they dont realize they’re the very reason it exists in its current form.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Start to be efficiant as a killer and this will happen to you

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    DS is fine, just play around it.

    S L U G them. It doesn’t matter if they have unbreakable, you are still exerting pressure. Chances are some survivors will come off gens to try and help the slugged guy. If you slug them and then go after another survivor that’s 2 survivors not doing gens.

    Go after the rescuer, chances are they don’t have DS active, and if they do you only probably have to wait like 20s anyway for it to go.

    They hop into a locker? Wait outside the locker for 60s. It’s clear that you really want to tunnel that particular survivor so maybe reevaluate your play style while you wait outside the locker.

    Or take the stun. It guarantees that it won’t be used in endgame then.

    Survivors are expected to play around new maps with unsafe loops, NOED, BBQ, etc yet god forbid the killer has to play around a perk that’s only active for 60s after a unhook.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Where did I cry? I simply replied so someone with an example of how you can be DSed for doing nothing wrong.

    If you plan on attempting to retort to my comments, at least due so with some valid points.

    I dont slug to win and play the game as some would call fair/nice.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    DS should only be disabled when touching a gen.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    Didn't say it was common, but it indeed happens. You can call me a liar all you want, others have had it occur and its happened on streams time and time again.

    What happens quite often to me though, is I play a lot of Hag so I can literally ignore the person who got unhooked, go for the unhooker, down them, hook them, then the unhooked idiot runs through a trap and I down them then get DSed, that crap happens every day when you play Hag effectively.

    But hey, call me a liar as if none of this happens daily on twitch.

    Lacking a formal retort is no excuse for calling your opponent a liar.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Because DS can undo all that good work and force you to start from scratch, all because you were actually doing well. A 5-second stun is plenty of time for everyone to scatter and you to lose your snowball. In a game where snowballing is the way to play.

    Plus, DS is just about the most Outperked a person can get.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Watching people play like fungoose who get randomly ds despite doing his best to avoid tunneling, just because he's too efficient at downing people is an experience. DS isn't an anti tunneling perk, its an invincibility perk that swings matches in your favor.

    its way too strong to have multiple people have it running at once. people can just rush the hooks and then blame the killer for camping and tunneling when they chain bt, ds and unbreakable together by unhooking>getdowned>trade>the rescue person gets in because theyre invincible>now two people have ds and potentially unbreakable too if you tried to "counter" ds by slugging them. 🤣 ds is a ######### joke and anyone who defends it without question is a clown.


  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020
  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    This is something I've been trying to bring into light! I honestly feel that DS needs to have a risk added to it if it's going to be active for 60s and can be abused! I would suggest 1 of 2 changes!

    Outside of Chase

    • Interacting with anything deactivates the perk (excluding healing teammates)
    • Being Healed to the healthy state deactivates DS

    If you get healed to the healthy state, your not being tunneled and your obviously throwing yourself back into the game with being healed and interacting with things! This can also make survivor's make risky choices instead making reckless choices for being invulnerable!

    Inside of Chase

    • Locker will deactivate the perk

    Only reason why I say this is because survivor's jumping in a locker is denying killer's counterplay for such a strong perk

    Suggest 2 of 2

    • After being unhooked DS activates for 60s, anytime another survivor is hooked during the duration the perk is active, the perk will deactivate!

    This is simple to stop survivor's from abusing the perk

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Truth is, its the survivors fault everytime they trigger a Hag trap.

    If you cant outplay Hag dont fault the killer for being better than you at the game.

    Blaming the killer for your inability to outplay their power. Imagine that

    Maybe, stop running all around the map? Don't trigger my trap and I cant down you.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Why should a perk that i run deactivate because of poor plays by my teammates? That’s poor design.

    Also what is DS abuse? Just using the perk lol?

  • orangegoblin
    orangegoblin Member Posts: 120
    edited July 2020

    Is getting a piece of glass in the ass getting you down? I have an EZPZtm solution that'll solve all our problems!(some of these ideas were taken directly from many different questionably respectable individuals and do not reflect theirs, or our affiliates personal opinions, this message may or may not be copy pasted onto every busted surivor/killer perk thread, this message was funded by George Soros) DS will remain virtually unchanged! The Timer, the glass in the ass, all that jazz! Except for a few prerequisites to remain active for its full 60 seconds. If a survivor vaults, heals himself, heals others, drops a pallet, vaults dat pallet, lifts that pallet back up, drops it again, DS will remain active! If a survivor touches a gen, runs into a locker, polishes some bones, touches dat hook, searches dem boxes, it will deactivate. EZPZtm

    For those inevidable past present and future comments about other questionably unfair shiet, I Know What You're Thinking! "What about camping? Tunneling? Keys? Mori's?!?? NOED wise ass?!?"

    Well Boi Shiet do I have something for you! A good ol' fasioned DeadHead/BT combo solves all your camping troubles! did I mention a succesful save might cause orgasms? EZPZtm

    Whats that? "Tunneling" you say? Well boi ######### look at that DS, spiffy ain't it, I thought you lived for the chase, whats there to get upset about eh?

    Is looking for bones too hard? Is polishing them not paying enough? This latest invention will solve all your problems! Heck! Its already in the game! Y'know that addon for the map that Jeffs use to shine light on the sinful? When NOED activates that light shines upon the NOED! EZPZtm

    Are you having troubles starting your car? Survivors stealing your keys and throwing them in some hole? How about this spiffy idea! When a survivor opens the hatch with a key, it closes after (S)he enters it! Now that survivor will have to make a choice: Stay with the Baby Dweet and guide him to heavens door? Or ######### it? That Dweets gotta grow up someday yaknowhwatI'msayingfolks. EZPZtm

    Tired of not getting raped by the almighty tentacle god? Are you not wanting to take a selfie with that shy man that was hence previously shitting next to the squatting Blendettes whomst've were amongst the tall grass? I have a solution! Ebony Mori now requires 4 hooks to activate! Hey who else has ever had one of them 3 stack BBQ games yaknowhwatI'msaying? EZPZtm Ivory Mori giving you trouble? Tired of getting taken out of the fight too early? Do you want more time to meat the tentacle ######### god? Ivory Mori now requires Death Hook! EZPZtm Cypress Mori will be unchanged. What did you expect? EZPZtm

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Let me start off with saying that I am bias to my playstyle!

    I consider it DS abuse if you go out of your way to either force the perk, or do something very stupid and punish the killer for capitalizing on your stupidity!

    Why should it deactivate?

    Suggest 1

    It should deactivate because your putting yourself back into the game If you can interact with anything or get fully healed, than the killer isn't pressuring you for the perk to stay active that long.

    Suggestion 2

    The killer played their cards right and made the right read, or capitalized on a survivors mistake, why punish the killer for playing their cards right? That's like saying the right answer and getting it wrong for saying it's right!

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    Do you know survivors play to have fun too? We help other because we have fun (non selfish thought) not to show you anything (selfish thought), we're no thinking about you.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    I don't talk about the average survivor but the example shown in the screenshots.

    4 blendettes with 4 times the most meta swf perks (even 4 OoO, I know useless but hey no matter how many die still info) and 4 purple flashlights plus add-ons seem like so much fun for every killer that doesn't want dark souls like difficult games.

    And again most of the times the downfall and chance to kill some of them is overly altruistic play .

    And btw most killers don't think " I want to ruin your fun!" But just don't care at all.

    I can tell you that I try to play fair as killer, but hey you don't have any reason to believe me just because of my words.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    DS encourages survivors to do reckless plays and is used offensively. At the moment all it does is kill snowball when killers desperately need it to keep up with the survivors. You can't punish a bad play for 60 seconds. A whole minute of wasted time is a lot in DBD, and while yea you can slug, they can also get into a locker and either way they get away. The perk really just needs to deactivate on lockers and interactions like gens. At that point you aren't being tunneled and you're just putting yourself in a bad position. But people who do this know they're invincible. Hence the perk sucks to play against.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    You got a 3k at red ranks, obviously the DS didn't affect you much.

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    Because I was a nurse, a blink will travel more distance than they can get away in 5 seconds.

    but a killer m1 3 DS is a lot of wasted time.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    You can trigger hag traps just by WALKING. The only counters to her traps are flashlights and crouch-walking. Yes, no way the hag'll catch up when you're moving at the speed of a very slow tortoise.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    DS is an abuse survivor know it why they use it.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108
  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Oh god what is it with people like you thinking you know everything about the game and trying to brag? 🙄 newbies can be so annoying.

    My comment was about not being able to pull off a full we’ll make it heal in time. What on earth does that have to do with running around the map? The point is if the killer proxy camps then they can be back to the hook faster than we’ll make it heals a survivor. It has nothing to do with running around the map, you’d know that if your green rank self wasnt so busy to rush and try to brag.

    I mentioned Hag players because those are notorious for it. Also outplay? You mean when you spam 10 traps in every direction around the hook and proxy camp anyway? So that if the survivor runs - they trigger a trap and they die, if they sit still for the heal - you run back anyway they die, if they try to crouch walk away, they’re too slow and they die. Yeah you really outplayed that fresh off the hook survivor gg ez 🙄 I bet you think you outplayed survivors when your NOED totem activates too right?

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Insidious. the moment you move to chase and down a survivor it deactivates. Seems to fit your description.