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Ebony Mori in almost every game

Famicx Member Posts: 55

It's the first day I play since rank reset, so I'm currently at yellow rank.

In almost every game I have an ebony mori. I'm not kidding, I play since the rift opened and I can count on a single hand how many games didn't had an ebony mori in it. What happened? Why are those yellow rank killers all bringing ebonys, is there a reason?


  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    Because they suck at the game, simple

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Most likely the killers are tired of the constant use of OoO as of now, same as you I can count with 1 hand how many matches I've had without OoO in 5 hours of playing today.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143
    edited July 2020

    The gen rush is really present in every game, the mori depends on the killer, therefore it is a way to counter the basic game mechanic that is to maintain M1 against a gen (very difficult right?) and finish the match in less than 4 minutes

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 196

    It's because the killer doesn't know how to succeed without it.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    That's basically low ranks for you. Ebony means a depip most of the time so people who use it are mostly in around those ranks. One of the few advantages of being a red rank survivor is that to be honest.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Then when you play your best without one then win, you get called a tryhard. Not trying to derail OP's post but it's part of the game. They want us to play the way they want us to.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I really dislike any single item or perk having such a powerful effect on the likely outcome of any match. I feel like the perks aren't even perks anymore, they're all crazy abilities that dramatically change your relative power level. A perk should be a little bonus, not a defining trait of how you win. That should be down to your skill and playstyle.

    And then items like Mori are basically a "no fun allowed" item you chuck at the other team. You don't get a ton of them, but it doesn't matter if Timmy only has 2 in his entire inventory, when the survivors are then going to face Ted, John, Cindy, Tommy, xX_Sephiroth69_xX, etc and they all use one, too.

    I'd really like a rework to the nature of the power things like perks and items bring to the game. I think even add-ons for killers should just be different playstyle choices rather than obvious power jumps. They kind of are on some killers, but it's really inconsistent.

    And the nightmare that is dealing with sweaty SWFs (vs solos or extremely dry SWFs) is an entirely different balancing act that is similar in terms of how the players encounter it, but from a design perspective is a completely separate subject.

    I just want some damn consistency!

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,476

    I think it is because killers is locked in lobbys. You can't switch killer if you see keys and stuff, and you might not have moris on the killer you use. So they take the safe way out and just use moris every game.

    Also Billy was nerfed and Bubba idk, I don't like what they did to him. This will upset people and we know that there were a reaction when Ruin was nerfed, and so it should. This is perhaps also a reaction to recent nerfs.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    It's. A. Horror. Game!

    Why deny a Killer's basis of being, and bag on them for Killing. Why not blame those survivors who unhook you all moments after they were hooked. Acting like the killer has to check their wrist-watch in order to be "fair" chasing you all again to kill. For the most part, it's survivors fault for being caught. Survivors fault for unhooking others moments after being hooked. A Killer has to kill. It's boring having to just give you all to an Entity. Killers have to kill.

    That said. I personally enjoy the killing animations. That's why I bring in a Mori. (I just wish all killers had random animations up to 3 so that each time it feels different)

    If you as a survivor get caught no matter when, but hopefully after a good chase for the thrill. Accept being Mori'd. Even if in every match.

    It's not something for babies as you like to insult with.

    You DID get caught, You DID get hooked once.

    (Ebony is just allowing that to be A Chance, for All 4 survivors)

    If a Killer wasn't allowed to kill. How you gonna call them a killer. Because Sacrifices on a Hook for an Entity to devour is not killing. It's a caretaker feeding a caged animal so it stays happy.

    THAT. Said. There is room to discuss how better a Mori kill should be allowed.

    But as said. THIS is a Horror game. Or it use to be. 🤷‍♂️

  • Famicx
    Famicx Member Posts: 55

    okay I clarify for some people:

    I wasn‘t mori‘d once, the killer either never got me and I got hatch or I died first hook after everyone else is already dead. I‘m a purple/red rank survivor and normally I even like mori‘s cause I don’t see them often.

    I don‘t bring items either cause I hate to potentially lose them if I die.

    My problem with ebonys at yellow ranks is that survivor aren’t good. most die pretty fast even without a mori so if I play 5 hours and have to „carry“ the team as good as I can as a Solo survivor it’s not fun anymore.

    Half of those games were huntress as well with, of course, the most amazing dedicated hitboxes bhvr could‘ve given us.

    TL;DR 5 hours solo survivor with 99% ebony mori at yellow rank with potato teammates is just not fun, even though I‘m normally not a person to complain about mori‘s.

    Either way, thanks for telling me I just had the worst luck on earth and I‘ts not something anyone else is experiencing.

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  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    why not? most people just want to win, ebony lets them win. Its why everyone brings the most powerful things. Those of us that like chill games and sportsmanship are only putting ourselves at a disadvantage.

    No point posting it here though. Killer mains will assure you that you'll only see a mori in 1 out of every 100 games. Even though you can sometimes turn the game on and have 3 in a row.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    Because the kill animations are cool.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    Ok. I get what you're saying at This Point but it has nothing to do with Mori. It's that you, like me, are solo player. And as it has been said before other times. Rank dont mean anything anymore. It's ability. AND luck. I just went through a game and all through trial I was the only one succeeding at Gens. I got done 4 out of the 5 and I was the one who opened the gates. In Lab. And I'm survivor rank 13 right now. And rank 1 3 4 all played like potatoes. And yet Deathslinger gets ME at the end opening the gate from METERSSSSS Away. Rank 3 and 1 flank and Rank 3 gets me off hook. Saw the Slinger aim and he misses. We BOTH run for the gate and Rank 3 blocks me. I get grounded and hooked into struggle. then, Rank 1 and 3 escape running PAST ME.

    TL;Dr- It's the luck of playing with others, not they got Mori'd

    Also Rank now days dont mean anything. As well as using Ebony Mori considering those can always be saved whenever use. So I dunno how the connection.