Adept Bubba

Hey there guys!
Just wanted to ask, if adept bubba is even possible.
Yesterday i had 6 matches trying it. 5/6 Have been 4ks.
In those 5 games, i managed to get every emblem on iridescent, except the chaser emblem (it is always just silver).
After the first match, i looked more into it and found this:
Your goal is to gain as many points as possible for this Emblem:
- 0 points: starting value
- 55 points: awarded for hitting a Survivor during a Chase
- -3 points: deducted each second you are within moderate proximity (16 metres) to a hooked Survivor (only applied after 10 seconds)
- -7.5 points: deducted each second you are within extreme proximity (8 metres) to a hooked Survivor (only applied after 10 seconds)
So, anyways after the first match i thought: "Hmm, maybe i stayed at a hook for too long?" Because always when BBQ went off and i saw no auras, i was looking around a hook and indeed found a surv to down him.
So in the other games i very closely paid attention to not stay at the hook at all, in the last 3 i always ran immediately away even when a surv went for the rescue, i just didnt want the -points.
So then i thought about the hits, does the chainsaw hits even count as those? Because thats where i think is the problem. I have to use Bubba just as an m1 killer to get the adept i think, what are your experiences?
TL;DR: Do i have to use bubba just as an m1 killer to be able to get the adept?
All the killers with a 1 shot ability suffer the same when it comes to the chaser emblem from my experience. You're better off mixing in some m1 to help get a higher score than using the chainsaw exclusively. Also the more chases the better obviously, so if you're down to the last couple survivors you can always try and farm a few extra chases out of em if you think ya need it.