What is the name of the stans for each character?

So you know how fandoms have stan names such as Rihanna and the navy or Gaga and little monsters. What would be the stan names for each character killer and survivor?
I don't watch Jo Jo, so I don't know
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Stan isn’t stand, stan comes from an Eminem song which basically means crazy fan but has become a popular word to describe a fan.
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Maybe i'm just too old to care about dumb stuff like that so i wouldn't have any ideas but meh... but i read this and i was like Rihanna fans get called the navy????????? where did that come from?
p.s. I'm not pissing on your thread i just dont get it personally and i wondered just why "The Navy" is it anything to do with that gawd awful battleship movie or something
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Oh oh okay like I've heard the term stan before but mostly from Jo Jo, but it may have been stand ( Tbh I care very little for that anime anyway),
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Tbh idk why they’re called the navy either I just know that’s what they’re called
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I'm not sure for anyone else but uh,
David stans- Me, myself, and I.
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Missed opportunity to say “I don’t watch JoJo so I don’t knowknow”
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Not a lot of twitter culture here, I don't think we stan things.
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lol I did
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The bts fanbase made me hate the word stan and everything it stands for.
But I will stan Feng any day of the week.
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Ah yes, The Pig and her Stand, 「Jigsaw's Baptism」.
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I didn't know what a stan was before this thread. Dweet and the Locker Gang sounds cool though.
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This is not how I was expecting this thread to go, this is a little more intriguing though.
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Legionnaires for Legion stans. Very appropriate since it's the name of a disease spread through mist...
Or so Google says.
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Nea's fandom: The no0b3 wannabes. DONE.
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Dwights •Baby Dweets
Meg •Meg Heads
Claudettes • Satanists
Jakes • Sabo Boi
Ace • The Ace family
Laurie • Choke me michael
Feng • Gamer Girls
David • Ab Lovers
Adam • Who?
Quentin • Goblins
Tapp • Double Tapp 😎
Bill • Billy Boi
Nea • Toxic
Ash • Daddy
Jane • Thicc Queen
Nancy • Steve Lovers
Steve • Nancy Lovers
Zarina • The people
Heather • Drug Addict.
Did i miss anyone?
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sounds pretty good to me
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Fancy Nancy's. Heather Flock (cause birds of a Heather flock together.) The Blendettes.
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I mean, idc about stanning things, but I swear I cringe every time someone says something is cringy. It's such an oblivious insult to embarrass people about things they like generally. Just gross mate.
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The thing is when people say stan you’re assuming they’re obsessed with the person and that they make scenes in public. While there are those people it’s only a good handful and when you create a stereotype it does nothing for no one.
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Nah, I let people live man. If they enjoy something, it doesn't effect me one bit.
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I think we just call them the characters' names, I.e. The Yuis', The Janes', The blendettes'
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Sounds menacing tbh
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The Blendette's will always sound menacing
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When I hear that I imagine a mob of claudettes coming out of the fog surrounding me
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So it brings an accurate picture to mind
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Trapper - bait
Wraith - bingbongs
Hillbilly - drift kings
Nurse - screeech
Shape - stalkers
Hag - hexers
Doctor - shockers
Huntress - lullaby
Cannibal - tantrums
Nightmare - dreamers
Pig - piglettes
Clown - circus
Spirit - haunters
Legion - Legionnaires'
Plague - the desease
Ghost Face - derps
Demogorgon - demopuppies
Oni - bloods
Deathslinger - cowboy/girl
Executioner - pyramids
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Yes very much so
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So have any of you heard the song Stan? Just curious. Sorry to veer from the question.
The clown is Humpty Dumpty. Bottle drunks
Pukey the plague. pukies