All Spacebar Actions Disabled [Killer]

Had a weird match where right at the beginning I found a survivor sitting on a gen that was just doing the teabag motion repeatedly. Clubbed her once and then the second hit ended up being a gen grab, so I took her over to a hook and tried to hook her and she just floated in the air and her icon showed downed instead of hooked.
Went after another survivor and was able to hit him fine but could not kick pallets or the generator they were working on. Since I couldn't hook anyone I dc'd and got the lovely downrank and temp ban (Nice BE, penalize players for your own bugs...)
Postgame the two survivors confirmed the weird floating survivor and being able to try to heal her floating on the hook.
Anyone else have something similar to this happen?
this is a known bug, a friend of mine had it and hated it.
best thing you can do is go to here ( and check through to see if there are previous reports on it. if so, upvote. if not, create an official report of the issue.