Tips for beating spirit
Since spirit has been a hot topic in terms of balance, I've decided to create a guide as to how you beat her.
Before I start, I want to say I am red ranks both sides and before the last reset, was rank one both sides
1. Iron will
Although this is an obvious one, I'll mention it anyway. Iron will counters even great spirits just by having it. It forces her to make wrong reads which can cost her. Iron will in general is a great perk as it works against all killers but affects spirit the most. (Looking at you calm spirit) And as for stridor, if you crouch, it reduces your audio which when combined with iron will cancels stridor. However, if you dont want to have to crouch to counter her, feel free to use off the record or no mither. I won't complain.
2. Mind games
Spirit is designed around mind games and making reads and these are what you use to beat her. The best way to ruin a spirits day is to get in her head. Be as unpredictable as possible. Stand still, drop the pallet from a random side. If you can condition a spirit to believe shes making wrong reads on you, its game over for her.
3. The stand still 'mindgame'
Ok I agree this is something that needs changing. We need to be able to hear her phase when in chase/terror radius.
But there are ways to guarantee you know shes phasing. On her default/recolours the glass shards on her body light up when she phases. As for all of her skins, you can know for sure if she phases if her model resets to her idle animation suddenly.
4. The 1v1
This isn't a tip to directly counter her but is a tip for going against her. Accept that at some point that she will get you. This is normal. She is designed around being strong in 1v1s. If she couldnt get you then noone would play killer as if survivors play well, the killers couldnt do anything. The point of chases with her aren't necessarily to escape, but to waste as much of her time as possible.
Also, keep calm. If you get tilted, you're going to make more mistakes which cost you. This applies for all players on both sides.
I hope I have helped anyone who needed tips against her. If you're in the mindset of 'every spirit I beat is bad as she has no counters' theres no point trying to reason with you.
I can add another thing when I play as Spirit. Use Flashlight to her face when she standing still
if she looks away, she's faking
if she doesnt look away, its ur move to be unpredictable
if she fakes phasing to the point u can blind her, u know what to do next
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Also, if you blind a spirit, she can't use her power (for some reason)
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Standing still shouldn't be a mindgame. She should disappear if she uses her power and we should be able to hear her phasing sound. This allows for a different mindgame where the spirit can use power and then stand still and hope survivor comes near her. At this point she would get the hit with the help of her power and not by just standing still.
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How to beat a Spirit.
Step one: Look in the bottom corner of your screen. If you see the Iron Will icon with 3 rank markers, you're on your way.
Step two: Take a hit, see if you still make noise.
Step three: If you answered steps one and two with "yes, no" then congratulations, you just outplayed a Spirit. If you didn't, may as well lie down under that steamroller because you're #########.
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As I mentioned in my post which I assume you read, crouching lowers your audio so if you crouch with tron will, you're silent
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I get that Iron Will counters her, but I would like to not be forced to run a certain perk against a killer in order to win a chase and/or escape. It's not like going against a Trapper or Hag and thinking, damn, I don't have Small Game, I'm gonna die! I don't think anyone has ever thought that. This is Spirit, where if you actually just happen to not have Iron Will, you die. Even with Stridor, she can still hear you. Good Spirits hear your footsteps and breathing even while crouching.
Just today I ran the vault build for a few games (Dead Hard/Resilience/Spine Chill/Iron Will) and played against 3 different Spirits with it. All 3 of them had Stridor. I could hear myself groaning very loudly while walking and using Iron Will. It's impossible to mind-game a good Spirit unless you are camping the pallet and get lucky. My problem with her is that it isn't FUN counterplay. From a survivor perspective, Spirit is my least favourite killer to go up against. I shouldn't feel like I am screwed from the start just because I don't have Iron Will, which helps a little but not against the decent Spirit players.
Overall I think she's just designed poorly. You say she's designed around mind-games and making reads, but what 'reads' are you talking about? If she's phasing, you have no idea where she is or when she will emerge. You can't even hear her footsteps. I would love a Spirit rework. And I haven't met a single DBD player (with a bunch of experience) who thinks Spirit is fine, except Spirit mains who are of course a little biased. There's a reason in tournaments people only ever play Nurse or Spirit.
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"The point of chases with her aren't necessarily to escape, but to waste as much of her time as possible."
This should be true of any killer and it is true of any killer with strong 1v1. Unfortunately, some people believe if you're not guaranteed to be able to run a killer indefinitely with relative ease because pallets, then the killer has no counter play.
On the topic of Spirit, you can also hear her footsteps as she's phasing if you're paying attention, which you should because it will help you.
I don't think you should hear her phasing noise when in TR but i think her shards should light up just a little more obviously. That way she still has the chase fake out mind game where she can pretend to chase someone then maybe grab someone off a gen that thought she was not onto them. Also it will be subtle enough that survivors will need to pay attention to what the killer is doing.
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About your 'forced to use iron will' point how is it any different from killers being forced to use slowdown builds to stop gens? And even without iron, you can still use the mind games as windows and pallets. It's not guaranteed to work, but it still helps. If you were able to mind game a spirit just by existing, she would be terrible
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This. Only potatoes fall for the afk mindgame. You can only hear footsteps when shes close enough to get a hit though. Also, if thr killer is any good you will have a three gen chase at best.
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I'm sick of people using strawman arguments. We aren't talking about gen speeds, that's a different topic entirely. And actually, killers aren't forced to use slowdown builds. People use CI and/or Pop usually at most, because they're CONSISTENT. Get a bad map for your killer? CI and Pop will slow the game down a bit and help out. It's better than using something like Bamboozle, which only works at vault locations. It's inconsistent, because you aren't always going to be chasing around a window. So many other perks are also in the same boat because of how inconsistent they are.
But back to Spirit, without Iron Will, you literally have no chance. Plus, every other killer you can mind-game "just by existing", to use your words. She's the only killer where if you don't have X perks and get lucky, or if she's inexperienced, you die. Just poor design in my opinion.
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To add to the footsteps part, if there is anything that reacts to movement, (crows, grass, corn) they will still move when a spirit goes through them so use that to your advantage as well
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True. I don't really mind spirit. Not anymore. She has counterplay. Some people are too dumb to see it.
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The difference is that if a killer puts on a stalling perk, they're guaranteed to be going against survivors who need to do gens which are stalled.
With survivors it's a 1 in 20 chance that Iron Will is a necessary perk to reasonably participate, vs a mild convenience.
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That's been disproved many times.
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You dont need to run iron will the sound issue are still there a lot of the time i cant ear the survivor footstep
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I will agree that I did use a straw man there which I apologise for as I dislike them
As for spirit, there will always be a chance. I had a game yesterday against solos who managed a 2 almost 3 man escape and there was only 1 or 2 iron wills I think and I'm definitely not a bad spirit. I also had a survivor game yesterday which was basically a 2v1 as I'm on xbox which has the new matchmaking and we still got her to 1 gen.
Unless the entire team is potato, there will be a chance at winning.
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I genuinely never knew that as I always thought crows were disturbed by her.
Iron will is an already strong perk which is elevated when playing against spirit. It let's you be near a killer while injured and they won't know you're there. It's more than a minor convenience against normal killers.
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I'm not sure on crows but I know for a fact grass and corn get brought up every time and it's been disproven a lot.
Iron Will is a good perk, that doesn't mean that it's acceptable that it's necessary to play against Spirit.
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There's been a high number of spirits which I faced, most using stridor which just nullify your iron will, there's nothing you can do about it.
Her design by default is broken, and it will always be unfair in one way or another because her mindgames rely in doing absolutely nothing and that's just not good at all.
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I still wouldn't label it as must have against her. If you have a window or a pallet near you, you can make her mess up her reads and waste her time and her phase. Iron will makes it harder for her to make reads but you can beat her without it
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If you crouch w/ iron will it cancels stridor. Also how do her mind games rely on doing nothing? The only one that does this is the standing still one which I agree is bs
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That's pretty much my point, why would you even crouch if you're hit in the first place? You're standing in a place and you're still making noise, good headphones will give you away.
And her mind games are pretty much just standing still and waiting for the survivor to screw up one way or another, its really all she's about, just standing still and wait.
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Name one killer that can use their power while blinded?
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I'd like to dispute something here.
Shards can only be seen from a very close distance. As in, if you're that close to spirit you're being hit anyway. They're also incredibly difficult to see on the schoolgirl skin and the Hallowed catalyst skin.
I play with a res of like 192% with my viewdistanceres set to above ultra settings and still can't see ######### because my eyesight isn't the best. I shouldnt need to make out with a monitor to see something.
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I might be wrong but all of them except for spirit, nurse and wraith. Also technically hag
You crouch to stay alive. Its the same with hag and to a lesser extent pyramid. The difference is that you do it to spirit mid chase. Also you can move while crouched.
Also although this isn't the best advise, you can use ace, Kate or cheryl as they're quiet when injured. Especially ace
As for the stand still mind game which I'm going to refer to as the afk in the future, I 100% agree we need to hear her phasing when near her
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The shards are different to see yes, but you can look to see if she suddenly goes to her idle animation when in chase.
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Oh no, is that survivor gonna continue the loop behind that wall or not? - acceptabke mindgame
"Oh no, she's standing there, menacingly, is she phasing or not? (Better run into her blade like a dwight ) " - "not a mindgame"
Not a spirit player, but i cringe at all those claims of lacking a mindgame.
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As I said, the afk needs to go. I am not a spirit main. I play all killers and survivor despite my name and I think it needs to go as it's unfair. But all these people saying she has no counters in general are just unwilling to try and that's what this post is about
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The issue here is that this is actually very hard to see and may not even be an effective tell in most cases. I've taken to always bringing a flashlight, shining it at the eyes of the spirit for like half a second then yeeting myself away if it doesn't narrow. But this only works if the killer is far enough away and if they don't have lightborn.
Shes just a badly designed killer imo and needs a better tell for her phasing. I wouldn't be against shards provided they were visible from more than 3 ######### centimeters.
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In regards to the standstil "mindgame" as you called it, I found the only reliable way to tell if she is phasing is attempting to blind her. If she is you can't blind her, if she is not she will be forced to to not get blinded.