Need your advice on OoO

I wanted to ask the community what they usually do when they see OoO user in the match? Let's presume all four are SFW. What is the best approach aka most effective? To hunt this person down or leave them alone and go after the rest of the team? Taking into account that they are on comms.
And if there are more than one OoO user? What strategy is the best?
DC or standing in the corner is not an option 😆
Rage quit.
But seriously it's best if you ignore object user because for one, they are probably good at looping or have perks that help with looping and for the other, they have a massive headstart in chase so its a waste of your time.
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Go for the OoO
Because you know where the OoO is and all of the teammates know where you are because of the comms. So its better to.focus the OoO so you dont waste more time in tracking survivors.
If you finally got the person downed facecamp the person. If you cant have fun they shouldnt have fun either
But thats my logic
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I cry in the corner of the map mostly
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Usually OoO I've met were not that good but I didn't know that, so sometimes I was trying to outplay them but they didn't even look back lol I always expect OoO to be a pro at everything but more often than not they are mediocre players. Maybe because I'm not a red rank killer.
I don't camp, only during the end, but as for the first part, then yeah, I go to OoO first to see if they are skilled or not. However I was interested in the opinions of the forum members. Maybe there some strategies I don't know about.
tapped on the shoulder
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It's a good strategy, sends the message that they can do toxic ######### and leave with like 10k bloodpoints.
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Dont forget to face the wall because then they cant start chases or blind you lol.
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honestly i just tunnel them - its the only time I will ever tunnel someone (unless they sandbag or farm a teammate) and honestly if they are in a SWF running object they kinda deserve it. They take my fun out of the game? i take theirs.
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With the amount of times people are able to start blinds without even being anywhere near my screen, I feel like that's not so guaranteed any more.
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I don't know about most effective way but if there is a OoO, I will hunt him down and put up a tent next to his hook.
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It is difficult to catch up with them tho. Especially when it's a start of the game and all pallets are there 😐️
Yeah, those blinds when survivors are not even in front of you are frustrating 🙄
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Even if they are on Midwich?😜
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Midwich is an exception. If there is only 1, I try to get some points. If there is more than 1, might as well go cry in the basement.
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I remember times when people didn't abuse this perk, they almost didn't use it at all. Back then I thought that if you take this perk, then you are as good as dead, because the killer will always be focused on you 😅