Potential improper use of Sprint Burst - Could someone explain?

When playing killer, I notice that a lot of survivors wait to use Sprint Burst until you're right on top of them (even if they're not repairing a gen and just walking around). Wouldn't it make more sense to just use it to run away and gain even more distance when you see the killer walking towards you? Or is there some strategy that I'm not aware of?


  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    it wastes more time if they think they are about to start a chase or even better if they think they can get a hit and miss. it just wastes more time

  • Skysair
    Skysair Member Posts: 88

    They do it to make the killer whiff. Typical sprint burst survivor will think, "Hehe, I made him miss! I'm so good!"

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    I do that cause I think it's kinda funny not cause I think I'm good. I never expect it to work so if it does it gets a chuckle out of me. Like a dumb tech, never expect it to work but when it does its pretty funny.

  • Switcheroo
    Switcheroo Member Posts: 48

    On top of what's already been said, survivors want to save their exhaustion for as much of the game as they can. They can continue to walk away from a killer and then sprint as soon as the killer commits. If the killer didn't commit, they keep their perk up

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I agree though far too often they wait til the last second for no real benefit, even if you miss thru probably would have gotten more distance but running immediately.

    I do hold off til the last minute if I think I can finish a gen though

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    They like to try and bait you into attacking for some wierd "ha ha, I'm better than you!" nonsense, but TBH they are super easy to bait into taking a hit. Not to mention, if you need them to leave the area, you can just look at them and do a basic m1. Bye bye zommy zoomer. Hope you enjoy your wasted perk while I do whatever it is I was here to do.

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2020

    1 of the medals you get end game requires being chased by the killers. So majority of players think they can use Sprint to give a quick chase and escape. Now for me, I save it all the time cause of scratch marks. I dont want the killer to happen upon them. But I generally use it to get to a gen quickly then work on it. By the time killer reaches me my exhaustion is gone and I make a quick escape. Or I'm walking through hoping the killer doesnt notice me then burst out when I find they do. Stop making everybody seem like trolls. (FYI I know trolls do exist but sprint is more strategic than a tool to poke fun

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    It depends on your position. Let's say if killer is coming towards you from 12' clock and you have to run towards 9' clock to get to a pallet. If you start running immediately then the killer might start to move diagonally to cut off some distance. Now if you let him come near you, you make the killer have to travel more to get to you.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Yeah I can't say I've ever been impressed with it. It's also akin to Dead Hard, once you've tried it once it's done.

    Funniest for me was I had someone yesterday do this to me. Saw me coming across the map. Dawdled out in front of me. Waited for me to get into swinging range before Sprint Bursting. Thing is I was playing Deathslinger and I shot her during the sprint, so her dumb ass died.

  • LunarMess
    LunarMess Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2020

    This is not the reason to save sprint burst. it is mainly to not waste the perk by sprinting to early, and to have a killer not chase you. To not get chased, waste sprint burst, and now have the killer go for someone else is such a huge set back for survivor that its nearly impossible for the survivor to get much use if they didnt save for last moment.

    Im pretty sure every killer main out there knows that survivor pip to.

  • Goliath
    Goliath Member Posts: 28

    People are showing way too much emotion into the answer to your question. Why wait? If you can time a swing and a miss of a M1 attack as you SB away, it’s all about distance. It’s like adding an additional 1-2 seconds to get you to the next safe spot or pallet.

    A lot depends on the Killer you are facing, too. Why SB away from Legion during the Frenzy? No point, but as soon as you hear Frenzy wear off take off baby!

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Sprint burst is a well designed perk, not overtly strong or weak, and this thread shows why. So many ways to use it some better than others.

    You could even argue that, much like self care, some people use SB so poorly it hurts them... I’m looking at you Mr Ace that literally walks from gen to gen, walks to rescue, etc to save his sprint burst and doesn’t realize how inefficient he’s being.

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    I was walking to gens long before I knew sprint burst was a thing. I find blending in and not showing scratch marks to be more beneficial than running round and having the killer find you. And before you say blendette, I'm a dwight main.

  • FilledPizza
    FilledPizza Member Posts: 392

    Pretty sure I've actually faced you before on Switch, weird. I've seen a Claudette with your username.

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    Cause I'm getting her perks and im a completionist so im trying to prestige her too

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    Sometimes its worth it to make the killer get closer. Especially if you are in the open (like working on open ground gens) and the killer can cut off your path to the nearest tile if you run early.

  • FilledPizza
    FilledPizza Member Posts: 392
  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    Haha nice. I'm working on her p3 right now. Once that is done I'm moving to Meg

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I like to just walk up to them, have them sprint burst away, and then casually turn around to go back to whatever I was doing, of course that's only if I had anything else going on in the area. If I don't, then I'm more than happy to get up close on them and wait for them to make a move before I swing. If you see me walking towards you and you're also walking, you're 99% of the time waiting to use an exhaustion move, and 1% of the time I guess hoping you trick me into thinking you have an exhaustion move.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Because they think it gives them more distance. Except it's so blantly obvious what you're doing a good killer won't miss because they won't swing.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Yeah, it's unbelievably obvious. You're actually giving up a TON of distance because you spend so long walking while the killer is always moving at you at full speed. A missed swing is a super quick recovery, so even if you bait one out, you've still lost distance overall. Of course, if that's your goal and you're trying to peel the killer off someone else or away from a generator, that's fine, but again, it'll be really obvious what your intent is. My recommendation is to try and make it look like you just got caught around a corner or something, rather than you just walking through a field while looking behind you.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Sprint Burst should always be paired with Fixated, it's a perfect match.

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2020
  • Gamegain55
    Gamegain55 Member Posts: 25

    You’ve got to have Nancy’s fixated perk then right? Because it sounds super useful for your play style, if not spring for it if it shows up in the shrine

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    I have Nancy at lvl 40, but I did it for inner strength. But I will give it a shot! Currently my set consists of Sprint Burst, Self Heal, Adrenaline, and Stake Out. I tend to be great at hiding and building tokens so I finish gens quickly