Is DS still meta?
this is a question I'm asking to anyone left, who still uses DS. I haven't seen it in 9/10 killer games along with my multiple SWF squads dont use it either. Please if you don't use the perk and use something else explain it to me.
I religiously run DS. Most of my games at Rank 1 I don't end up using it, it's more of a backup in case a killer wants to be a flat out jerk and tunnel me down.
Good killers know how to counter it.
This has been my build for 3 weeks.
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You run object and complain the killer is a "jerk" if they tunnel you down? That perk is literally painting a target on yourself and asking to be tunneled.
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yea i still use but i will purposely not hit the skill check if im not actually being tunneled because i know how frustrating it is to go against when you get hit with a 59s ds
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Red ranks, yes. Killers just snowball.
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You seriously think I let the killer see me?
You really think Object users are constantly staring at the killer at all times?
Who tf does that?
I use Object as a better Spine Chill, Premonition, Dark Sense, Alert. Killer only notices me running Object at the last generator or when the Exit Gates are lit.
I understand if I'm in the open and I'm looking at the killer, then yes, I deserve to be tunneled, but only anyone with an IQ of 3 would do something so dumb.
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Most cancer build ever lol
Don't tell me you play SWF
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I can see you're new here.
I'm a killer main, SOLO survivor.
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Yes, I use it. I play solo so I’m at the mercy of my teammates if I don’t, and there are killers are who will happily tunnel one guy out if there’s no Obsession. If I were in a SWF I probably wouldn’t bother running it.
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Yes DS is still meta.
Also @BigBrainMegMain I use OoO like every game now but for a completely different reason- if I'm gonna get tunneled every game let's at least give the killer a reason to do so lol.
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Props to you then. Survivors tend to abuse OoO.
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Have you used OoO against a Freddy?
Man...killer shack is an easy 3-4 gen loop.
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I unfortunately haven't managed to yet but fingers crossed I do.
I've just stopped playing survivor at all recently though; the whole role is so frustrating even in a 4man swf as I try my best to have fun.
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Solo. DS on every survivor.
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As long as Tunneling off Hook and Camping exits, DS will always be meta.
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The funny thing is I use it as the opposite; I want the killer to think I'm good at looping so they leave me alone for as long as possible. Just let me sit on gens and escape because I want my one singular archive challenge please I'm begging. Should clarify I don't use OoO in a SWF on comms, only off comms and solo.
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It's so strong there isn't a reason not to use it
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Yes. It's imo the strongest solo Q perk in the game. It has more use in gameplay than just stabbing 👀
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So you use 2 broken perks in conjunction. You say that good killers can counter DS. I suppose I'm glad you don't run UB as well.
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Which two broken perks are you talking about?
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That's sad then. You might as well run spine chill and urban evasion.
When I use object, I always pair it with a spingwood / ormond offering + a 6 second key swap and I start the match off by giving the killer some bags from across the map. They can either chase me through the worst loops in the game, or I do gens for free and jump out the hatch.
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Yes ds is still meta. Imo if you dont bring it its kinda your fault if you get tunneled. There's really no reason not to bring ds. Its a good solid perk that is useful even if you dont have to use it in a game.
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I don't run it. But it's definitely meta.
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Could I ask you why you dont run it? If you do consider it meta.
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Because I don't really like one off perks. It's good and serves it's purpose. But it's not my preferred style.
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I don't know what kind of games you are getting, but in red ranks D Strike is meta.
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DS, the most easily abusable perk in the game, amd OoO, the most ridiculous info perk in the game. It's been my experience that even the most "fair" DS users still stab you if you pick them up within 1 minute, regardless of what happens in that minute.
And OoO is just nuts. Free, detailed info whenever you want it. Massive headstart if the killer ever comes for you. Absolutely destroys stealth killers. Its at its most ridiculous in a SWF, but even for solo players it is insanely good. Most people dont run it because the killer will likely tunnel you for extremely obvious reasons.
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Always has been
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The reason i always tunnel an OoO is because if its an experienced survivor on comms then your screwed. A good swf team who can understand call outs paired with an OoO who knows how to give accurate call outs pretty much means gg for the killer. If your not on comms and using OoO then the perk is really just an advanced spine chill and really poses no threat to the killer as long as your not playing trapper or hag ect.
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Yeah the least devs should do is nerf OoO if they don't dare to touch SWF. It just becomes such a broken perk when 4 survivors know your exact location at all times with literally no drawbacks.
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I usually just stop playing nice when i see object.
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I play at red rank on both survivor and killer. Maybe it has to do with my region (Mountain Time) or my platform (xbox) that I notice a lack of DS.
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I never used to use it. I've been playing the game since 2016, and only recently started using it as I've come across a lot of dirtbag killers lately. I almost feel like it's a necessity when playing solo unfortunately. If I had to choose between DS and unbreakable, I'd pick unbreakable however.
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It's a good perk but I'd rather run something else. If I end up in a game with a tunneling killer I either just move on to my next game. Yeah it's a little frustrating, but not every game gives you a tunneling killer. And at high ranks the killers can time it pretty well, often times any time I have DS they've initiated another chase with me right after it's deactivated, so there was really no point in having it to begin with.
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So long as there is no punishment for hard tunnel someone, everyone should run it
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I actually changed my build today, I was running BT, DS, Self-Care, and Lithe. Sometimes I swap between Lithe with Urban, but that build is only when I play with a (1) friend. I take out BT and add Kindred when I play solo, even though I do and would love to always run BT, especially solo, I don't trust in all survivors to heal me so that's why I keep Self-Care. I also don't take Kindred when I play with my friend because we can always say "hey, you gonna save? / who's the killer?" And so on.
Though back to DS.. It only helps when I get tunnled but then the killer either waits it out or picks me up and 9/10 times I miss. So I decided to use Spine Chill, it helps me way more to stay alive, especially with urban.
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imagine being a jerk for doing your objective. killers objective is killing survivors and the sooner he gets rid of one survivor the more managable the game becomes, thats the most basic thing for a killer. especailly against good survivors. i guess survivors are jerks when they rush gens then?. sorry but taht argument has 0 sense.
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I've heard this "argument" before.
And killers also have perks in their arsenal to halt gen rushing like:
- Corrupt Intervention.
- Hex:Ruin.
- Pop Goes The Weasel.
- Thrilling Tremors.
- Dying Light.
- Thanataphobia.
- Surge.
- Discordance.
While survivor have.
- Decisive Strike.
Is there any other perk I'm missing that halts killers from tunneling a survivor?
And don't say BT, because I can't use BT on myself.
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Yes, we have the exact same meta since... 2018? 2017?