New "lore friendly" answer to cleansing totems

TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 345
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

So I've had this idea ever since I first started playing the game back in early 2017 and it's been on my mind intermittently since forever.

This is a pretty insignificant aspect of the game but I'm sure many of you have asked yourselves "Why are they doing all this instead of just kicking the totem?" It's very obvious to us it's for gameplay and balance reasons but if you were in the game why wouldn't you? Now I'm not very knowledgeable with the game's lore I just play to have fun tbh but I thought of a game mechanic that could fit in the game's general world building and still make sense in our "real life scenarios."

The reason they cleanse totems is because otherwise the entity is able to curse them since these are in a way evil vessels or vestiges of the entity's evil. So I thought of something that could be part of the game without ruining the fantasy of it all.

If you kick a totem, you are able to destroy it in 1/4 of the time it normally takes, but the entity CURSES survivors for doing this. It could be that the person that broke the totem gets broken for the remainder of the match and everyone else gets a heavy penalty to repair speed, healing speed or time on hook.

This would help with uncleansable totems, since solo players have a VERY hard time coordinating cleanses and they're pretty much screwed against Thrill of the Hunt builds on fast killers. At the same time, this gives killers a significant advantage at the cost of survivors getting rid of one of their most powerful perks.