Guys we've been after the wrong perk all this time.

Look at this game I had. Sanctum of Wrath.
This is pure, definite proof Fire Up is completely busted. Seriously Bhvr please nerf this perk! The only counter is to just not do gens!!
@2ndBusiestmusicnerd you've been right all along!
Edit: names have been (badly) censored but for a summary of perks in case they're unclear please check a later comment.
Look at me, I am a good killer! I am the best! I won some match out of 10000 where I had only one perk!
Game is totally not survivor-biased.
13 -
Nah its just ph
7 -
Holy ######### do you not know how to take a joke?
Not to mention this thread is about nerfing ######### fire up of all things.
Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on31 -
Clearly overpowered.
3 -
Are these equipment skins you put in?
I feel like i have to wear 3D glasses.
12 -
Rainbow perks because I found a pack I loved during pride and never really took it off, sorry.
Basically using fire up on Freddy vs 3 smol pp builds, 1 object, and 4ds. 3 kills 1 dc.
My monitor being a funky res and it having been rescaled when i sent it from pc to phone also doesn't help the clarity either, sorry.
4 -
No no, it's fine. 👌
This is a joke-y discussion, so i tried joking along.
2 -
Oh okay my bad! I just know some people have an actual issue seeing coloured perks so I wanted to make sure you actually had no issue lol.
2 -
I think it's because in a different thread they asked me to prove I wasn't a survivor main by streaming killer and when I told them I streamed that wasn't enough so now they're salty when I post something to do with killer? Maybe??
Post edited by Rizzo on2 -
Meh, it doesn't matter if you're a survivor or killer main, just as long as you don't make ignorant claims like 'x is y sided' when they probably haven't tried both sides to provide a stronger opinion.
1 -
No no from this picture you can see it's clearly overpowered and carried the match for me!!
3 -
They removed the yellow quote from fire up.
Literally unplayable will uninstall 0/10.
5 -
wrong post.
0 -
Elena and Enlyne are two different users.
Also that doesn't change the fact you managed to miss the joke of nerfing fire up and thought I was flexing. If I wanted to flex I'd have used the example of nemesis/fire up/bamboozle/stbfl on Cowshed giving me a 32k merciless but I didn't because this entire thread is a joke.
0 -
Yeah Fire Up is way too OP. But it has counterplay - you just can't do gens. That's why Mindbreaker is even worse - there is literally no counterplay to that perk. Pls nerf
7 -
Wow Karu, you don't belong in red ranks if you're going to abuse this crutch perk to win games. You know the survivors are helpless against this perk, and you know the only counter is not doing gens. I bet you also use the most OP, crutch meta perks on survivor like wake up, botany knowledge, calm spirit and no mither. I'm disappointed...
8 -
You must be fun at parties.
4 -
Ikr im so sorry please forgive me 😭😭
2 -
I knew it! It's one of my favorite perks for whatever reason (not kidding) and now I see it's because it's made me win games. GGS!
1 -
It's because it single-handed carries games but at least me and you can relate to abusing such crutch perks
1 -
You mean killers CAN win with 4 DS's in the game?!
No way!
2 -
Just realised that there are 3 small pp survivors in this game.
1 -
If the survivors ######### up that bad with 3 small pp builds, than they are just terrible at the game. Just using those perks together makes you bad in my opinion.
1 -
I've been saying ds is fine for ages lol, I just wish it would have some anti-synergy with unbreakable then it'd be a literal perfect perk. They even had OoO which hard countered me.
There were which makes it even funnier.
0 -
How is it fine though? I am fine with it being anti-tunnel, but it's just 60 seconds of immortality at this point, and I get striked even when I don't tunnel.
0 -
Ensuring it doesn't work with unbreakable you just need to keep track of who was unhooked recently, sometimes the last 2 but usually just one. Slug that survivor and go on with your life, applying more pressure with the slug since there are 4 survivors every trial.
The issue stems from actual immortality when you can't slug them either with unbreakable/no mither/soul guard. Remove this and its perfect.
If you're getting stunned after you've hooked 2 other people you're so far ahead a ds stun won't matter anyway.
0 -
"Hey! Look at me, I've won without perk, I'm a good killer. Now I can say what I want about how the game is killer sided without being called an entitled survivor"
0 -
It is LITERALLY a joke about nerfing fire up WHAT HERE IS NOT CLEAR ABOUT THAT
1 -
Oh I feel like I should clarify too.
I don't play much survivor. I don't think the game is killer biased. I think it's relatively balanced with a couple changes needed. I despise spirit. I despise noed. I also despise dead hard and borrowed time. All of these things can be countered (unless it's a stridor spirit who knows how to run tiles at which point its just guess and hope but that's for another day).
I complain about issues with both sides. I try my best to remain unbiased. Please do not misinterpret my words, I'm literally posting this as a JOKE saying to NERF FIRE UP.
I get you may not like me but for ######### sake how can I make this joke clearer?
1 -
Ok it's fine, it looks like you wanted to say "no pb, DS is fine because I won without perk against meta builds".
0 -
No the entire thread has been, and will be, a joke about nerfing fire up
2 -
It's exactly this and a "humble brag". It's so obvious.
0 -
No it's literally saying fire up should be nerfed. I didn't even mention the perk asides from describing the picture until someone else brought it up.
0 -
While it seems like a light-hearted post , let's not forget that nothing related to dbd ever happens without the sinister hand of the survivor main behind it, operating in the shadows, watching our every move, wrapping their tentacles ever tighter around the devs and puppeteering them towards the next unnecessary nerf.
3 -
Darn I've been exposed D:
0 -
When did he say that? He just made a joke about FIRE UP being op.
Are you mad cause he can win perkless while you need to use noed to even get a 1k?
Btw I've watched his streams and he's 4ked multiple times without perks or add ons😉
3 -
What is your stream @GoodBoyKaru if you don't mind sharing it?
1 -
It's KareBoyKaru, his streams are amazing :), you'll see me and RespectfulNancyMain there a lot
3 -
Like 2ndBusiestmusicnerd said, KareBoyKaru. I stream dbds Wednesday-Saturday unless I gotta take a day off for the sake of my health.
Tysm man :D
Though I wouldn't say perkless I was carried by Fire Up.
1 -
Killers recognize killers, Karu D; and you're looking kinda unfamiliar right now D; Who.. Who are you? XD Thanks for the laugh lol.
1 -
His stream is just 3-4 killer games going against potatoes mostly. Must be his region, platform or most likely the time he plays the game at.
3 minutes into the game and they do no generator in one game I saw..
In any case pretty boring stream in my personal opinion.
0 -
I'm a failure D:
1 -
What are you talking about? His streams are 3 hours long, and he plays on EU servers, which are known as sweatiest.
2 -
So watch more VODs. I get crushed some games, some are close, and I crush others.
Me going against potatoes, I stream when I play. I don't play off stream at the moment. So that's exactly the types of a games I get and I can't edit out the bad ones. That's the joy of it being live.
I play when most SWFs are online. I play on PC. I play EU. These are often the sweatiest matches.
I'm sorry I can win with a single perk. That's still not what the thread is about though.
0 -
0 -
EU is by far not the sweatiest. I played US, Asia, and EU so I know what I am talking about. EU is stress relief compared to Asians.
3 hours and half of it is another game, for reference here (freddie game 01:48:30):
Get an idea of the kind of potatoes he goes against, let him live stream more than 10 games at least.
I am not sure why I am giving him a free advertisement though.
0 -
Running agitation today? You seem a bit hostile...
3 -
I'll stream more than 10 games when I have the time to. For the sake of my mental wellbeing I stream for 3 hours since it's kinda taxing and I do it so late at night. Plus, I need to keep my parents in mind, same with college; I'm still a student living at home so... :/
0 -
I have seen enough of crappy stream to know the kind of potatoes you go against, lol. 3-4 killer games.
This is what the whole topic is about, a bragging... I can make 10 screen shots of winning perkless addon-less as a Nurse too, proves absolutely nothing.