If you DC, why even play?
Playing both killer and survivor roles, and it's now a consistent thing for people to DC. For real, if you're just going to disconnect and not play the game (and ruin the match for everyone else) after getting downed a single time, why even play DBD at all?
And before people say "I dC bEcAuSe I dOnT lIkE tHe KiLlEr", then why the high fructose corn syrup don't you learn to counter the killers ability instead of just toss your hands in the air any time you come across a challenge?
I hear you. Why do so many people DC at end game as well. I had a killer DC after the gates were open with 4 cakes in play. Like that is so many points, and you are just going to DC because everyone got out. Like #########.
And survivors doing it, unless you are being sandbagged by another survivor, is terrible sportsmanship. It completely screws over the team.
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Although if I get stuck in a pallet after I get pallet stunned, I'm not going stay so the survivors can hold the game hostage and t bag me as I can't move.
There use to be a bug where if the killer dc's the survivors don't get any points if the killer dc's.
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Oh, that is even worse. But yeah I don't blame you if you are stuck in a pallet
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Because i dont wanna play with someone that bring mories and is licking my face when i am in the hook
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I've only ever disconnected once the whole time playing ok it wasn't straight after i got downed or nothing.
The reason behind me disconnecting was being my housemate was having a seizure and well their health is more important than a video game.
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I play because I enjoy it.
I DC because my internet is crap and I'm trying to get it changed but it's been difficult. Also the server seems to like to kick me for no good reason on occasion.
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When the killer brings an Ebony Mori, I think the game is already pretty much ruined for everyone... Just sayin'. Not saying it's alright to DC, though. Just suicide on hook if you don't want to continue playing in that game.
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I could say when a killer brings The Game/ add-ons/ or just playing Freddy or Spirit then the game is pretty much ruined. No one wants to have a teammate that kills themselves on hook either.
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People can't handle playing in a PVP game. They forget what they do affects others; That or they just don't care because they're selfish and want a free and easy game to beat without needing to improve. The reason I come back to this game is due to playing against real people and trying to outbest them. Dc'ing doesn't stop the other side from saying you suck. It just reaffirms it but you pull others down with you.
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Until it's removed, I still will forever be confused by BHVR's choice by implementing in game a Choice to Leave Game option.
This button is a choice to DC.
Understandable if the internet or power cuts off, but that is Not a Choice to DC.
So why is it there? (When there was a penalty to DCing on purpose)
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EVERY game has bugs. If you can't play with these bugs that will get fixed, why are you even playing?
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The rare times I DC are something like these examples:
If I'm playing with a group of survivors that is doing nothing but taking turns getting hooked and unhooking each other I will sometimes DC. Even then I only do it if I've got a limited time to play and want to be able to get in a match with people actually trying to complete objectives. I'm not really hurting anyone as the other survivors obviously weren't trying to escape anyway.
Had a match earlier where the first thing I noticed was none of my perks loaded. I decided to do my best anyway. Then I started working my first gen and blew a skill check even though it never appeared on screen. At that point I decided I would go find the killer and do my best to lead him on a chase trying to buy what time I could for the other 3 survivors to do gens. Escaped the killer, found him again, and had him chase me again. I got caught this time, and got slugged. By this time at least 4 or 5 minutes had gone by and the other 3 survivors hadn't managed to complete a single gen. At that point I figured either their skill checks weren't appearing, or they simply weren't trying to do objectives. Regardless, I didn't feel any obligation to stay in a match where I couldn't see skill checks, I was slugged, and the other survivors were either unable or unwilling to do objectives. I had no problem trying to run around and waste as much of the killers time as possible since I couldn't help any other way, but if the other survivors weren't even going to attempt to do objectives I didn't see the point.
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I don't d/c, but I will go stand in corners or find a hook to put myself on ASAP because I'm playing this game for a very specific reason: tension, atmosphere, and some amount of horror, and when that's all gone and replaced by frustration, sighs, and raised eyebrows, there's no reason for me to be playing that trial. The game is currently built to tease players into thinking that the next match will be the match where the best of everything comes true (as an extreme), but there is nothing significant enough during the trial to keep people playing who are disillusioned. The only thing that stops me is knowing that it would be rude to everyone to just d/c, so I try to quietly disappear and let others get points.
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It's amazing that the playerbase still attempts to apply logic to those who DC. They're just acting out of anger and emotion, not logic.
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while i agree to some extent dcing is bad
some killers cant really be countered or barely at all
not saying dcing against them should be justified though
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You ppl dc when you see a single Mori assuming it’s an ebony. Should killers dc when they see a key? Grow up and take the loss and move on to the next match. Good grief
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The first parts have nothing to do with the second. All are correct. It’s pretty simple: if you intentionally dc and are not bugged in some way or held hostage then you are essentially just a crybaby chump. Take the loss and move on. Dc’ing screws others over, sacrifices your bps, and basically makes you seem like the petty child that you are. There is no valid excuse, and trying to justify your immaturity just underlines your pettiness and those who do it need to quit playing entirely, being at the bottom rung of despicable behavior in a game that already has far too long of a list in that category. Nobody likes those people and nobody will miss them. ‘You’ referencing ppl who dc. Not that I feel strongly about it or anything.
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woah calm down lol i literally said i agree dcing is bad and dcing against annoying killers is bad, was literally just saying that some killers dont really have counterplay. youre like arguing with something i didnt say
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Nah, not targeting you just bouncing off of your point. That’s why I defined who ‘you’ refers to. That rant is purely for ppl who keep dc’ in. Like 1 every match lately
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got it <3
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Keys are not as broken as an Ebony Mori. I never leave because of a Mori, not sure where you got that from. Good grief
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I personally don't think Spirit or Freddy ruin the game. Ebony Mori is the most broken thing in the game, imo.
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I don’t see any issue with DCing to scummy killers. Whether that is from OP add ons, Moris, playstyle, Freddy, or spirit. If you aren’t enjoying the match then don’t play it.
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My big problem is now the MMR is basically point based, when I die 6 games in a row from a Mori, that's going to make my stats go way down even though I only got hooked once I never got a chance to do much since I was farmed.
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sigh seems like my plan to get faster internet isn't going to work.