Bug that has potential to, and can and will, ruin experience of most survivors.

NancyyWheeler Member Posts: 4
edited August 2020 in General Discussions

So I have been playing for 2 years and some change, (console player - PS4) and even a few months ago I have become accustomed to the term "chest lag". If you don't know it is pretty self explanatory; just whenever a chest is searched, the framerate can sometimes almost completely stop. Sometimes when the chest is searched, there is little to no drop, but at other times it can be pretty detrimental to both sides - both killer and survivor. And it was not necessarily detrimental before, just it can screw up the fluid, in the moment gameplay, of both sides and whatever they are actively doing at that given time if it messes with the game hard enough.

If chasing someone as killer, or being chased as survivor. But lately, ever since this new update came out with the auras and such, what I have noticed chest lag, can and will usually do, as its been happening ever more so often within the past few days. But if a survivor is on their second hook phase struggling, if a chest is opened, it will more often than not, drop the framerate and kill the person struggling.

So if you are struggling, and someone opens a chest, more often than not you will die, from the frame drop, as a side affect of a chest being opened. And yes there are counters, such a communication and searching all the chests, and I have been notifying the people I play but if I play survivor I do gens before I search chests. I would appreciate it if the game would be optimized better, as it would hurt nothing and help both sides. Thank you behavior.

edits; separated ideas into actual passages, corrected the word *even (1st grouping) as it said "ever"
