Message for Survivor Mains



  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Im all for being nice to killers. As a community we should all come together to end the toxicity

  • LoolaHoop87
    LoolaHoop87 Member Posts: 45

    Hey so I'm new to DBD not even a week a lot of what your saying makes sense. I started off as killer played some survivor went back to killer. Yesterday was the worst day playing very toxic players mismatched in the system. One literally stood there and blinded me with a torch for a good minute... I get told I'm #########, I get 360d all the time. And survivors blocking the hooks? Is that a thing? Also forgive me... Teabagging haha... I just want to play I'm not bothered if you survive if I get you I get you if I don't I don't but play fair!

  • DanielLeonis309
    DanielLeonis309 Member Posts: 13

    Okay, so I’m just gonna throw it out there, that I feel this. I do being more of a survivor player myself due to numerous toxic games I’ve had where I’ve played a new killer I didn’t quite understand. But I also wanna acknowledge that not ALL survivors who spam crouch are trying to be toxic. As a survivor player, I spam it when there are fellow survivors nearby in a form of just saying “hi” and acknowledging that I see them and know they are there. Sometimes I will also spam it with a killer and then, I’ll sometimes even go as far as running out of the exit to allow them to get a sacrifice on me if they haven’t gotten at least one. There are in fact a lot of toxic survivors, AND killers that play, but that doesn’t mean we should just assume that someone who is crouching repeatedly is trying to be a jerk. Especially since there still aren’t any emotes in the game to like “give a thumbs up” or “a friendly good job” like a clap emote. I even went as far once, as allowing a new killer playing as Pig to kill me, AND I sent her a build I had that worked really well at monitoring gens and keeping up with survivors. So I do feel this, but don’t just assume all survivors are toxic. Because a lot of killers are too sometimes, and that’s what makes some survivors toxic in return. But I do still love to see people encouraging new killers!!

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    Gosh you are really the type of survivor I like to face in my games.

    I have played this game for a long time, and I just found your type like... 5 times max?

    Usually they are just toxic.

    Usually no survivor will know that the way killer is meant to be played, is trying to reach the peak performance, and not a 4k.

    The games where you end up not killing anyone, those are the games where survivors get really cocky. And it's funny that if you get a 4k, the last survivor usually says nothing.

    But you could have got a 4k a not a merciless killer tho.

    Regarding the killer play style, I have exactly the same mindset and opinion as the famous killer main "tru3ta1ent".

    He always aims for a "Merciless killer", not for a 4k.

    For example, yesterday I got a ruthless killer just getting 2k. My performance was good enough to get the previous best ranking.

    The day all survivors understand that we, main killers, aim for performance and map control, not for kills, they will be less toxic imo.

    Because that's what's enjoyable about the killer role, map controlling. If you don't like map controlling you don't like the real killer play style.

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    Nobody's gonna do that man. Just like Killers with campy or stupid playstyles. They are gonna play the way they want. I just ignore survivor or killer and move on.

  • SolAkira
    SolAkira Member Posts: 71

    I'm always nice to non toxic killers. This michael myers just not too long ago... ah it's hard to explain. He was a good sport is all I had to say. He was going up against me and a friend. He tombstones 2 others is when he realizes we were swf. He played valiantly until he realized he couldnt kill us both because we knew where hatch was. He actually messaged me and asked me to kill myself so my friend could escape.

    He thanked me and we talked a little and he told me to tell my friend GG

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    During the anniversary event I leveled up my Plague, Demo, executioner, Huntress, Deathslinger, and Wraith all to 50 while playing with my mains because of all the Bloodpoints. I wanted to prestige them but don't want to waste the cakes they all have so now i am using all of them and of course I am rank 1 and even with this so called MMR it still thinks these killers that I don't use or have rarely use needs all red and sweaty survivors so Needless to say i am Rank 2 now lol. Really like Deathslinger he's keeping me afloat for now out of the bunch but alot of GG EZ because they see the #2 and don't understand the situation.

  • AmalaTerminal22
    AmalaTerminal22 Member Posts: 1

    Been playing for less than a week, killer only. Very first match, didn't get a single hook, could barely understand the game. After that match, half the survivor team messaged me. One saying gg wp, the other literally thanking me for playing killer and a few other encouraging words.

    5 days later, getting 4k at rank 15 about half the time while maining pyramid head. Had about a dozen+ rude messages. Tbags, flashlight spam moderately common

    I'll legit open the exit and nudge survivors towards it if they outplay me or are clearly very new.

    If a team or specific survivor tbags or flashes excessively, I will straight up camp their hook until they're dead and attempt to warn anyone who gets near to save them and down them if they go for it.

    You gotta give respect to get it. Not gonna be kind to someone who is actively trying to be insulting.

    Otherwise, just play fair and don't be a jerk. Pretty simple. Everyone is just trying to enjoy the game.

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    *Rin, Frank, Annna- or Spirit, Legion, and Huntress c:

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    I already respect enough pallets when need be. That's enough u3u

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    Like someone already said in this thread, if we all want this game to survive and have new influxes of players people need to be less toxic. I only started playing around 7 months ago and VERY nearly tossed the game aside because of the toxic msgs etc...I'm a killer main (very much a killer main, I've only had about 5 survivor matches, I'm a lone wolf 😂) and so so glad I'm sticking with dbd because I really do love this game so much but when you get a whole night of trash talk and toxic gaming it can be so off-putting. Just today I had a really good chat on xbox, the last survivor nearly got the hatch after a long hunt but I managed to hook them, by the way they played i thought they weren't new to the game, turned out they had just started playing and was confused as they couldn't hear the hatch "whoosh", so I sent some links to help and they asked if we could play again some time-it was good to know this person had just started and wanted to keep playing, the last thing I want is to put people off. So yeah I hope we can all realise its in everyone's benefit to either be good sports or say nothing at all

  • KeBBySemPai
    KeBBySemPai Member Posts: 19

    When you get looped for 4 gens and they all have adrenaline,Its like getting shot by each survivor but at least they dont say ez. That be the survivors im respecting. Honestly just dont be an ######### on either side.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    ha ha I feel compelled to apologize and let somebody know I'm on a rift challenge in those situations too. Especially when I had the longest flashlight one on the last rift. I had gotten 1 or 2 a game till the last one where I hit the killer 5 times with it and found another in the basement and I had hoped to be able to say "sorry for that rift challenge" fast enough after the rest of the game ended lol. I stayed spectating just to be able to be sure he knew it wasn't to intentionally troll him and I just wanted a rift challenge gone.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Yeah survivors have such inflated egos in general. I'm playing Trapper at red ranks and I get tbagged. Then they wonder why everybody plays Spirit.

  • CraftedWolf
    CraftedWolf Member Posts: 7

    when I ever I get a round where its not fair to new killers and people are being mean or toxic I’ll give them a thums up on the thing that you can do it on, I don’t know what it’s called, and give them a ggs.

  • APopp
    APopp Member Posts: 22

    OMG gurl, you are like my favorite person on this forum now. I'm probably 60% Survivor and 40% Killer. I always try to give positivity to other players who really deserve it. Sometimes I don't play my best as Killer and most of the time I get treated awfully when that happens.

  • ThatsSoKelso
    ThatsSoKelso Member Posts: 24

    If someone wants to taunt you or troll you when you play the killer. Just piss them off catch one an face camp the hell out of them. That'll piss off every last one of them every single time an just smile an laugh. Its ok for them to be toxic an taunt you but you get them an nail them on it an they write you hate mail. Funny stuff. I had a group of swf and I got two of them sn face camped. I never do that unless I see they are trying to be rude an taunt me. I dont get mad thst they run like no duh they gonna try to outrun you. Its the crouching and taunting me that I'm like ok just wait until I get you :) an sure as hell end game chat I get a message from them all BIG MAD that I face camped 2 of 4 of them. Well you should of thought about it before trying to taunt me an think youre so much better than me hahahaha 🤷‍♂️ you wanna waste my time chasing you for you to keep taunting me? Ima waste yours too by baby sitting you on the hook making sure your buddies can't get you. I'll waste your time too 🤣

  • TheBestBresette
    TheBestBresette Member Posts: 11

    I'm new to playing, and my favorite killer has to be the Wraith. Every time I play, people are looping, crouch-spamming me, and just being straight up rude when they message me. One guy said "That's what you get, looser." Because I killed him, then everyone started looping and crouch spamming because they all knew each other. Please, stop being so toxic to killers. Especially new people, like me.

  • Omnicandy
    Omnicandy Member Posts: 2

    Thank you and if you lucky we killers could end up just helping. Best of many thanks Survivor ❣️.

  • Already practicing this, non toxic killers are really fun.

  • DBdude55
    DBdude55 Member Posts: 26

    as a killer main i approve this message

    Also be nice to the people who need to be toxic to pay there mortgage

    Doesnt matter if its killer or survivor because its a kill or be killed world irl

  • 1stHipster
    1stHipster Member Posts: 7

    I had almost lost faith in survivor main on PS4 but you have given me hope and a new perspective if I ever encounter you may our loops be legendary

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45
    edited August 2020

    I would say with 1 v 4 the answer is obvious. They do get more hate tbh. Yes it goes both ways. The biggest point of this post is that they think instead of being negative. Try being possitive.

    There is enough bad stuff going on in our world. Games is where we have fun and relieve or temporarily put stress on hold. When you get on and can't even enjoy a game because people have to be mean, or rude over a GAME, then what? Sometimes that's all some people have.

    I don't know about how many feel out there but I'm mature enough to move on. Not make someone feel bad so I feel better...

  • JLew
    JLew Member Posts: 160

    Ya im a surv main on ps4...was never really toxic but would occasionally complain to killers who camped or didn't play how i wanted. But have since changed that...say gg no matter how people longer run ds, unbreakable or bt....keeping it friendly and positive to all people and only yell at other survs for any ps4 people lets turn this around and make it better for new players

  • Omnicandy
    Omnicandy Member Posts: 2

    Yes yes yes I prefer non toxicated. Who knows along the way if it get down to one survivor We killers might just let you go.

  • GhostFace_Killer
    GhostFace_Killer Member Posts: 55

    Try a different killer, one that either has a one shot, or maybe someone like Legion who will make Survivors bleed out if they dont heal soon after a attack, or GHost Face who has stealth and they wont know he is there untill its too late

  • RelentlessShadows009
    RelentlessShadows009 Member Posts: 192

    I had to do the same and block messages. What did it for me was being called a camper in a completely disrespectful way because I saw a survivor crouched next to the hook I was putting some one on. Of course I went for him next. Ir was I supposed to go "nope, didnt see him."? Also in the same match i punished a quick rescue. Not my fault you didnt let me leave.

  • HagIsBestGirl
    HagIsBestGirl Member Posts: 158

    That's on you, dawg. I own three copies of the games and a handful of DLC, and I think I've paid less than $70-$80 for a few hundred plus hours of entertainment.

    There are options for patient shoppers.