Rank DOES matter

I am seeing not just mods but other players defending the whole Rank means nothing and it is a soft way of determining a players skill. They also say it just means that player plays a ton.

This is simply not true. You do not just get to red rank killer or survivor by playing 1000 hours and sucking. You need to do things to meet criteria to pip and rank up.

As survivor you need to do gens and save people and win chases. You cant just see the killer and fall on the ground and go oops i am dead but I played 1000 hours so I am ranked now. It does not work like that.

As killer you cannot see the survivors and lose chases and not pressure gens and expect to rank.

I do agree yes Ranking is a bit easy but I have almost 1000 hours of play and never been Rank 1 on either side. I mean by what people are saying I should be rank 1 because I play a lot but it simply is not true. I have some good games and some bad games. Some games I Pip and some I DePip.

Rank DOES equal skill because it shows the killer can and does know how to win chases. They have an idea of what perks work together and how to apply pressure. On survivor side it shows the survivor knows how to loop and win chases and can save fellow players and do gens without worry.

Overall I do not mean to seem rude but if rank never mattered then why have any rank or matchmaking system? It is because even the developers know you cannot put a Rank 1 with a Rank 10-20 and think they are at the same level of skill because it is not simply just play time but it is SKILL.

Sorry just wanted to put that out there and I know it is just another persons dumb opinion so please ignore me. I hope you all have a good weekend and your matches be great.



  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Exactly! Just playing a lot does not give you better ranks. My skill getting better and achieving things in game gives me better rank. That means my skill is getting better and my RANK is going up. The whole just play a ton and get high rank is crap.


    Rank does not=Time played

    Yes Rank does on one foot equal time played BUT on the other foot you need skill.

    Thanks for your post. =) Hope you have a great evening/day <(^.^)> Live long and prosper! NANO NANO!

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Ranks do matter, if they didn't, people wouldn't have complained about matchmaking and we wouldn't have this new MMR.

    Also yes, you get to red ranks by playing a lot, it's called practice, and practice makes you better and more skillful.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    Until I stop seeing potatoes at rank 1 rank don’t matter; I get Better low ranks then I do high ranks;

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Yes I agree but that still mean RED RANK players have a HIGHER skill. Instead many think just playing gets you to red rank and that simply is not true because I have almost 1000k hours and never got further than purple and would drop back.

    I agree with what you said though You do get to Red Rank by playing a lot.....but it is not simply because you played but because your skill got better. This means it simply is not just time but once again SKILL meaning if you see a Red Rank against a Rank 20 heck even maybe a 10 the chances are they are gonna stomp them because the red rank has higher skill from playing so much compared to the others.

    Thanks for your response and I hope you have a great evening! <(^.^)> May the odds be ever in your favor!

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Do you mean when you play killer at Rank 1 you are also getting Rank 1 survivors who have no clue how to play?

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    Both survivor and killer , this is why I laugh when I see people saying every game it’s a sweat squad , we must be playing different games because I come up agaisnt a sweat squad once a week if that & I play this game a lot,

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Rofl I love this post and honestly I had better balanced matches with the old system then the current one

    and this is after 30 games almost 40 now

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited August 2020

    I always said Victory Cube was better than this Emblem farming simulator. I am very curious how exactly the current system works because I have absolutely no explanation for all the unfair matches we keep getting even after 50 matches.

    And yea, anyone saying that played on Rank 1 knows that it's a whole different level than Rank 20-5. There's a reason people deranked on purpose because they got tired of the "tryhards" (the people that actually WIN when they play for it).

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I play on Switch and the only thing I see sweaty is me on a hot day. lol Personally from my experience I see more potatoe low Ranks. When I get higher rank people we tend to do so much better. I mean I had one match recently where it was me and 2 other higher rank people OF COURSE AGAINST a Rank 1 and we still managed to get 3 gens done. Then in all these games posted I was lucky to get 2 gens done.

    Higher rank at least in my experience has equaled better skill. When I play survivor if my teammates are Rank 15 and other they pop gens or throw pallets just for fun. If I get Rank 10 or lower we actually give the killer a good time.

    When I play killer if I get Rank 20's I can not only tell but take pity. I can tell when I am against Higher ranks or lower ranks just on the moves they make while chasing.

    Overall my experience so far is Rank equals skill for me.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    Then why did my GF, who litteraly know nothing really about DbD or gaming in general got to rank 1? Because she got carried by me and random mates.

    Rank means nothing.

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    I'd say getting rank 1 killer is difficult. As for survivor though if you got a good SWF they can pull you to rank one easily.

  • Milanceee
    Milanceee Member Posts: 161

    Then how the flip am I rank 1 killer and rank 4 survivor when I have a little bit over 500 hours in the game?

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I like your comparison from R1 hag to R1 trapper.

    You are right just because you are a R1 Hag does not mean you are a R1 Trapper. It does mean you at least know how to win chases and how to apply pressure and a basic knowledge of how survivors play. IT give you a edge against someone BRAND new to the game that picks Trapper.

    This new MMR system and how it measure your skill per Killer is just as bad. I mean yes okay you stomp with Hag so you get matched with Read Rank or MMR Survivors to match.

    However this is when the issue happens NOW you pick Trapper and it places you with now Rank 20's or MMR survivors that are new or low as poop. Chances are these new to survivor side have no skill what so ever but even though you do not STOMP with trapper you have much better knowledge than the survivors. You could probably skip laying traps and just M1 the survivors dead.

    Personally I had better experience with the old system much more than I am having with this new system.

    Thanks for posting about your experience though and hope you have a great evening and good luck in your future matches. =)

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited August 2020

    So your g/f sat in the corner and did nothing while you did all the gens and saved everyone? How did she get enough points to even pip?

    She had to do something to get points. She had to have skill to win chases and do gens and save fellow teammates.

    Also if rank is that easy to get why did carry her? She could have got it on her won then. Of course that is if she has the skill to get there so it sounds like Rank does equal at least some skill.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I agree but even in a SWF team you personally cannot stand in a corner and pip you still need to win chases and do gens to get the points to pip meaning you still learned how to play.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 972

    You're mistaking one thing.

    Ranks don't matter NOW.

    Playtime raises experience by a minuscule notion. (You can for 20 games play safe and not do a single thing but run out the gates same for Killer you still get points even for chasing in many ways. Cut the chase. Chase another survivor. Cut at them. Vault at them, everything makes bp that add up. Hours and hours of this raiseD them to high ranks.

    This will change NOW (and yes I digress the mentioning of "now") WEEKS I to gaming. It has only been a few if not couple of DAYS. since NOW Ranks Won't matter. But they use to matter. And that's why you still see Ranks. Because that too is in the works to be changed. As the MMR system gets a greater feel to how things are going to be.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    The fact that Survivor need to get carried to Rank 1 is already proof that Rank means something. It's really not hard to understand. I can get boosted to Global Elite is CS:GO or Immortal in Dota 2, that doesn't mean the ranking is meanless. In fact it's the opposite.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786
    edited August 2020

    Oh 100% , I’ve played with people in a swf that are red ranks and I just laugh to myself like yeh I don’t kno how your the same rank as me but Ok I’m just going to carry on doing what I’m doing, LOL I’m not even the best player but I can defo hold my own: well I’ve done it for 3 year lol

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    I always told her exactly what to do.

    When she got chased i tried to lure the killer away and tried to protect her.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642
    edited August 2020

    So she did have to do something and still if Rank meant nothing why did she need to be carried? She could have got to rank 1 on her own right?

    If it means nothing she should have been able to get to Rank 1 on her own unless you are saying she didn't have the skill to do it without you?

    Not bashing your g/f just trying to understand why she needed carrying if rank is that easy. I hope she enjoyed the game at least. =)

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I love your post and it is very true. The people saying no rank means nothing I carried so and so. Well why did you need to carry them if it is that easy to get? They could get it on there own but wait you knew they didn't have the SKILL to get there. lol

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    Thank you, it' exactly like that. Another thing to keep in mind, Rank 1 doesn't mean that everyone is equally as skilled at everything. Some people can juke Nurse good, others know how to deal with Trapper or Hag so obviously people experience different scenarios and get the feeling that they played with potatoes but perhaps it's more likely that they just didn't know how to play against this specific Killer, map or whatever.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    She did gens, totems and saves and played steathly. You dont need chases to pip.

    Also yea she would get to rank 1 even without me since its easy to pip or atleast safe pip. It may take a while but she would get it.

    That being said, right now after some days of playing she of course adeptet

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    If ranks are such a good indicator of skill, why is it that most people at red ranks, and I mean the significant majority, suck worse than a broken vacuum cleaner?

    Why is it that so many red ranks run Self Care?

    Why is it that most red ranks don't look behind them?

    Why is it that most red ranks cannot loop?

    And, and this is the real important part, did you know that the survivor second-chance meta actually makes it easier to rank up than it already is? Right now, to pip at red ranks, you need to do a gen, a totem, a safe unhook, a heal, and a minutes worth of chasing. Not only do second chance perks mess with the emblem system (BT = free unhook, UB/DH= more chase, DS = more everything) but the system itself sucks.

    I get people wanting to pretend that they are good at the game. I get wanting that sense of accomplishment. But the developers themselves came out and said that rank was a personal victory, not a measure of skill.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Exactly! I mean I am pretty good but give me a Doctor or Spirit and I am a potato. I agree it is more about the killer I go against.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Okay but what Rank are you and your mates? In order to carry her so hard you and your friends had to have the skill the carry her and protect her through your matches. Therefore Rank does correlate to something. Just because some people get boosted to Ranks they're not actually at doesn't mean Rank means nothing. It just means that person's Rank means nothing. If she played long enough to learn the game on her own she might eventually get to Rank 1 by herself. Just because she didn't doesn't mean it means nothing to everyone who did work their way there. SWF or Solo.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    IT still takes skill. IF she did not have you to teach her do you think it would have been that easy? If so go a month without helping her and see how she fairs. Let her play solo que with strangers against a Rank 1 killer and then after a month see how she feels. Rank yes does equal time played but it also equals skill because you learn as you play.

    Also I am glad she had you to help teach her and play with. Most of us new players have to learn on our own and get to rank whatever with no training wheels. Also I must be playing wrong because I have a little over 1k hours played and never reached further than Rank 8 or 9.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    The problem is you will have 1 or 2 experienced survivors who will team up with a buddy who just got the game and hes rank 20.

    By simply playing with good team mates you can get red ranks no problem. I know cause im guilty of boosting other people up.

    I have a friend who isnt good at the game in chases and saves but can do gens, so me and my buddy will run the killer while our potatoes do gens. They started at rank 16 and now their rank 3.

    So it is very easy to get boosted up. You can pip up by just doing gens you dont have to have any chase points to pip up. They definitely help but arent required which they should be.

    Problem with that is if you get boosted up when you solo que you get ran over because your not experienced enough to play at high levels.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Well you get Red Ranks that do not know how to play because you get fellow Red Ranks power leveling them. Also you are assuming that most Red Ranks suck based on the small portion you have played against.

    Self-care can be a okay perk even if you think it is not something a Red Rank should run. Heck maybe they did it on a dare or boredom.

    The looking behind them part, can you guarantee for sure they are not looking behind them once in a while? I do not look behind me the entire time because I need to also see what is in front of me.

    The looping can be good and sometimes be horrible. I have got trapped in bad situations where looping was almost not possible because I was stuck with a few trees and maybe a rock.

    These are all based on your own opinion of what a Red Rank should do.

    In solo que I almost NEVER see these second chance perks.

    Overall maybe you are having some bad luck with red ranks or maybe you are just that good that you are a god tier but simply this. If rank was no indication then why did they ever use it? Why not place Rank 1's against Rank 20's if they are only players who played a lot but have no skill? Rank means something even if it is time played which equals skill gained.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Thank you and at least you get it. Yes HER rank means nothing but their rank was high enough because their skill was good enough to boost her. I suggested letting her play Solo Que without his help AT ALL and see how she really does. I am sure it would be a whole different world then. Then her true rank would come out.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I don't know where to begin.

    You assume (for some reason) that I haven't played a lot of DbD, you clearly don't play a lot of killer or you would see these perks and bait how many game syiu win nsut because of SC, you freely admitted that survivors get carried to red ranks by their team, you think that red ranks shouldn't actually be the best survivors, you ignore the fact that it's not only my experiences I'm basing this on but the collective experiences of red rank players and attempt to claim that I'm being subjective instead of clecting and analysing a large sample size of data and comparing it to my own experiences, you somehow don't ever see the most common perks in the game according not only to the community but to the stats, you attempt to isolate me and tell me that I'm "just having bad luck" instead of acknowledging that you created this post to defend agaisnt the majority opinion (which is backed by plenty of evidence), and you complety ignored the fact that, as I said, the developers themselves literally said ranks don't matter.

    You can come up with an answer, or excuse, for everything. But that doesn't mean it's true. You only have to watch a steamer to see how little ranks actually matter.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Not everyone brings BT, not everyone brings UB/DH, not everyone brings DS, also people are bringing all of those exact perks every game? I doubt it. Also: go after the unhooker, slug and make them waste it/bait the dead hard, slug the DS. People might bring self care because they don't trust teammates to heal them. So is everyone running all the meta second chance perks? Or are too many people running Self Care? Which is it?

    Also if most people at red suck so hard why do people constantly complain about how hard it is to play killer at those ranks? Are they potatoes or aren't they? Is Red ranks nothing but SWF death squads or everyone is a potato? Some people get to red ranks by playing stealthy, therefore they may not care to learn to loop.

    In that case Red Rank for killer ALSO means nothing, even though I would argue that yes playing killer is far harder than playing survivor.

    If you honestly think the new MMR, whenever it is "settled" or "fixed" or whatever is going to be better than the ranks we had? You're ######### kidding yourself.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You know that meta perks and SC aren't mutually exclusive? There's 16 survivor perks in a game. And the ones I win the most are the ones where I can exploit a SC moron. Plus, if red ranks are so good then why would someone not trust their teammates to heal them?

    And the reason people complain about red ranks is because they aren't actually complaining about red ranks, but the idea of them. Before the MMR system, it was a coin toss as to whether you were getting a full-party SWF that can't loop for shite but stick to gens like glue, or a bunch of confused morons that practically hook themselves. Sure, the concentration gets lower the higher you rank up, but if ranks actually did equal skill then why are they even in red ranks?

    And what evidence do you have that the MMR system won't act the exact same as every other MMR system? Right now it's not even performing out of the ordinary. They only just implimented it and they didn't give it time to accurately accrue data, so this is all to be expected.

    PS: playing stealthy and playing well aren't the same thing. I know, I'm a stealth player and I'm lazy AF. It was super easy to get to red ranks.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875
    edited August 2020

    People misconstrue the meaning of “rank doesn’t matter.” There’s reaching and playing in red ranks...and then there’s being good in red ranks. That’s what the reference means. It’s not “der play a lot and you’ll be rank 1.” It takes skill to reach rank 1. It’s take more skill to play well at rank 1.

    and often, what people refer to as being a “potato” is just being caught in a bad spot or greeding. Then there’s people that screw around and don’t take every game seriously. Then there are potatoes

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    If it sucks so hard as you claim then why is it meta lol? Why are killers that can be looped for 5 gens in red ranks?

    The old ranking system wasn't perfect, it was very flawed, but I doubt this one's gonna cut the mustard either.

    Dude if you have faith that the dbd team properly accounted for enough variables (and there are many variables to consider: bloodlust, RNG pallet/window/gen/hook spawns, map size, map layout, perks, items, add-ons, offerings. Moris, keys) to give a good and accurate rating on actual skill? Good on you. I don't. I think they're showing it by placing people who practically just bought the game against people with hundreds to thousands of hours.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
    edited August 2020

    I know that feel bro and here's my thoughts on how rank should work.

    Some overlap in ranks are apparent below but coding rules would apply to filter this out and is the -only- logical solution to the problem.

    • Brown and Yellow ranks should only ever be able to be paired together - (ruling out Green, Purple and Red ranks from entering this particular match structure)

    • Yellow and Green ranks should only ever be able to be paired together (ruling out Brown, Purple and Red ranks from entering this particular match structure)

    • Green and Purple ranks should only ever be able to be paired together (ruling out Brown and Red ranks from entering this particular match structure)

    • Purple and Red ranks should only ever be able to be paired together (ruling out Brown, Yellow and Green ranks from entering this particular match structure)

    This means that Brown and Yellow ranks (our new player and new potential revenue stream for increased future content development) wont be exposed to the toxicity of higher ranks as follows:

    Brown rank will never see a Green, Purple or Red rank

    And our mid tier who don't deserve to be exposed to such toxicity either will be excluded as well:

    Yellow rank will never see a Purple or Red rank

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    We didnt played with any other friends.

    Me was rank 1.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    well when i startet playing DbD some years ago i also got to rank 1 in less than a week in solo queue. Back then i knew almost nothing and died many games and even thought killers were OP but i still got to rank 1 pretty fast because unless you get tunneled or something like that, its really hard to depip.

    If depiping was more common i would say rank atleast mean something but not this way.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    That's the solution done, and here's the explanation of the psychology behind a high ranked de-rank troll:

    The only people who -will- complain about this are Red ranks who want to infect brown, Yellow and Green ranks with their toxicity because they want short wait times of lower ranked matches and easy wins to the detriment of the health, well being and future of their -own- games future.

    All because they don't care if new player revenue streams are cut off because the new player base is alienated by being put up against dinosaurs from 2016 who like nothing better than stomping on new players.

    I know it's not too intelligent but there you have it, the psychology behind why high ranks are saying "ranks don't mean anything" - they just want to stomp on our low ranked player base who don't yet have the advantage of thousands of hours of experience so they can have short wait times and easy matches regardless of the harmful effect it has on the game.

    They are basically trolls destroying the foundations of our game with their "lul gg ez" -butt dance - killer head nodd lame krap.

    This particular group of players, not all but almost exclusively red ranks, we don't want them here, we don't need them here so as far as I'm concerned they can rot in their respective high ranked long queue wait times where they cant ruin any new players gaming experience, only that of their own wretched kind.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Went up against a rank 20 once with 3 t3 perks, a purple, and an Iridescent add-on. Destroyed us. Average rank of survivors was about 9.

  • ClaudetteQLF
    ClaudetteQLF Member Posts: 5

    I do agree that the rank does matter, a red/purple rank is obviously gonna have more knowledge about the game than a green/yellow/brown rank.

    I've been playing with every sort of survivors since the new MM system and I can tell for sure who is a red/purple rank and who isn't. I had a game 2 days ago where I was paired up with 2 brown ranks and 1 green rank. I've noticed so many things during this single game and it was probably the worst game of my life.

    • There was a Claudette who was constantly crouching (yeah I know, most of the Claudettes are doing this no matter what rank) but I really was asking myself if she knew how to run.
    • They barely go for the save. I was chased by the killer for about 2 or 3 minutes, he downed and hooked me but nobody came until I was P2. The killer wasn't even camping me, they just were too scared to come. And if they come, most of the time they unhook the survivor just in front of the killer face. I also noticed that they waste the palettes easily, even when the killer is not around lmao.
    • They didn't know about borrowed time. The killer had NOED, I came back to save the Claudette with my BT but she apparently didn't know that even if she took the hit for me she wouldn't be downed. I died because of that.

    I could go on and on with their mistakes, I was a potato survivor too when I started the game so I don't blame them. But yeah I agree, rank does matter. You can easily know if your teammate is a red rank or not when you're playing and beginners shouldn't be paired with red ranks. Even though some red ranks are potatoes too.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I want to believe you but sadly I could say the opposite and without proof it is just words. I could say ME and my friends all Rank 1 BEST META PERKS EVER went against a Rank 1 and time played was a hour on their account and they killed us in 2 minutes.

    I mean sorry if it happened and not saying it is not possible. It could be a vet player switching to another platform and farmed enough bp to for some reason max this killer and then play it at rank 20.

    I gotta ask at Rank 20 what perks did this killer have and what Iridescent add-on did they have?

    I only ask because I cannot assume they had unlocked to many fellow killer perks so they must have had to use very vague perks. I could be wrong.

    In the end however yes Rank can make mistakes but it still was not nearly as bad as what we have now.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    Yeah I know the feeling. I had a match yesterday where one was following me and would randomly throw the pallet down. I was like ######### WHY?!!!!!!!.......Then doing a gen and had it almost done and they got on it with me and they regressed the gen so damn far by popping it over and over. I pointed to go away and here was the best part they didn't until I left then they left. I let the killer chase me and I got away thinking okay MAYBE the survivor is working on that gen. NOPE I got back to the gen and was working on it again alone and that same survivor came over and started popping it again. I will be honest I did rage quit because at this point the killer found us and I was just tired. I felt like not only was I fighting to stay alive against a Rank 1 killer but my own damn team was out to kill me.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957