NEW MMR - the biggest mistake yet?

Both survivors and killers are frustrated by games like these, and since the new MMR was launched, 3/5 games are like them.
This is a sure-fire way to disinterest new players as well as bore better players (take a look at the chat in this post-match screen).
I am amazed how dedicated you guys seem to pump out new skins (yay cash I guess) while so much less power is pumped into the actual gameplay and quality of life.
People enjoying the game actually get more players to play. Disgruntled and frustrated players do the opposite.
Please focus more manpower on these issues.
This patch definitely has the biggest impact in dbd history. It is also no secret that an insanely large number of people are not happy at the moment.
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I'm probably one of the few people who don't see a difference, on either side. only thing i noticed is far fewer postgame chats, which is sad.
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I have actually been getting really fair matches lately. And I think (I dont know) most people are feeling the same. Yes a lot of people arent and some of the matches I got at the beginning was ludicriously unfair. But the more I play specific killers the more fair matches I have been getting. And same goes for playing survivor in general.
As someone else said, the people who are fairly happy with the result of mmr arent in here "complaining" about it they are just playing the game.
My only problem with the patch is how many newbie players get matched with 1k hour players. If that got sorted out I would have 0 problems with this patch. First few games as killers I never or rarely play? Yellow ranks, but after like 4-5 games of me stomping (kind of gave them like 10 second chances, like having to hook each player once before going for the next. Making little rules for myself) I have been getting red ranks and purple ranks again.
So I dont know, besides the newbie players experience I think the mmr system potentially works. Whether thats a good thing in itself is another question.
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No, servers are worse than mmr
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19 out of 20 of my matches are level 1 killers! The other match will either be a level 3(so random) or a green level. This ######### doesnt stop! 😩