Killer Questions?!

I was just wondering if you guys who play killer play other killers or try any other ones out? And do you think youll play more now that the new Matchmaking is here.
I usually play Oni, Huntress , Myers and Billy.
But since the devs promised "balanced" MMR, Ive tried out new killers like the Hag, Bubba, Spirit and Trapper.
That being said i was expecting an easier game with my level 10 Bubba, but i had 12 games filled with Swf. Which isnt bad by itself, but i tbought its suppose to ve easier for other killers you try. Which it was when i tried hag and i got a team of rank 20s. But thats another thing entirely
I do like hag and bubba
I play all killers, chill matches or not, I still have fun trying every other power, more variety. And mm is not working, garbage system
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I just feel i at least need to get them to level 10 before i use them. Which one shoulf i play tomorrow? Plague or Wraith? I just want to see if i like their power.
And yeah, i cant wait to see my surivor games tomorrow
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I suggest you play wraith as plague is bugged atm. Her vomit stance seems to be way higher than before and causes a lot of missed shots. Wraith is a nice killer for hit and runs, also to traverse the map faster, best to equip windstorm addons
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I main Demo and play Deathslinger and PH on the side, i occasionally bust out hag, doc or trapper if i'm feeling spicy