Legion and Demo Addon pass.

Can we get an addon pass for The Legion and Demo becouse many of their addons just suck.Dont touch the power just rework useless addons.I would love for the devs to do the same to legion and demo as they did for bubba and billy.
I do definitely want Legion to get his add-ons fixed, but I don't know if I really want them to change the one's that are good. They just need to fix Frank's Mixtape, Stab Wound Study, the Filthy and Dirty Blades and the add-ons that extend Killer Instinct range.
As for Demo, yeah, he needs a lot of help. His best add-ons are Uncommon and Common.
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You are right fot the legion.Detection range,pins rework,cooldown ones need buffs.Franks,Fuming Stab Study need complete reworks.And for demo,well he needs help :D
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No thanks. Please rework Legion's power (as well as giving him actually good, viable add-ons).
Demo also needs add-ons changed and maybe a slight base-kit buff. The purple add-ons are just #########.
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Shape and Huntress are up next for review. They’re the last addons out of the structure they like having. I think Pig needs a ‘pass’ more than Legion or Demo though.