Why is the Dull key exactly same looking as hatch keys?

Just like the title asks, why is this? I mean, in game development sense, what was the thought process of this decision? It fools both the killer and teammates to think you have grabbed a real key from a chest if not brought from lobby and told in chat before game starts.
Personally, I don't like it, but neither does it take my ability to sleep at nights away, so... meh. Just wanted to know. What do others think of this?
I assume you mean broken key as the other 2 can open hatch. I guess it's to have a key version of semi-useful items. Good for aura reading and nothing else.
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I think it's just because keys much like flashlights and medkits outside of Special Edition event ones all just have the same model.
Every medkit not counting the Halloween and the 4th year all share the same model
Every flashlight not counting the fourth year all share the same model.
Same thing with toolboxes
So it's not surprising that keys follow the same suit
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I'm more interested in why broken keys show up in chests. They literally do nothing without an add on.
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Keys and Moris need to be deleted in general (except broken key and yellow mori)
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I think keys are already small enough and hard to see, making it actually look broken would make it practically invisible, which detracts from game clarity.
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If that really was an issue, why not just paint it green or yellow, just basically color code those babies and problem solved :D
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Well, you can still escape the trial with it and use it after, but in the actual match, yeah it's 100% useless and likely to get a killer's attention if they notice it.
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Dull key is the purple tier one. It is a "hatch key."
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Exactly. I only consider taking it if I'm item hunting with Ace in the Hole and Plunderer's
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To make your surge of dopamine turn into sorrow when you see a key when you open a chest.