
Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34
edited December 2020 in General Discussions


Post edited by Dabomb932 on


  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    those are perks, and styptic agent needs a nerf obviously, not examples.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    Ok but survivors dont lose their items upon depletion or just get a new/ better one from a chest. Besides most survivor addons are either "do x more effeciently" or "have more charges" to mirror killer "recharge power faster" or "get benefit from xing"

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    if these add-ons make them playable, that needs to be a buff. they make so many already, for every game they use two add-ons, they make six more from the bloodweb. you didnt make a reasonable point

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    that doesnt add anything to this besides make you look like your special

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    im not talking about items, im talking about ability add-ons, and item add-ons are divided into four different items, and most items need add-ons to be usable, while abilities are plenty powerful enough. killer add-ons push most powers over the line of balanced into over-powered i feel, and there are definitly over-powered item add-ons, and thats a whole other discussion, but i dont think you should get desert if you already got a steak, you know?

  • Dabomb932
    Dabomb932 Member Posts: 34

    im 100% serious, but you knew that. do you play killer or survivor more?

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I feel like you've never attempted to play bagless Trapper or addonless Wraith.

    Regardless, items aren't useless without addons. Also most killer addons are of the variety of just making what they already do a little bit better. Most aren't game breaking.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    Well first of all killers shouldnt be on par with survivors, its 1v4. They should be more powerful. So if they have fewer add-ons which makes it easier for them to get the ones they need then I'll take that. Beyond that "Items need add-ons to be usable but on the otherhand killers definitely dont need them". Thats actually wrong. Neither needs add-ons. Some killers like Trapper and Wraith definitely "need" add-ons to not feel terrible to play, but a lot of killer dont need them win. I will grant you that. But Survivors dont even need items to win they just give them a boost. And most items are fine at base.

    Survivors get more items and are therefor more flexible in what they can do or how well they can do it, where as killers only have 1 power(we cant change killers to use a different power anymore).

    It shouldnt be changed until they fix every killer power to be "perfect" without add-ons, and change all add-ons to be a mix of minor stat boosters and some power changers. Like Pallet Freddy over Pool Freddy, Build that wall Hag, Jumpscare Myers, etc. But until then I respectfully disagree.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Can people that played killer maybe for 10 hours just sit down and let the people discuss that know both roles? Thanks

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    They create a lot of new and creative builds, I would like to keep them as is.

    Tbh get gud

  • Vibe_plant
    Vibe_plant Member Posts: 26

    Killers are overpowered? Compared to? They are a role balanced to the other role, they aren't overpowered or else you'd see nothing but 3/4ks

    As for your add-on suggestions... How about no? Give me one unusable item without add-ons [other than broken key.].

    Addons for killer are there to change gameplay, add an aditional effect or increase/decrease numbers, none of them are too strong on their own and only work well in combination of others. Hell as others have pointed out, some killers need their add-ons or they are complete dog. Wraith and Trapper being the main two to such a degree that for tierlist [something i hate but other discussion] the windstorm add-ons are included for Wraith to keep him relevant to the lists.

    And lets say we decrease the, what now? "Oh hey i got an addon. "Surprise hits give blindness" oh... Well maybe the next? "Your cloak doesn't conceal your terror radius anymore but get 100% more for surprise hits. You know what? Let me just play Bubba, Billy and huntress, they don't need add-ons."

    You're essentially gonna punish add-on reliant killers and making them be thrown to the side by killers who only improve but don't require them. The solution would be to just buff these killers (and they should be) but i genuinely don't see what nerfing rates for add-ons would accomplish other than making moris more common as they are what will show up more by proxy.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    'to many of them are, "the survivor dodged my attack, instead of rewarding the survivor, give me more chances" and that can be game-ending'

    Could you give some examples of the killer add-ons that do things like this?

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Addon make some killer playable and a lot of addon are garbage just take demo the best addon he got is a brown one. Survivor dont need addon to make an item usable a brown med kit is a full heal and you dont need any addon on your key if you want to escape. Addon and offering are part of the game and whutout them the gameplay will become stale so the game need them

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    This is single-handedly one of the dumbest things I've seen in a while.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,114

    Try playing Clown without addons. Then we can talk.

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    I already have a hard time obtaining just ONE burning man painting for Pyramid Head's ranged attack I don't think any add-on needs a nerf BESIDES Iri Head. You can always counter the add-ons and escape but the chances of surviving are really low unless if you're main focus is doing gens and pumping those out. It's like when I faced against a Iri Head Huntress, it's not a Mori but it will put me on edge and I'm determined to escape with these conditions. It makes the match Intense and nerve-wracking but at the same time you don't get much of that thrill and tension everyday maybe sometimes but not excessively.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I don’t think its the add-ons problem at all.

    You don’t need add-ons on survivor, they just help by either a small or big amount as every survivor is the same outside of height and how loud they are.

    Killer however, we have a few killers that you actually need add-ons for as without them...they are terrible.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited August 2020

    Yes, lets make killer addons, when there is only one killer, on par with 4 survivors addons. Brilliant idea. What if I told you that a lot of killers are designed and balanced with addons in mind? There are some that aren't addon reliant, and some that get a bit better, but the idea that it's some epidemic is laughable.

    I suppose we're going to make survivor addons and items disappear even if they win, too, right? Or are we just making sure we make the survivors happy in your little scenario.

  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473

    Addons makes the game better, some killers needs the addons, Wraith is one perfect example of it!

    And let me tell you something real quick, survivors DO NOT NEED ADDONS TO PLAY THE GAME, survivors can have a medkit with botany knowledge and it's basically We'll make it in a nutshell, BHVR just made addons for survivors to "be equal" towards killers