Fun mmr facts

A decent chunk of survivors whose rank says 15 to 17 are actually people who deranked to bully new killers. Im a rank 4 killer on xbox, and keep getting paired with rank 17s with all tier 3 perks. It's obvious to tell whose new to the game and who lowered there rank on purpose. Just ran into a 4 man swf all rank 13 to 17 with fully decked out perks including 3 decisives on backwater swamp as the pig. They played toxic so i started to camp and tunnel. Got the 4k and dealt with over a half hour of toxic messages from the cry babies. Dont play toxic as a deranking scumbag and expect the killer to not play toxic as well.
Sincerely , a survivor main who plays a decent amount of killer.
Ps.. The mmr may be wonky on most platforms but on xbox it seems accurate and definitely clocks the derankers!!