Im literally bored ...

... of playing with people who have under 50h.
The queue times don't help, Im literally waiting for 5 minutes to play a match with all newbies, and win in 4 minutes with absolutely no tension.
As much as I hate to say this, Im taking a break until this atrocious matchmaking is fixed or reverted ...
How are q times for you?
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Queue tine between instant to 1 minute for me on Switch.
My matches have gotten a lot more my level lately but STILL getting level 1 killers which I had never exlerienced before this new matchmaker. I dont understand why I still get them. How many times do I have to prove I can't compete at that level??
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The new mmr is rare.
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Challenge yourself:
If you noticed you are playing against new players, don't focus on 'winning' focus on showing them the ropes and have them learn by doing.
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That's actually really cool, i like this way of thinking, it's not the same but when i go against an obviously new killer i will give them a kill instead of getting a 4 escape, after all escaping isn't my ultimate goal, my goal is to have fun in the match die or not, it's kinda cute when they try and refuse to hook me throwing me out the exit gate but i'll signal no and crawl back in, sometimes it's a killer just doing a daily and not new but the sentiment is the same
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Ya i get the matches arent the best but tbh at least im getting games quickly...ps4 q times for survivors was awful. So at the moment they are like 30 seconds and killer queues are like 1 as a surv i dont mind being tunneled camped or anything cause i actually get games quick..same as killer im not minding being rushed or anything cause again...q time is so fast =)
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I have gotten so many positive comments from new and old players after such matches, best ones are always
'Thank you! you're/that was scary'