Ideas for dbd
new effect"fear"
a survivor with a "fear" effect receive a penalty 4/5/6% to repairs.sabotage, but with this effect, the penalty for the speed of repair, sabotage can not exceed 12%
Pain effect or damage slowdown
- a survivor with the effect of pain gradually takes damage (see the damage scale next to the survivor icon)
-Killer also sees a damage scale
- after filling the damage scale, the survivor takes damage and enters a wounded or dying state, depending on his state in which he was before filling the scale
-After hitting an injured survivor, the damage bar will be completely filled, regardless of its progress
-After hitting a healthy survivor, the scale will decrease by a third
-scale is filled in within 6/8/10 seconds
other changes
The killers
- the rabies scale does not empty after a miss
- stun from stopping FeralFrenzy or emptying the gauge lasts 2.5 seconds
- stun from hitting a survivor in a deep wound lasts 4 seconds
deep wound
- only stops during the chase
- deep wound timer lasts 20 seconds
-decreased when defeated by Legion in FeralFrenzy and when Survivor breaks out of the Redeemer
-stab wounds study, shortens the timer to 13 sec.
- Frank's Mix tape - moderately increases speed when Legion is in FeralFrenzy
The pig
- the timer will decrease by 15 seconds each time the generator is started after its activation
-can detonate the head of a survivor trying to escape through a gate when inactive
- the collapse will slow down if there are two survivors with a trap on their heads, if there are three or more of them, it will stop
-Now the addon "Rule set no.2" is active by default.
Ambush attack
-Slightly increased the speed of preparing for an ambush attack
"Amanda's Secret" - when the survivor finds or does not find the key in the Jigsaw box, the pig is perceived as noise (warning is visible at a distance of 40 meters)
"John's medical file" - slightly increases the Ambush attack radius.
"Rusty attachments", if a survivor enters a state of death with a trap on his head, a "weakening" statuseffect will be imposed on him, moderately increases the reverse Bear trap death timer, affects the appearance of the tra
"Video tape" slightly decreases the ambush attack miss cooldown , Moderately increases the ambush attack radius, slightly reduces the penalty after an unsuccessful ambush attack
"Jigsaw annotated plan" removed the negative effect from the addon.
Jigsaw sketch increases the number of saw boxes by two, slightly increases the reverse Bear trap death timer
Rule set no.2- Moderately reduces the repair rate of survivors with an inactive bear trap on the head
that's all ... sorry for my english