Chapter : Fragile Dimensions

Killer : The Tagare :

Henry Sullivan was born in August 1914 in Sweden and in 1920 was taught about his town's urban legend. The Tagare who took children and adults in the night and took them to another dimension what they didn't know at the time was that it would become a real story soon.

December 1934 : Children started disappearing one after the other and fear took over the citizens and eventually the town became a ghost town all but Henry left.

July 1938 : Henry Sullivan moved to the next town over and starting to work on his "project" while even more children disappeared.

June 1942 : The town was eventually taken over by soldiers and Henry disappeared and the soldiers thought he was a spy and raided his home but only found something worse. A attic full of dead bodies and A table made of human bone and skin made the headlines and everyone knew who Henry Sullivan was but no one ever found him until.

February 1943 : On the manhunt for Henry with dozens of men they finally found the old abandoned town filled with skeletons of children and even adults. Henry was there as well they finally cornered him in his old house and without remorse the entire group emptied their weapons into the house killing Henry or so they thought.

November 1950 : 7 years later and no one heard of Henry Sullivan but something was happening to the villagers near the old town as their children started disappearing once again. The old group went back to town only to find his old house rebuilt entirely with just human bones. Inside they found him and threw him outside and into a house and locked it and the group wanting to make sure he finally paid for his crimes threw grenades found from the old armies reserves into the house until their was nothing left but the doors. Henry Sullivan's body was never found and everyone in the group mysteriously died the following years.

Power : Dimensional Stalker : "Granted by the entity The Tagare is allowed to travel through dimensions to find his victims." Holding the Secondary Attack button transports The Tagare to The Mirrored World for 25 seconds. While in The Mirrored World you can go through walls and grab survivors. If you grab a survivor while in The Mirrored World You and the survivor are transported to a locker and they become stuck in that locker until they are freed by another survivor their aura is shown after 15 seconds this does not progress any time for the hook. The Mirrored World has a cooldown of 60 seconds and increases your speed by 10%. Special Ability : Transdimensional Teleport : Pressing Primary Attack while at a locker lets you enter it and you can teleport to any other locker by pressing the button again and aiming at locker you want teleport too this has a cooldown of 30 seconds.


Ultra Rare

Bloodied Cloth

Reminds you of your first hunt.

Tremendously decreases the amount of time you can spend in The Mirrored World, and cooldown. While using Transdimensional Teleport every survivor within 24 meters of the locker is shown and you become undetectable for 15 seconds after exiting the locker.

Iridescent Gem

A replica of the gem used to travel through The Mirrored World it buzzes with fear.

Removes the ability to grab survivors while in The Mirrored World and Transdimensional Teleport.

Tremendously increases your speed while travelling The Mirrored World. Every survivor within 6 meters of you are exposed for 6 seconds.

Very Rare

Joyful Gem

A gem taken from The Mirrored World that gives the user a sense of joy and happiness.

Moderately decreases the cooldown of Dimensional Stalker and Moderately increases your speed while travelling the Mirrored World.

Dreading Gem

A gem taken from The Mirrored World that gives the user of dread and death.

Considerably increases the amount of time you can travel through The Mirrored World.

Table Leg

A table leg made out of bones.

Considerably decreases cooldown of Transdimensional Teleport and Tremendously decreases locker search time.


Shattered Gem

A broken gem taken from the corpse of child.

Slightly increases Speed and Duration of travelling The Mirrored World.

Moldy Doorknob

The doorknob of the old home.

Moderately decreases locker search time and Moderately increases the speed of teleporting.

Small Skull

A skull of a child.

While in a locker your terror radius is increased by 32M.


A storybook that talks about The Tagare.

Moderately increases the amount of time you can travel through The Mirrored World.

Insulin Shot

A medical device taken from a diabetic child.

Moderately increases your speed while travelling The Mirrored World.


Hunting Jacket

The first jacket that Henry bought.

Slightly increases Speed and Duration of Dimensional Stalker. Slightly increases the cooldown of Dimensional Stalker.

White Ribbon

A small and faded ribbon.

Moderately decreases the time it takes to enter The Mirrored World.

Red Cap

A red hat that's covered in dirt.

Moderately decreases locker search time.

Toy Figure

A green toy that's seems to be covered in dust.

Slightly increases speed while travelling through The Mirrored World.


Broken Knife

The first knife used in the murders.

Slight increases the duration you can travel through The Mirrored World.


The headline that captivated the world.

Slightly decreases locker search time and Slightly decreases cooldown of Transdimensional Teleport.


The picture of a child stolen from a home.

Slightly decreases the cooldown of Dimensional Stalker.

The Tagare's unique perk's are

Foreseeable Action

After years of hunting you have gone through every action you could think of.

When a survivor is within 16/24/28 meters of you the perk activates. If the survivor starts running they become oblivious for 5/10/15 seconds. If the survivor starts to walk they become hindered for 3/6/9 seconds. If the survivor starts to crouch you see their aura for 3/3/3 seconds. this perk can only triggered for 1/2/3 survivors and has a cooldown of 70/60/50 seconds. LVL 35 teachable.

Evil Wisdom

Giving your prey false hope fills you with lust for the kill.

Losing a survivor in a chase shows their aura for 2/4/6 seconds and you become undetectable for 6/12/18 seconds. LVL 30 teachable.

Ubiquitous Ending

Sometimes a faster start leads to a satisfying ending.

Generator repair speed is increased by 30/40/50% after all generators are done the exit gates take 25/30/35 seconds longer to open and endgame collapses timer is decreased by 5/8/12 seconds and Hooking, Picking Up, Grabbing, and missed attack cooldown is decreased by 10/15/20% this stacks. Stuns, Blindness Timer, and Successful attack cooldown is decreased by 20/25/30% this does not stack.

Survivor : Geoff Deafer : *"A failed scientist and chemist Geoff returned home and turned on his TV to a report on someone called Henry Sullivan he didn't care really and packed up his things to move again. But something caught his eye and he decided to help with the manhunt. Figuring his home town out and heading their with group he was the only one to not fire. 7 years later once again he was on the search going back to the old town and entering the house he heard explosions outside and fell through the floor and ended up in the town and he heard screams and laughs that didn't sound human.

Geoff's Perks are

Blinding Reaction

You learned how to set up certain traps.

At the start of a match 1/1/2 pallets are highlighted only survivors with Blinding Reaction can use their unique affects. Stunning a killer cause a firework explosion to go off blinding them for 1/1.5/2 seconds. You can trap a pallet this takes 10/8/6 seconds and has a cooldown of 200/180/160 seconds. LVL 40 teachable

Attainable Knowledge

You know how to use certain things.

When working on a generator with 3/2/1 other survivors toolbox efficiency is increased by 10/15/20%.LVL 30 teachable.

Tech Savvy

Being good at tech is a great knowledge.

While working on a generator every 50/25/10% gives you a token max is 10. When touching another generator all tokens are consumed and the generator progression is increased by 2.0% for every token.