Simple alternative to the MMR system was to change rank reset system back to the old system

I've been playing this game for two years, I have played both sides, often shifted from being a survivor main to a killer main.

From my experience the quality of games at red ranks decreased once the devs change the rank reset system, where you were just moved down to the previous crest colour. For example anyone in red ranks were moved back to rank 5.

This meant that it was incredibly easy to get to red ranks on both sides, meaning that more people who didn't belong at red ranks got to red ranks. This had an affect on the gaming experience, solo survivors were forced to have inexperienced team mates and the killer would often vs potatoes, which is pretty boring (if you're a good killer).

In the previous rank reset if you were rank 1 you were reset to rank 10 and if you were rank 11 you would be put back to rank 15 etc. With this system it made it that those who weren't good enough or too inexperienced struggled to get to the red ranks.

This meant that there weren't as many potatoes at red ranks as there are today, you would still get the potatoes at red ranks towards the end of the season (I use to avoid playing dbd during the last week of the season).

In my opinion the previous rank reset was the best way to separate the players based on ability (to dbd standards). The experienced/good players were mostly at red ranks, the decent players were at purple ranks, the casuals and slightly inexperienced players were at green ranks, and new players were at yellow and brown ranks.

Currently the MMR system is putting new players against players with thousands of hours in the game, which isn't fun the new players nor is it fun for the experienced players (the exception are the few sadistic players that enjoy bullying new players).

Comment your thoughts. From my personal experience, DBD has declined in the enjoyment factor since the current rank reset was implemented. The new MMR system has further decreased the enjoyment factor (couldn't really think of a word for it).