Saving Bloodpoints Tome 4 Level 2
This is my way of completing every single challenge in the tome, while also saving as many Bloodpoints as possible.
Red Line = Collect
Yellow Circle = Save
**Edit: It was brought to my attention that you can't go back on from the top corner after reaching the end at the bottom. Here is the updated way which saves the exact same amount of Bloodpoints.**
Apologies for not realising this. I'll remember this now for the next levels and tomes released.
Amazing as always. Thanks, Cashel.
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I love these. Thank you so much. You’re awesome! ;)
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Thank you mate 👍 feels like they are making these more difficult to do each time lol
Thank you for the message mate.
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Top man! Thanks as always!
I've run out of things to spend the BPs on and am just waiting for new chapter to hit!
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Thanks for this! First rift I've decided to save bp for the next chapter and these help immensely
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No problem mate 👍
I've got all my killers max perks so I've also have nothing to really spend points on either.
Yea I'm glad it helps mate. I see a lot of people have started saving points this way which is good. I saw otz uploaded a picture to twitch showing his path which saves the same amount of bp.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Googled for this! Thanks again dude! Awesome work!
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Bit confused, how do i get access to the part highlighted in green? I thought maybe i had to just get to the end, but then i did and i still can't seem to access it.
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well it would seem if you get the epilogue you'll get both so you can go backwards on the one in green.
Only problem I have for this is you won't get the rift shards for the rift! that's important too... so careful there but it is a wild idea!
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No, it does not unlock the green path. I finished the main red path and reached epilouge after few hours they released the level 2.
The upper red path can not be unlocked
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cool, i was not sure i haven't played dbd for 2 days now. :) thanks for the info.
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Oh really? I assumed that they would allow this to happen since something similar worked in an earlier tome. My apologies I'll take a look on how to do fix it.
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SEO is helping me it seems lol
I assumed it would allow you to back track from the top after reaching the end but I was wrong. Fixed it now so you still save the same amount of Bloodpoints.
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Any tips on how to salvage it for those of us who completed the red lines already while minimizing how much we are not able to save?
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Send a picture of your current one and I'll help
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I didn't understand what this was about at first but now I think I get it. Sadly, I'm far from having everything unlocked on the characters I like, so no reason for me to save up the bloodpoints... The grind is real yo. It probably doesn't help that I actively play both sides.
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Your too far into the path to change course now. What I'd suggest is to follow my path the same way and leave the challenges in the top right uncompleted till the new chapter is unlocked.
Since you've already reached the end at the bottom, you will unlock the next level. I can't remember all the previous tome levels very well but I'm certain that once you reach one of the ends, then the next is unlocked.
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That's fair mate. I've got nothing better to do with my points so may as well save them.
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from the glave looking challenge go forward two, up one. that's your best bet. remember by then completing the others and NOT collecting the rewards you will not get the rift shards, so if you also want rift progress you will have to collect it all. good work.... I haven't touched tome two as i'd taken a few days off because i was tired of the matches I was getting.
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The point of saving BP is for upgrading new Killer & Survivor(s) on next coming chapter(s).
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I could not understand why anyone would be trying to save BP. I guess it makes sense if you have 3000 hours and literally everything else maxed. As a new player this seems, well, impossible. I have nearly 500 hours and don't even have all teachable perks unlocked much less "what do I do with all this BP" problem.
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Apologies for offending you mate. I'm not trying to be edgy or cool it's just my sense of humour. I never take anything too seriously since I think the world is a much better place when you don't.
I am a person who never gets offended unless I know the intention is to offend/annoy me. Unless someone singles me out to say something, something that will annoy me then I won't get annoyed. Life is too short to get caught up in every single little word people say.
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All depends on how much people want the stuff in the rift. I personally don't care how long I need to wait since I know when I collect the rewards I'll shoot up to level 70.
I'd say a lot of people have that amount of playtime lol surprisingly this game seems to have one of the most committed fan bases in the world from what I've seen.
Sometimes people save up points on licensed chapters incase a license they love comes out.
Also it's extremely pleasing to look at lol
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I swear you can't collect the top right 2, as that's the epilogue you cant start from that.
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You can't. I thought if you finished the bottom then you'd be able to start again from there but I was wrong.
Changed the path this morning because of this. Saves the exact same amount of Bloodpoints.
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True... I was more saying if you want to get to level 70 using the fragments here, you need to do so before the rift closes, not much later when you want blood points :) we are talking the same thing as you are still suggesting they need to be used before the rift closes :) to some they're already at tier 70 because they play so often, or will be before even the next level comes out. :)
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what I was suggesting is that if you reach the bottom epilogue you could work backwards from the top. this has been proven incorrect, but in previous ones there was only one epilogue spot and it connected all routes of the tome level and you could work backwards from it.
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Over 4k now, but it would be nice to be able to donate some of them to friends I'm trying to entice into the game, but hey-ho!
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Thanks for letting him know mate. I need to start putting in the discussion why exactly I'm saving them. Been doing this since Tome 1 and I'd say at least one person asks every time lol
Oh ok I understand now mate 👍 good thing is the tome won't end till after the new chapter is released. I'm actually extremely low levelled right now since I haven't played much since Fall Guys came out. Just played enough to reach the next level of the tome.
Cheers for letting him know about the shards thing anyway. Good you mentioned it incase he tried to save past the new chapter.
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Bearing in mind this game has crossplay I forward this motion lol
Want to get them playing this game so it would be nice to help get them some early perks.