Here’s a list of the killers that take no skill
The Deathslinger: while behind a running survivor, he can ADS almost immediately with little to no cooldown zoning the survivor and getting a guaranteed hit because this makes the survivor scared to get shot and is forced to sway the other direction losing distance. Even if the survivor is a good distance away while doing this, he can still get a shot.
The Spirit: as a former spirit main, I never realized how broken she was until playing many matches against her. The funny thing is the whole time I mained her I never used a headset because I never had one and so I relied on my tv speakers to find survivors. With a decent headset, she’s almost unstoppable. Footsteps are crisp and clear, survivors who are injured without Iron will and without Stridor are super easy to track so you’ll definitely down survivors fairly quickly after coming out from your phase. Against advanced spirits or just killers in general who hardly play spirit, you’ll need to come up with some sort of mind game to throw her off.
The Executioner (Pyramid Head): Anothr killer similar to deathslinger as to where PH can use his Rites of Judgement ability which has 0 cooldown to zone the survivors into thinking he will use his ranged ability (AKA punishment of the damned). Not to mention unlike the deathslinger who is 110% speed, PH is 115% speed. So canceling the ability doesn’t cost him anything. The only thing that can cost him time is constantly using punishment of the dammed and missing the attacks as it gives survivors a couple seconds to run to the next tile unless in a dead zone.
The Demogorgon: Yet another killer that uses the ability to zone and bait rather than actually using the ability.
Don’t get me wrong, I love playing the killers listed above because they are actually fun to play as more so than other killers (IMO). But do I think any these killers need a nerf? Absolutely not. In case you’re very new to DBD since the forums are always filled about how spirit should be nerfed, spirit got her rework already and her basekit and perks have been balanced. Old spirit was worse, Prayer Beads + Mother Daughter ring was and instant DC for most players, collision during phasing was an instant giveaway to get a hit or a down, her vaulting animation made her stay still but come out of the vault which made it hard to tell if she was vaulting or phasing. The point is I’ve realized how broken these killers can be when going against them and it can suck the fun out of a lot of matches. If you think they’re not broken and perfectly fine that’s you but I’m sure some people can agree.
It definility doesnt require any skill to aim or to hear where EXACTLY the survivors are..
Same with PH he have to guess and predict + survivors can EASILY counter him in many ways.
Also.. Demogorgon..? REALLY?!
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Well, there are two different TYPES of skill: mechanical and mental. Mechanical is literally aiming and general movement, where mental is all the mind-games, spacial awareness and how you act on the information you have. Two completely different skill-sets.
Deathslinger has a limited range and requires precision with a projectile-but-not-really weapon. It is a pain to use on console. Other than that mechanically, no. He isn't a mechanics heavy killer. You end chases super quickly and that's your thing.
Spirit is 95% mental. Phasing throws off so many people because it just removes all information. The skill comes from mind-games, and knowing WHEN to phase, not how.
Demogorgon could be in the same boat as Hillbilly if we want to go there about Shred. There is also the element of setting up with it's portals and how they can be used for tracking.
Executioner has a fair bit of set-up and his Judgement of the Damned is more easy to see comkng and bait. There is also a lengthy animation after using JotD and it takes a chunk of his Rites energy. Using Rites in general is something I categorise as mental skill, with using to to shut off some loops or have a bit of tracking.
Hopefully that clears up some things for you.
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You have confused "no skill" with "basic tactics."
Deathslinger: You have to be a crack shot and know all the little gaps you can shoot through.
Spirit: is only easy if you are playing Soundsiper Spirit with busted add-ons. Otherwise it's a competition between you and your opponent as to who can headscrew the other the best. Just because many people don't even try doesnt mean that spirit is easy: trapper is easy when they give up, they simply give up less.
Pyramid Head: Once again, you have to be an good shot, only now you also need perfect timing. On top of that, he has an insanely high skill ceiling outside of looping, though most people don't care given his antiloop potential.
Demogorgon: I don't know where you are coming from with this one. He's got one of the highest skill floors in DBD.
None of these killers are "low skill". (Well, except Stridor Spirit, but that's is completely different to normal spirit). ACTUAL low skill killers are ones like Myers and Freddy: you learn the basics in a few trials and that's all there really is. Sure, you could master them, but their skill floor is so low that you don't need to. They are just so accessable.
A few more to consider? Bubba, Stabby Ghostface and Stabby Wraith. Again, no mechanical skill and no real tactical knowledge.
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Truth is, the killer that the person reading this plays doesn't require any skill at all, while my killer requires a galaxy brain.
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You explained that better than I could ever have hoped to.
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Thank you! It's nice to see that people actually understand what I'm saying too.
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I agree with this overall but stabby Ghostface does require a fair bit of prediction and mindgaming.
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New Bubba requires no mechanical skills?
Didn't know the chainsaw automatically controlled itself perfectly around tight loops (sweep mechanic 1) without touching any corners (requirement to avoid the stun mechanic 2) while timing the charges (mechanic 3) at the right moment which is required in order to get the chainsaw-range (mechanic 4) necessary to catch a survivor brainlessly running in circles.
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Had a chuckle at you listing Demo. You can hear him miles away, giving the survivor time to just move to the nearest jungle gym. Real hard. . .
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Mate Pyramid Head and Demogorgon take skill
This little “cooldown” things people always mention about Pyramid’s judgement cancel makes me laugh every time, a FREE perk that david owns counters it, its called Dead Hard and you can dead hard through his ranged attack and his bait attack
And today is the first day ever where someone said Demogorgon takes no skill, his skill cap pretty much battles with Nurse just because his portals can make or break the game
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I never really played bubba before the change. I picked him up in 1 game. Am I the best bubba? No. Am I getting consistent 4k's? Yes. They increased his skill ceiling, sure, but his skill floor also dropped further tham Myers. He's really not so hard a killer.
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okay heres a revised list from someone with 6k hours this does not mean these killers take 0 skill but require basic killer knowledge in order to play
m1 killers, (like wraith and ghost face)
that is all killers in my eyes who does not require as much input as say hillbilly or huntress in order to use their kit effectively to pressure survivors
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Demo takes no skill? Rofl ok dude.
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It's always easy to 4k against potatoes regardless of the killer you play.
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I don’t know what’s more cursed, Demo with a gun or Demo with human hands.
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I'm not talking about potatoes. Potatoes don't know how to play windows or rush generators because they know there's about to be no pallets on the map.
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demo? Really?
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So what killers DO require mechanical skills then (excluding Nurse)?
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Hillbilly has input? ALL of your abilities come from one button!
And much like my comment at the top of this, mechanical and mental skills are different and required for every single killer in the game, with various amounts of each. And even then, different parts of that skillset. Trapper requires the mental skill of laying traps in strategic positions, but low mechanical skill as he is a basic killer. Hunttess has the mental side of situational awareness and tracking, with added mechanical sides of aiming hatchets.
Didn't take me 6000 hours to figure THAT out.
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yes they OP but not Demogorgon he to hard his power easy to dodge.
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The people who say slinger takes no skill are the same type of people who think spirit is just a pair of headphones.
Play slinger, come back when you've 4ked against a good squad and tell me and all the other slinger mains he don't take skill.
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low quality bait
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I rarely face decent Deathslingers. 90% of them consistently miss their shots and have to spend the majority of the match being a basic M1 killer. If he was so easy to use, why do so many people struggle? And why don’t we see him more often? It’s rare for me to face him on console.
He’s one of my favourite killers to play as because I love FPS and I’m good with my aim. None of my wins are handed to me. I have to earn them.
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ya pretty much nailed it. One thing to also point out is that he is horribly inconsistent, a rotation of a simple tile can be the difference between a down and nothing. With slinger you have to live with these and it's what I assume is driving people from not playing him.
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The thing I struggle with the most is the dedicated servers. I have so many shots that land perfectly on a survivor but apparently I was shooting at Casper as it just goes right through them.
I just find it so satisfying seeing a gun as your weapon. It makes me feel like I’m playing a different game.
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this was my bad i probably shouldve rephrased this a little better. all killers require good input and quick decision making however when it comes to using your power these are the few that require a lot less input to get the same result, throughout these killers you can use skill but this skill used is transferrable between killers and not linked to their actual kit. aside from basic knowledge of when to use your power
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That does clear it up a lot. Thanks.
Outside of turning (console player, don't bring up flicks.....) I don't see any mechanical part in Hillbilly that differs from normal. It is just one button and time based. Probably part of the reason I hate him so much.
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Bubba is the worst! Every single Bubba is the same thing.
Chainsaw -> Camping -> Chainsaw 2 players at same time -> Slug
I can't play against him. That's why for me Bubba = DC. :(
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I think you guys hear "no skill" and instantly think "easy to win with/will always get 4k wins."
Deathslinger, at least on PC where you're not aiming with two ridiculous little sticks, is very easy to land shots with. Yes, many players will still be bad because DBD seems to attract a large crowd of players who only play one game for thousands of hours, but to anyone with even middling FPS experience, it's super easy to land hits, because all the things that make landing hits hard in other games (long ADS window, opponents moving/jumping/shooting back, avoiding fire, etc) are not there for Deathslinger. You just quick scope to "ADS" and fire instantly.
This is why people say you don't juke him, he misses. There's no time wasted in aiming or telegraphing his power. Pyramid Head sticks his big ass sword in the ground, which is loud and very visual, and then he has an animation to fling his sword up, and then the power is telegraphed visually on the ground before it actually does any damage, and then it does damage in chunks in a line, one chunk at a time, not all at once. The Huntress screams like her hatchet is a hundred thousand pounds and raises it over her head, where it takes time to charge up, and when it's charged up fully, everyone on the map can hear it. When the Deathslinger aims, he holds M2 for a split second then taps M1 and you're already hooked before you realized he fired.
That does NOT mean he's easy to 4k with, because while his power is really good for chases unless the map is utterly littered with great pallets for you to pre-drop, he just walks from one side of the map to the other, his pressure outside of chases is minimal, at least with how people currently play him. There's also some ways for the survivors to screw with his chain if they're nearby, so there's at least that.
I don't agree that he takes no skill, because I don't think any killer takes "no skill," but I think the skill requirement to land your shots with him is VERY low compared to other ranged attacks in the game, although you do waste a lot of time if you miss and have to reload.
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Why these killers DO take skill;
Deathslinger; you have to aim
Pyramid Head; you have to aim and be able to predict survivor's movements
Demogorgon; you have to aim and be able to predict survivor's movements
Spirit; you have to be able to predict survivor's movements (or run stridor but shhhh)
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You put demo of all killers into your post, but didn't include Freddy?
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Bad bait
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Every killer requires skill. Some just require more skill than others.
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This is a great way to put it. We knew we could count on you Dwight.
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Cool. So that means you can get to rank 1 with demo and stay there right? 13th is tomorrow, youd have a whole month to do what you should be able to do in a few days since you should be winning almost all your games. Why not provd to us it really takes no skill.
Either that or admit your full of ######### and have no idea what youre talking about
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Heres an actual list of killers who take no skill
Everything takes at least some skill to play you sour lemon just get better at the game
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Imagine thinking killer take no skill when the only thing survivor need to do is run around a pallet and drop it after 2 round and you go to another pallet and you repeat the process until the game is over
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If these killer takes no skill then I really want you to know how skillfull survivor gameplay is.
Because a lot of survivors complains that their teammates sucks and you are not very skillfull if you rely on your team that much.🤷♀️
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Mechanical skill at base? Deathslinger, Huntress, Billy, Pyramid Head, Oni, Plague, Demogorgon and Doctor. You need to practice their powers in order to get any real use out of them.
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Ah yes the demogorgan has no skill yet shred has mechanics in it which require skill
Last time I checked your considered a pretty good demo if you know how to use hill's and higher floors to your advantage.
And the results are beautiful
If you can even land it
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Demogorgon is rare, because he is pretty below average. DS is very slow, every missed shot really hurts you. Hey, when you shoot an allready injured survivor over a pallet, he can just break free and does not go down. Imagine you could catch huntress hatchets and not get hurt. What a bullcrap.
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Everything takes skill. If it doesn't require any skill, the player is doing it automatically without even thinking about it, which, as we all know, is impossible. Such a job is possible only for programmed AI's.
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Demo takes a lot of skill since he telegraphs everything he does since everything he does is so loud
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If they take no skill how come I sometimes lose matches with them?