PC killers are sweaty



  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    And for good reason. Top tier survivors are basically unbeatable without using very strong killers and perks.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Funny you say that, I just went against a console killer and it wasn't a fun experience. All he did was nod and hit me on hook without me teabagging or anything.

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    Congratulations on posting what might be most ignorant thing I've read in at least a week.

    • Anything less than a 4K is a loss. Do you stop at 2 gens? 3 gens? I didn't think so. If I choose to give someone the hatch, I may count that as a win, but the game does not, and I take a BP hit for doing it.
    • Every day, literally. Every. Single. Day. There are multiple nerf Killer X they're so OP threads, often for things that are weak AF like Pig and Clown.
    • No. SWFs in particular try to troll every match like a middle school bully trying to impress their friends throwing an open milk carton at the kid who just moved to their school. T-bagging clicking sweaty tryhards are very much the norm, the higher the rank you are the worse it gets, but they were there on day 1, as red ranks in my rank 20 games, when I started in June.

    Are you on mobile or something? Like, you're not even playing the same game.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Bruh, disable your cross play while you can. Nothing but sweat here on both sides. And be glad you can't read post game chat either because boy.....

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well the constant use of "we" instead of me or I gives the strong impression of talking about a collective about people. Couple this with a tone of arrogance ("We use our head/play smart etc."), let's people spooks at the post with an inherent feeling of "disgust" (<- sorry I am missing a better word for this).

    I read your post a few hours ago and can't really remember the contents but the tone was pretty arrogant against console players. They are handicapped by the limits set by the hardware (mouse vs controller turning for killer against 360, being used to 30fps against the now killers with way more and so on).

    Of course there may be a higher skillevel and it might also be linked to the mentioned hardware limits but skill has to be always compared on the same footing (hardware).

    But I also predicted the apparent discrepancies between pc and console.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well he is basically right about the basic issue. Killer aiming/rapid turning is way easier with a mouse instead of a controller.

    But this issue was obvious way before the implementation of crossplay.

    On console you can either have small precise aiming or fast 180 turning (talking about fast reactions, without thousands of hours to aquire the muscle memory to do both aka precise aiming with high stick sensitivity).

  • rd_dex
    rd_dex Member Posts: 253

    From my 1.5k hours of playing both roles basically 50/50 I find both sides to be equally sweaty and toxic.

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    Nah, they have to adapt to the same killers but without their console limitations.

    I currently believe that a red console rank equates to a green PC rank.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    I mean I'd sure hope I'm sweaty in this ######### heatwave lol

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I haven't noticed any differences at all. And as to whether or not the Mouse gives an advantage of a Console... I play with a PC but use a XBOX controller. All this muck is nonsense.

  • Dsalter
    Dsalter Member Posts: 239

    you can thank the fact that KB&M makes it so much easier for both survivor and SOME killers for this as well as the ability to lower settings for some maps to lag less.

    you'll learn at some point the killers on PC might be sweatier but the survivors are even sweatier though if you play solo you will likely never meet them but trust me survivors on PC are some of the scaries things to go against like clicker macros, godlike looping, 3x360 spins during a chase in an instant thanks to amped up turn rates resulting in some hits flying straight off course, etc.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    Ah, so tunneling is when I hook someone else only to have a cocky bastard run up to unhook right next to me? That cocky bastard is totally being tunneled in that situation right? Get off yourself.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Though the matches are usually tough, I run Trapper and Pig with a dash of Doc and Hag. I don't like running Nurse or Spirit and never developed a taste for Billy. Red rank play is pretty tense with those 2, but fun.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Just like survivors are sweaty and always run the same meta perks

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    This a gross generalization, and not true in my experience. I play Killer and Survivor. I run into all the different Killers with regular frequency. For my own part, I play one Killer at a time until I can crack well below Rank-10. Once I've done that I feel at least basically proficient. Right now I play Michael Myers and little else. I will probably go to Clown next.

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Man all you say is entitled survivor bullshit, you should really think before talking

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    So what is the problem here?

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    I play on console and the game is way more fun.

  • NotTheodore
    NotTheodore Member Posts: 32

    Please send over your nurses and spirits because I haven't seen one on PC in weeks! Thank you.

  • Robotman200
    Robotman200 Member Posts: 49

    I completely agree with this but its the same for pc survivors too, unless it's a god console killer I absolutely destroyed them and same for me playing killer

  • Psychic1337
    Psychic1337 Member Posts: 29

    Problem being that if we disable crossplay, then we can only match with other people on our platform that have disabled crossplay as well. So by disabling crossplay the loading matchmaking times will be longer than ever before. So in other words, we can't disable crossplay if we actually want to be able to find a match.

  • Robotman200
    Robotman200 Member Posts: 49

    Lmao PC players ain't gonna change the way they play just cause someone else is using a controller

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    Just saying skill is a requirement. If you want easy games play kyf because you sound like you don't like going against people with skill. Except Huntress with ire head that isn't skill.

  • Robotman200
    Robotman200 Member Posts: 49

    As someone who plays both, this is true and it makes me just as mad

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    It's not that pc killers are sweaty.

    It's the nature of the pc players. We have better frame rates and control, meaning the survivors we're going against are also stronger than consoles.

    So as crossplay is enabled, you are paired with these killers that are constantly going against better survivors. Of course you're gonna feel every killers are sweaty.

    I myself really want to play clown, but i can't really afford it unless i want to lose at first place.

  • maderr
    maderr Member Posts: 251
    edited August 2020

    Man, PC survivors are exactly the same lol...

    To resume the game atm, players who know what they are doing and who are try-harding :

    • Killers : nurse, spirit, hag, huntress; strategy is to camp the hooked survivor, tunneling -> pretty boring
    • Survivors : all running DS, Unbreakable, Borrow and sprint burst; gen rushing

    This is the state of the game in 2020, 3 years after launch.

    What developpers needs to do :

    • Balance killers in order to make them all even, to bring variety in the killer choice : buff tier B/C killers, nerf tier S/A killers to have all killer on the same efficiency line
    • Change the way the hook system is done to avoid camp/tunneling : when a survivor is hooked, the hook disappears and reappears somewhere else on the map, killer doesn't see where (counterpart : lower the time to save the survivor)
    • Rework some maps, especially those with too many pallets/windows etc...
    • Hooks placement have to be reworked, we need more space between them
    • Remove some killer addons (one shot trap, hatchet, Infinite P3 blabla)
    • Remove some survivor perks or rework them
    • Add a mid-game event to add ~2 or 3 minutes to every game (to help the killer to have more chase time)
    • Include a working MMR matchmaking without displaying any rank (implementing visible ranks in every game only brought toxicity and thus in every game - OW, R6S, Valorant, LoL, DbD etc... Toxicity that didn't exist in older games when ranks didn't exist)

    With all those changes, there will be more variety in perks/killer choices, less try-hard, game will be funnier for everyone.

    But hey, do you know what developpers are busy to do ? Releasing 10€ cosmetics :). That's all.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Since I play PC I cant speak about extra sweatiness from PC Killers since they what I usually face but I can say console Survivors are super toxic, not that it tilts me as I take the game as what it is, a game but the amount of T-bag, meta perk spam and clicky flashlights is astounding. Best part is they dont even have to skills to backup such attempts at toxicity and they usually end sacrificed, are console Killers so soft that Survivors have grow overconfident? If thats the case they are going to learn to show the proper respect in blood.

    I think ive met more toxic console survivors in the few days after crossplay was implemented than in the whole 2020.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    > Survivors are only toxic if the killer is toxic first

    No. Incorrect. I can't even put into words how wrong that is. It might be like that on console, but there are plenty of SWFs out there on PC who are as toxic and sweaty as they come.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    Not at all because I rarely go against them. I don't know why you think that's all there is. Barely anyone plays nurse, spirit I get once in a while, huntress is more common. It's mostly Freddy, legion, Oni, and Deathslinger, that are the ones I see all the time.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    You never face those killers on console, so what the hell are you crying about?

    PC players have the option. To play every killer to it's maximum potential.

    Sorry to break it to you, but you can't just bully them as easily as console killers who have to play against the terrible performance

    So technically, you're playing the game in it's full potential now. Time to get gud against the top killer.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Well I would say using a mouse over a controller in a first person view allows more diversity.

    From my experience I feel that you can't exert millimeter precision while also being able to do instant 360 turns with an analog stick.

    Maybe with hundreds to thousands of hours practice on high sensitivity to adapt your muscle memory to obtain the same precision, while still being able to do turns with the same max speed.

    And yes I know high turn speed is not highly necessary in dbd but would help against 360s and stuff, since it is by now already close to a stereotype that survivor are way more successful with them against killer on console than on pc.

  • XXTheCh0senXX
    XXTheCh0senXX Member Posts: 23

    I completely agree with Kiki.

    I'm a PC player and I can tell, both survivor and killer players at red ranks are sweaty.

    Now with crossplay I'm getting chill killers and chill survivors, this way I can be more chill too.

    This is a great thing for the game, we are now able to play non-meta perks and killers in a viable way and not try to be as efficient as possible during the game.

    And, yes, most PC players at high ranks are/were sweaty, because the environment demanded them to be that way.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    pc killers aren't sweaty. console killers are boosted.

  • Голубой
    Голубой Member Posts: 126

    Nurses are not that common. And when you do see them, they generally suck. The good ones that smash are rare and smashing can happen on any killer.

    Spirit sucks, but likely she isn't as common as some of the other killers (probably because the community knows that playing her is uncool and will probably bring about loads of d/c's).

    Huntress isn't bad. You just need to get used to her. You probably don't have enough experience yet because you only played on console. I think she's one of the more fun killer to play against because she's easy to loop and dodging her hatchets is kind of a fun game (until you have to do an action that animation locks you).

    I think the bigger problems are Freddy and PH. Freddy just drags games out and it never feels fun. PH is just overall the epitome of bad design and probably the least fun killer to go against if we do not count Spirit.

  • PlutoniumYT
    PlutoniumYT Member Posts: 15

    I face a variety of killers. I'm on PC and today I played against Deathslinger, Ghost face and Clown.

  • SaboThisAss
    SaboThisAss Member Posts: 4

    I’m pretty sure it’s just bad luck on your part getting the same killers over and over. Even before crossplay I have yet to get the same killer constantly and it’s still the same after crossplay came out.

    And about PC killers being sweaty?? PC players play different and are a lot better cause PC runs so much better, sorry killers actually wanna win, guess that makes them sweaty lol

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    One thing I will say is that console survivors seem to be SUPER altruistic. Like, they’ll throw the game to take a hit for someone. Pretty much every time I’m chasing someone I hear running footsteps behind me and it’s one of their buddies coming to run interference, haha.

    It’s engrained in me to capitalise on this by doling out hits and slugging but I’ve been slowing down and letting people get their altruism points and it’s been really fun. The matches are slower paced and everyone gets a ton of points. I let the last guy get hatch and usually still double pip anyway because the gens were so slow and I had so many short chases. It’s pretty great.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I am so sweaty, that I let in most of my games someone go, or do farming with the survs.

    If bhvr buffs my fav killer again, after they have destroy him, I might can develope enough fun to play dbd again more often and show this behavior in more ranks, as rank 20 actual because I play maybe just 1 match/month at the moment.

    That is everything I can say to it as killermain and you maybe see there the problem^^.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Imagine getting stomped so hard you went into the options to tick the safety bubble check mark so you wouldn't be forced to get better.

  • ASurvkillivorer
    ASurvkillivorer Member Posts: 1,840

    Except there is no getting better against someone who has objectively better controls than you do.

    I have been a day one DLC buyer since 2018 and am committing to quitting this game if we don't get an option to lock out PC but keep the other consoles.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    that is because pc survivors are way better than consoel survivors so they actually need to play like that to win

  • nixtunes
    nixtunes Member Posts: 56

    Except for the fact that as stated over the option screen, if I turn off crossplay I can only play with other PS4 members that ALSO have C-P turned off.

    My options either boil down to wait 6 hours for a lobby (already bad enough), or get bullied by unbeatable PC players.

    Thanks Devs, nobody asked for mandatory crossplay.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    It's what we've been conditioned to. You've got to understand something, the PC swf teams are brutal, on the edge of unbeatable. I'd you use anything other than a top killer with the strongest perks, you're going to have a bad day.

    Me personally, I play every killer. Been going easy on console and having a much better time.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    That doesn't sound right. Theoretically you should get matched with other players who have crossplay on or off just fine, it'd just have to be a case where they weren't currently being matched with someone off-platform. At least that's how I'd assume it would work. Dunno if they specified that in their FAQ, but excluding other people on the same platform simply because they have their box unticked would make for pointlessly longer queue times when those people can easily still be roped into an all-PS4 or whichever platform game.

  • JustaPotato
    JustaPotato Member Posts: 10

    The devs made unviable killers that haven't been updated or improved upon to where they stand a chance against the meta. Nurse, spirit, huntress, are good killers that are able to somewhat counter this. Tell me how many good clowns you've lost against vs good nurses? The reason everyone picks nurse, spirit, and huntress (even though i personally never encounter nurse) is because they're stronger and more viable than say clown or Myers.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    It’s not about soft. Please realize that is console killers have serious frame issues. We know it, console survivors know it, and it is abused. I’m personally glad pc killers are bringing the smoke to the endless attempts to 360 you guys and it doesn’t work because you have the frames to track them

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327

    PC is just a lot more sweaty than console in my experience. (that goes for other games too)

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited August 2020

    Constantly? Yesterday, at rank 2, I went against Clowns, Onis, Demos, Bubbas and Trappers o.O

    There was only one Nurse throughout the whole night.

    And PC killers are no more sweaty than console killers. You just need to get used to the fact that PC killers will inherently have more control over their movement than console users, and therefore the same jukes that work on console killers will not work on PC killers. Adapt.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    Exactly! The gap is like so huge.

    That's why a loot of people on console is just disabling that option. I guess a lot less console players now and my queue times last for few minutes, before queue times lasted a few seconds.