Nurse should be reworked

The Nurse is the strongest killer in the game, but there are many ways to counter her like juking her or just staying in the corn. Her current addons are trashy and I think it's a... joke ? Anyway there's 3 problems with her:
There are many bugs which makes her unfun to play. M1 bug, sometimes you can't just attack after blinking. M2 bug, sometimes you can hear multiple charging blink sound so you can't blink again or even first time. Many deadzones on maps like autoheaven on blood lodge, elementary school, longer fatigue after blinking than it should be etc. Her rework was like 10 months ago and they still didn't fixed her main bugs. That's main problem.
Her current basekit is fine, but her old one was so much better. Better Nurse's should be rewarded. Even without cooldown, she still requires the most skill in the all game. Now survivors have new Nurse countering method - keeping distance and having dead hard ( very common perk used literally every match ) or sprint burst. There are so many maps which punish Nurse so she should be able to catch on.
Her addons are a joke
The Nurse has only 4 very good addons, blink range and recharge ones. The rest of the addons are useless. Turning Nurse into M1 killer isn't the best idea because she should rely on her blinks. Green addon removes your ability and grants you 4.6 but why ? There are so many killers with abilities and 4.6 so every simple killer would be better than the Nurse with green M1 addon. Let's talk about her pink addons which are useless too. Let's compare both addons with infinite T3 Myers, oneshotting hatchets or bottles. Even Trapper's ping addons are so much better. Ataxic Respiration decreases her fatigue by 0.25 seconds, but Wooden Horse can decrease it by 0.5 seconds! Wothless... Oh... what about her BP addons ? She has the highest amount of bp addons it the game. These addons aren't used. That's my opinion about her addons if she won't have cooldown:
Her base stats will remain the same as now. Movement speed of 96.25% or 3.85m/s, no cooldown on power, 2 seconds fatigue baseline and +0.5s additional fatigue time per chain blink, +1 second when the Nurse uses her attack. Her blink movement speed remains 333% or 13.33 m/s. Just her old basekit.
Now let's talk about the addons. They will be so much weaker than before because the Nurse won't rely on them anymore and they'll change the game by slightly:
Wooden Horse: Slightly decreases the fatigue duration by 7%.
1 blink = 1,86 seconds fatigue
+ 0,47 seconds per chain blink
+0,93 seconds when she uses her attack
Plaid Flannel: Allows The Nurse to see Blink Target Locations.
Metal Spoon: Slightly increases the maximum Blink range and charge time by 10% or 2 meters and 0.2 seconds.
White Nit Comb: Slightly decreases your reappearance time by 7%. Stacks.
Pocket Watch: Moderately increases your chain blink window duration by 13%.
Dull Bracelet: When post-blink attacked slightly reduces the unit's action speed until healed by 3%.
Dark Cinture: Knocking down survivors using blink attacks makes other survivors scream within 10 meters of you.
Catatonic Boy's Treasure: Moderately increases the maximum Blink range and charge time by 15% or 3 meters and 0.3 seconds. stacks.
Bad Man Keepsake: Slightly increases your movement speed while charging your blink by 5%. Slightly increases your movement speed while while on the fatigue state by 2.5%. stacks.
Spasmodic Breath: Moderately decreases your reappearance time by 9%. stacks. (works as old White Nit Comb)
Heavy Panting: Considerably increases the maximum Blink range and charge time by 20% or 4 meters and 0.4 seconds. stacks.
Fragile Wheeze: Slightly decreases the fatigue duration by 7%. Slightly decreases your reappearance time by 7% . Slightly increases the maximum Blink range and charge time by 10% or 2 meters and 0.2 seconds. stacks.
Ataxic Respiration: Considerably decreases the fatigue duration by 13%. stacks.
1 blink = 1,74 seconds fatigue
+ 0,44 seconds per chain blink
+ 0,87 seconds when she uses her attack
Anxious Gasp: Slightly increases your movement speed while charging your blink by 5%. Moderately increases your movement speed while on the fatigue state by 5%. Slightly increases your Post-Blink Lunge attacks by 5% up to 159%. stacks.
Kavanagh's Last Breath: Blink attacks applies Mangled status effect.
Jenner's Last Breath: Blink attacks applies Exhausted status effect for 3.5 seconds. It has 15 seconds cooldown.
"Bad Man's" Last Breath: Considerably decreases blink charge time by 25% or 0.5 seconds.
Campbell's Last Breath: Considerably decreases your reappearance time by 11%. stacks.
Matchbox: Adds 1 additional chain blink. Tremendously increases your reappearance time by 14%.
Torn Bookmark: Removes 1 chain blink. The Nurse gains 1.25% additional movement speed per blink attack. It has 30 seconds cooldown. She can't be faster than 107.5% or 4.3 m/s.
And with cooldown:
Wooden Horse: Slightly decreases the fatigue duration by 7%.
1 blink = 1,86 seconds fatigue
+ 0,47 seconds per chain blink
+0,93 seconds when she uses her attack
Plaid Flannel: Allows The Nurse to see Blink Target Locations.
Metal Spoon: Slightly increases the maximum Blink range and charge time by 10% or 2 meters and 0.2 seconds.
White Nit Comb: Slightly decreases your reappearance time by 7%. Stacks.
Pocket Watch: Moderately increases your chain blink window duration by 13%.
Dull Bracelet: When post-blink attacked slightly reduces the unit's action speed until healed by 3%.
Dark Cinture: Knocking down survivors using blink attacks makes other survivors scream within 10 meters of you.
Catatonic Boy's Treasure: Moderately increases the maximum Blink range and charge time by 15% or 3 meters and 0.3 seconds. stacks.
Bad Man Keepsake: Slightly increases your movement speed while charging your blink by 5%. Slightly increases your movement speed while while on the fatigue state by 2.5%. stacks.
Spasmodic Breath: Moderately decreases your reappearance time by 9%. stacks. (works as old White Nit Comb)
Heavy Panting: Considerably increases the maximum Blink range and charge time by 20% or 4 meters and 0.4 seconds. stacks.
Fragile Wheeze: Slightly decreases the fatigue duration by 7%. Slightly decreases your reappearance time by 7% . Slightly increases the maximum Blink range and charge time by 10% or 2 meters and 0.2 seconds. stacks.
Ataxic Respiration: Considerably decreases the fatigue duration by 13%. stacks.
1 blink = 1,74 seconds fatigue
+ 0,44 seconds per chain blink
+ 0,87 seconds when she uses her attack
Anxious Gasp: Slightly increases your movement speed while charging your blink by 5%. Moderately increases your movement speed while on the fatigue state by 5%. Moderately increases your movement speed while on chain blink window by 5%
Kavanagh's Last Breath: Blink attacks applies Mangled status effect.
Jenner's Last Breath: Blink attacks applies Exhausted status effect for 3.5 seconds. It has 15 seconds cooldown.
"Bad Man's" Last Breath: Considerably decreases blink charge time by 25% or 0.5 seconds.
Campbell's Last Breath: Considerably decreases your reappearance time by 11%. stacks.
Matchbox: Adds 1 additional chain blink. Tremendously increases your reappearance time by 14%.
Torn Bookmark: Removes 1 chain blink. The Nurse gains 1.25% additional movement speed per blink attack. It has 30 seconds cooldown. She can't be faster than 107.5% or 4.3 m/s.
With cooldown:
Wooden Horse: Slightly decreases your blink recharge time by 15% or 0.45 seconds.
Plaid Flannel: Allows The Nurse to see Blink Target Locations.
Metal Spoon: Slightly increases the maximum Blink range and charge time by 10% or 2 meters and 0.2 seconds.
White Nit Comb: Slightly decreases your reappearance time by 7%. Stacks.
Pocket Watch: Moderately decreases your total fatigue duration by 15%.
Dull Bracelet: When post-blink attacked slightly reduces the unit's action speed until healed by 3%.
Dark Cinture: Moderately decreases your blink recharge time by 20% or 0.6 seconds.
Catatonic Boy's Treasure: Moderately increases the maximum Blink range and charge time by 15% or 3 meters and 0.3 seconds. stacks.
Bad Man Keepsake: Moderately decreases your reappearance time by 9%. stacks. (works as old White Nit Comb)
Spasmodic Breath: Considerably decreases your reappearance time by 11%. stacks.
Heavy Panting: Considerably increases the maximum Blink range and charge time by 20% or 4 meters and 0.4 seconds. stacks.
Fragile Wheeze: Considerably decreases blink recharge time by 33% or 1 second.
Ataxic Respiration: Slightly decreases your base fatigue time by 12.5% or 0.25 seconds and moderately decreases your blink recharge time by 20% or 0.6 seconds.
Anxious Gasp: Considerably increases your movement speed while holding a blink by 7.5%. Moderately increases your movement speed while on fatigue state and chain blink window by 5%
Kavanagh's Last Breath: Tremendously increases blink max range and charge time by 30% or 6 meters and 0.6 seconds.
Jenner's Last Breath: Blink attacks applies Exhausted status effect for 3.5 seconds. It has 15 seconds cooldown.
"Bad Man's" Last Breath: Tremendously decreases your blink recharge time by 53% or 1.6 seconds.
Campbell's Last Breath: Tremendously decreases your reappearance time by 13%. stacks.
Matchbox: Adds 1 additional blink charge.
Torn Bookmark: Removes 1 blink charge. The Nurse can see survivor's auras after hitting them by blink attack for 6 seconds.
What do you think guys about these changes. Her buggs should be fixed
I'm fine with her, just the bugs that make unplayable
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I'm fine with the new nurse too, she has the higher skillcap and can be a monster in the right hands, I think they should focus on fixing her bugs first.
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Yes, bugs are her main problem
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Okay, off the bat: old nurse wasnt the hardest killer in the game to play, or no-one would have played her. Case and point, no-one plays really plays Hag, or even new Nurse. She had the highest skill floor, sure, but once you reached it, it was ggs. Spammity spam and they were screwed, because even if you messed up you recovered in 4 seconds. No time at all, really, not for a killer that literally ignores every pallet and window and can instantly jump on top of you.
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Cooldown isn't Nurse's main problem which are bugs and useless addons
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I learned to adapt to her cooldown. I personally don't mind her add-ons, since I never use addons with her to begin with (she doesn't need them). However her bugs ... they make you want to punch your monitor at times. They are the main reason why Nurse playerbase is dead.
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Definitely agree. Her bugs are the only thing that keep me from playing her. I just wanted to clarify because I was one of those old-school nurse mains that never used the broken add-ons and 4k'd every match with 100 hours in the game at purple/red ranks. Looking back, damn it was stupid.
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Agreed they should fix the bugs will help and rework her addons. I don't think anyone was asking for Nurse to be reworked like she was. I would take old nurse back and just remove the multi blinks except for an iri addon and she would have been fine.
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I’d just like them to revisit her addons. So many of them are bad. I don’t want to play an m1 killer with no power (ultra rare) I don’t want to have 3 blinks but can’t blink through objects without line of sight (ultra rare). There are many others, but I just wanted to gripe about the ultra rares
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Nowadays I like to play nurse. I'd forgotten how much fun she was. I know she can be buggy sometimes and there are places on some maps that she can't teleport through for some reason. But after all she's the best killer in the game imo. Especially if you put cooldown and range addons on her. Yes, she still has range addons and they're still crazy.
My current build looks like this: BBQ, POP, Tinkerer (INSANE), Shadowborn
After she had been "gutted", I thought it would be an interesting idea to give her 3 blinks again (like on her release). I thought it might have been a fair compensation, but honestly I think that would have been too much.
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Although I liked nurse before and only wished her extra blink addons were removed she is still extremely strong. Think about it, after all the changes made to Nurse since her initial release how is she still the best killer in the game? Not a single killer now and I think even in the future can knock her of the top spot. There are still nurses today that put the fear of god into rank 1 survivors and toxic swfs. If anything the new changes are just a small hindrance to an experienced nurse player.
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Why do people think it's a higher skill ceiling? They lowered her skill ceiling not raised it. They only did negative things to her, with no new way to do anything only less ways. That means high level plays and mind-games were erased, thereby lowering the ceiling.
They lowered the skill ceiling and raised the skill floor. Nothing else.
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Which kind of mind game has 4 blinks nurse again ?
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I was talking about her basekit, not 3+ blinks (I don't use them and barely ever did back then)
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I totally agree. As a console nurse main she definitely needs an add on rework and bug fix. As of right now the bugs are the most frustrating, blinking to a survivor and having her freeze where you can’t attack is the worst and the fatigue time is awful. Let’s face it it’s impossible to land every blink attack so when you miss a blink attack and look at the damn floor for three seconds it’s easy to break line of sight and hide. You pretty much have to run shadowborn for the fov buff to get a little advantage. I don’t play killer as much anymore because of her bugs as shes damn near impossible to play. Play her once a day to see if bugs are gone and soon find out it’s same ole ######### so just go play survivor. It seems like she really got buggy when 4.0.0 came out i.m.o