What if the Pig had multiple traps?

Like how Freddy can use dream pallets with certain add-ons, wouldn't it be cool if the same thing could be done with the Pig? They wouldn't have to be too different for the sake of mechanics, but say, the Angel Trap could be used as a substitute for a hook(would have various skill checks, can't be rescued from, etc) place steam pipes that can be stopped by another survivor pulling a lever, but it would cause them to scream and become exhausted, etc.


  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Ooooooo how about a iridescent add-on where it's a angle trap but only another survivor can get you out of it if it's a normal trap you can escape but with the right add-on it plays into Amanda in the film of rigging her traps to be unwinnable

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Yes that would be awesome, I always wondered why this aspect of Amanda's character was never explored in dbd.

  • Kirannaconda
    Kirannaconda Member Posts: 4

    Im sure they would have to do a bunch of legal work to get all that stuff in, but that would be hella cool to have in dbd

  • Chromeskull
    Chromeskull Member Posts: 250

    Imagine a fake generator that spawns around the map, but when a survivor starts to work on it they suffer from multiple status effects. say:

    15% of Razor Box: Hindered status effect.

    25% of Razor Box: Mangled Status effect.

    50%of Razor Box: Survivor becomes injured

    75% of razor box: Broken Status effect

    90% of razor box: Becomes Trapped and has to be saved or they bleed out and die.

    100% of Razor box: Blows up a nail bomb, makes loud noise, dying state,etc

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Ikr would be so much fun I hope the Devs explore this but with only a few traps and stuff or even create a custom hook offering for different traps and like expand it to different killers and stuff or like instead of just hooking why not pin a survivor to the ground with both tapping and skill checks to free themselves but it puts you into the broken state from the injuries

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Ooooo what if she had a iridescent that changed the rbt into a shotgun collar and you have 4 and the only way to remove it is finding the one person that is not set off by it or to be blunt you have to slug your teammate in order to remove your trap and the other iridescent would be instead of a slug it will kill them meaning if you put the collar on all 4 survivors you effectively kill gen rushing as they cannot work close to each other without the risk of killing each other (of course needs some work but would be a grim mechanic)

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Shotgun collar

    Once a gen is done the survivor with it active can't be within X range of another survivor or it'll start a timer (80 seconds)

    an active Shotgun Collared survivor will detonate if the survivor is too close for too long

    Removing the collar could work the same as the RBT (boxes) but limits the Number of boxes to 2

    The Pig only gets 1 Collar

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    I had a very similar idea but the timer should be shortened. The idea isn't to waste gen time but to prevent other survivors healing and survivors performing co op actions. It's kinda good at late game.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Ok so 60 seconds by itself but it goes faster if another survivor is closeby (won't apply to hooked survivors but will start when the animation finishes)

    no that won't work so 80 seconds will start apon activation then apply the speed up normally

    let me say the speed up starts at around 20m (like a .1 second)

    but max would be healing (3 seconds)

    So if healing takes 16-20 seconds then (48-60 seconds) would be gone.... leaving 32-20 seconds left

    Is that OP or what??

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited August 2020

    You guys might as well just suggest giving her the ability to remove all gens from the match and instakilling survivors the moment she spots them, good heavens...

    to elaborate:

    The pig's traps add a delay to a match, calling for changing one's general M.O. A good group of survivors, swf or random, knows to stop doing gens if someone has a trap on (unless the addon that disables taking them off is active).

    it makes matches longer, sure, but not obnoxiously so.

    Freddy's traps don't stop you from doing gens, aka engaging in the main objective.

    Giving the pig more traps, and/or even making it harder and harder to take them of would bar survivors from the main objective of the game.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Because it's not her game anymore, it's the entities. Her sick way of not allowing winning chances is what got her pulled in.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Good idea (even if it was a joke)

    That's how the movies worked soooooo.... can you blame us for wanting more ways of playing her like the movies

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    yeah, but to argue 'that's how the movies work' would call for all killers to be neigh unbeatable, wouldn't it? think about how much it takes in the movies to best them till the next installment, and this would apply to original killers too.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    True... but the SAW series is different

    and the game should play more into the movies

    How many traps were truly inescapable (cause that's the whole point of this thread)

    I know of the two obvious ones (The Classroom trap and The Angel Trap)

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited August 2020

    how many people in the saw movies had to worry open getting eaten by an eldritch being?

    Saying 'the movies were different' is not an argument to justify things. and... the closer you get to the movies... I think there might be licensing trouble.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Wait... What

    This thread is discussing bringing in different traps from the SAW series for The Pig (Amanda Young) to use

    What in the world does what you said have to do with this thread

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    train of logic here:

    bringing in different traps (and more of them per match) because it is how it is in the movies, then how would it make sense in a complete different situation, namely the game's circumstances of Mandy being tasked with sacrificing these people to an eldritch being that feasts on their hope.

    If you stress the survivors out through more traps, the Entity will only get indigestion....

    which is a good thing, though...

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited August 2020

    I once suggested that they make Ultra Rare add-on Rules Set No.2 (hides Jigsaw box auras for survivors until their RBT is activated) part of her base kit, and replace it with:

    Heart Monitor Trigger (UR):

    Reverse Bear Traps now activate without a timer when a survivor with one is unhooked. If a survivor with an Active Reverse Bear Trap is Sacrificed, all other active Reverse Bear Traps are Triggered.

    Tremendously increases Jigsaw Box Search time. (+8 seconds)

    Tremendously Increases Jigsaw Box Skill check Difficulty. (-20% skill check success zone)

    Removes all Great Skill Check Success zones from Jigsaw boxes.

    "You are not a good listener. I think you missed the part that if he dies, you die." - Amanda Young

    Basically, the RBT's aren't activated until a survivor with one is unhooked, instead of relying on gen completion, and they have no timer, but if one survivor with an active RBT dies, all others with active RBT's Die as well. Jigsaw box RNG remains the same, but they're harder to search and take longer to compensate for the fact that the RBT's are no longer on a timer. This has the potential to create a chain reaction of RBT deaths, but in practice, it'll likely only get 1 other survivor at most by the time someone dies with an active RBT. Still, it puts a lot of pressure on survivors to try and get their active RBT off before unhooking someone whose RBT hasn't been activated yet, as well as help eachother stay alive until all RBT's are disarmed. I feel this is a far better alternative for the Ultra Rare add-on slot.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Ok... but still

    It's only traps the fit her mechanics Other than the Angel trap (with I'm against BTW)

    It would offer different interactions based on which trap she brings (and by that I mean that she'd only be bringing that one trap not 4 different ones... I know that is what happens in the movies but that wouldn't work in game)

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited August 2020

    it would be purely cosmetic, though, wouldn't it?

    @TWiXT : You can expect an onslaught of DCs if something like that would happen. I'll be honest: Pig is the one killer where I WILL dc or suicide on hook, as she causes an IRL stress response in me for some reason like no other killer does. which isn't a compliment.

  • Widden
    Widden Member Posts: 158

    Is that post joke? I am posting several OP Pig posts but these ones crazy AF

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Not if I had it my way (IDK if the devs would do it though... which is why we can discuss what we would like to see)

    Have an addon that changes the RBT to the Venus Fly Trap from SAW 2 (this I can see just being cosmetic only) ... and another one that changed the RBT to a Shotgun Collar from SAW 3 (this not so much in the way of only being cosmetic)

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    that could work.

    And tbh, with the devs teasing the graphics update, maybe.

    Though, cross your heart, the focus should be on bugfixes first, then cosmetics.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited August 2020

    I don't see why it would cause "an Onslaught of DC's", because you have to take its drawbacks into consideration:

    Jigsaw box RNG often favors survivors who get rid of their RBT by the time they search 2 jigsaw boxes on average.

    1 Active Heart monitor trigger trap is a threat to no one, as there needs to be 2 or more to set off the chain reaction.

    They have no timer, and instead rely on your ability/teams ability to survive long enough for you to remove your RBT.

    Since they don't activate until after a survivor with one has been unhooked, you can search jigsaw boxes to disarm yours while they hang out on the hook so that you don't risk activating theirs and tying your fates together.

    Gens are now free to do for everyone since they no longer act as the activation switch for the traps, so no more gen slowdown.

    If all gens are done, you can 99 a gate and proceed to helping any of your teammates who still have an active trap search jigsaw boxes.

    In order to set off the chain reaction, a survivor with an active RBT has to be sacrificed on a hook, so mori's won't do the trick.

    So while the add-on change I've suggested has the Potential to be devastating in the right hands, in practice all it does is remove the gen slowdown caused by current RBT's, and encourage teamwork to keep each other alive until all RBT's are disarmed. Pig is not the most mobile chaser in the game as is, so the only way this add-on will become effective is if the pig player is skilled enough in chases and mind games to pull it off, otherwise most players will likely see little use from it.

  • Chromeskull
    Chromeskull Member Posts: 250

    The Angel Trap would not be inescapable. You would have to complete multiple skill checks and spam certain buttons in order to escape, and you can't rely on others to save you.

  • Chromeskull
    Chromeskull Member Posts: 250

    It should be. DBD is, despite all else, a horror game. The stress you feel is part of that experience.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    no. because it's fiction. I should get scared and stressed in a different way, but I should NOT have the same reaction as if I am in a real life threatening situation.

    neuroscience fact.

    if a situation in a game triggers the same flight/fight response as a similar situation would irl, something is not alright.

  • Chromeskull
    Chromeskull Member Posts: 250

    There are plenty of horror games that rely on you feeling paranoid and stressed, as well as not safe in your own home. The Wattson-Scott Test is a prime example of this. You feel paranoid, and get IRL levels of stress and fear even though its just text. Its also one of my favourite horror games.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    look, i can't go into the exact details, but there IS a difference between these things.

    Also, are you suggesting that I don't have the right to DC if something isn't good for my well-being and should just 'man up' or something because 'it's what I signed up for' or some BS?

  • Chromeskull
    Chromeskull Member Posts: 250

    I never mentioned any of those bottom things. Of course u should leave if it is seriously bad for health. I'm just saying some horror games rely on that IRL fear to get u, and I personally like that.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    Pig is so outdated. Her stealth ability is pretty much worse GhostFace shroud. Her Traps don't have interaction. You just... put them for passive game stall? And the randomness of those boxes... They can be unfair to pig, when survivor find the key in the first box or can be extremely unfair to survivor who dies after first hook, cause luck wasn't on his side and he died on the last box.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    But so in line for Amanda and how she would make sure no body would win her games and this would be the same and it would make super co-op teams think twice as they need to think is it worth dying for this maby like the box's they key's around someplace but it's in your teammates collar but there's only 2 keys

  • Bjario
    Bjario Member Posts: 313

    I hope the devs will see this thread! This has so much potential!