Hex Perk Rework: Curses and Curse Bearers

weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

So I've had an idea to buff Hexes for quite a while now, so I would like to throw it out there for people to discuss.

We already know Hexes are easily found and disposed of due to poor spawns. The devs have been working on a Hex rework for some time but haven't had anything come to fruition. Here is some of my feedback:

Create a new mechanic that would be easy to implement into the game. Call them "Curses." Upon cleansing a Hex totem, the cleanser will be afflicted with the effects of that perk for the rest of the game. For example, cleansing Ruin will still make you have Ruin on you, cleansing Devour Hope would allow the Killer to gain tokens still, but only use them on the cleanser for one-shots and a mori. This would make cleansing totems have a higher risk for the individual Survivor, while also not completely nullifying the perk of the Killer.

In addition to this, create "Curse Bearer" related perks for Survivors that give buffs for being afflicted with a Curse. It is situational, but so are many perks that exist in this game. For example:

The Witch's Apprentice: For taking on a Hex Curse, gain a 8/9/10% increase to vault speed.

This, for instance, would stack disgustingly well with Resilience and Spine Chill for an injured evader build, but wouldn't be too overpowered as the Survivor is also afflicted with the Curse for the rest of the match.



  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000
    Interesting concept I can say but the only way I could give go feed back on it would be to see it working in game
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    As we discussed on the other topic, I would have liked something slightly different

    Let's see it this way :
    Hex : Ruin
    If you destroy Ruin,
    You get yourself a 30% repair buff.
    You curse others with a 10% repair debuff.

    Why ?

    • It would make people to fight to actually find the hex first, leading to more openings for the killer early game.
    • It would force the player that breaks the totem to either do it sneakily, or to take the risk of getting targeted by the killer.
    • You could do similar things with other perks such as Third seal and such, to make them more viable.

    In my opinion, it would fit the spirit of the game of "I do all I need for my survival at the expense of others if necessary"

    But the curse perk idea is quite interesting.
    What you could do is actually carrying a Curse Bearer perk, and in that case, you wouldn't get the buff/curse your teammates, but you'd get the perk buffs instead.

    At least that could be an idea.