why are red mori's more common then green?

i have 30 of the damn things and only 8 green moris and its not like im avoiding them id prefer more greens so i can get the occasional ritual without mass-murder but they are absurdly rare. whats going on?


  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088


  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    because there are 29 different green offerings and 1 pink offering, so you are more likely amass that one pink mori versus 1/29 green mori.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,017

    Yes, lets remove another offering so you wasted BP on these for nothing as well!

    Just rework the requirements to be capable of using the mori’s

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Slasher: Entity, why do you insist on giving me Ebony Moris when I just wish to slay one?


  • Aquitus
    Aquitus Member Posts: 50

    @Toybasher oh! i thought the blood web randomized the entire thing and any red had to compete with greens/yellows/browns on an equal field i didnt realize that every web required 1 or so reds everytime. ty!

    @Heartbound lol

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164

    I suspect they eventually will. They've said they're "looking" at moris, although that doesn't mean anything will ever be done. People always inevitably bring up keys as well, although moris affect exponentially far, far more games than keys do, and you don't really counter the problem of moris by bringing up something else.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    If they are going to change any of the moris, I'm sure they will change the keys too.

    Personally, I would like only the ivory mori to exist and the keys can only make 1 survivor escape. Both will be ultra rare items/offerings.

  • Aquitus
    Aquitus Member Posts: 50

    as a killer main i come across keys almost every game. its really annoying, i agree that red moris need a nerf but so do keys. a simple animation that the killer can interrupt would be a major move in the right direction. but it would still have the problem of being a exit gate on steroids in the late game so maybe opening the hatch breaks the key and using the hatch causes it to close

    @Antares_2332 not the worst suggestion. yellow mori's are garbo. but i would suggest green mori's stay with the caveat of 'can kill all survivors during the end game collapse if you've hooked them at least once' and red moris become what current green is

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