Option to go 3rd Person as Killer
- We could actually see the cosmetics. Unfair everybody else gets to see them except you.
- Same advantage of Survivors of having a wide view.
Tire but then it also gives a advantage to the killer being able to see around corners and easier to see some hiding in the grass and stuff when they cannot tell if your watching them and you can see them before a match when there equipped
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I wish killers got to see their own cosmetics more often than just in the lobby tbh. At this point it's just that lobby time where you get to admire yourself, and the rest of the time it's all for the survivors hahaha
But changing it to third person would make it very difficult for survivors to escape from a chase unless they had the ability to blind the killer without a flashlight somehow, and that would just be Weird.
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Killer being in FP while survivor is in TP is built into the balance of the game. You wouldn't be able to give killers the advantages of TP without a drastic overhaul on basically the entire game...
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3rd person camera isn't that astounding to where you could see a survivor crouch behind some bushes all the time. You could so even in 1st person. But Killers do need the advantage of seeing around corners via camera, instead of doings so via moving around. Would stop losing survivors in a chase somewhat.
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Which was the reason it's in first person I mean if they had a mechanic where once they leave or are all dead you can go third person for a bit when still I'd like that
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I'd rather put the Survivors in first person perspective! Imagine the jumpscares.
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This game needs a drastic overhaul in the first place.
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This is correct.
The camera difference is one of the most important aspects of DBD. The Killer is a predator and the Survivors are prey. The cameras help shape their behavior along those lines by modelling in a gameplay way how real predators and prey interact.
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It would be gamebreaking.
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There needs to be experimentation to improve something.
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It really does. They need to rewrite it from the ground up and base it on the new Unreal Engine 5.
Time to get rid of the spaghetti code, bugs and poor facial animations.
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Well then experiment with a camera angle like this. Killers do need at least some camera advantage.
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What brought you to the conclusion that Killers NEED camera advantages?
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"The Killer is a predator and the Survivors are prey"
Strange. I could swear sometimes is the other way around. I must be wrong
*Laughs in sweaty swf*
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Could you say why they need some camera advantage?
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Playing as one. FP camera can actually screw you over.
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The FP camera puts the scenery too close to your perception that it can cause motion blur.
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That's literally how the game is balanced. You run faster, have special power to cut down chase. Survivor have pallets and a superior camera view.
This will not change. It's at the core of dbd game design. It's like asking to remove pallet/windows entirely.
Everything is built on those simple concept. Such as "there's pallet on the map" "Killer camera is first person"
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This content has been removed.
As the dev pointed out in his/her post the game has been design like this and it is an interesting way of representing predator-prey interactions. There are some problems in the game that neglect this dynamic the devs were apparently aiming for, just like the one I mentioned above by joking but the camera is not one of them in my humble opinion..
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-Invulnerable and can damage opponents
-10-15% faster than the other side
-Even if you are going to lose/are losing your power and zoning only gets better in most scenarios as more resources are used by survivors and you still have at least a small chance to snowball at all points in the game. Especially when doing objectives limits the areas survivors can be in while still being useful
-Requires 4 different people to queue up to satisfy 1 person's game
-Only offensive option is to be good at chases and get the killer to chase you, which the killer can just choose not to do and feed off of the lowest hanging fruit
-Can be downed and not able to play the game temporarily, or permanently if the killer desires it
-10-15% slower than the other side
-Snowballing after losing is very rare. It becomes very easy to tell when you are going to win or lose based on when the first 2 downs happen compared to the amount of objectives done
-Random teammates can completely get rid of all resources on one side of the map and still get killed quickly, which gives the killer pressure and mostly nullifies your personal skill on that side of the map, pray they also don't 3 gen you on that same side
"pwetty pwease give us a camera advantage wearing headphones and tracking is hard"
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A killer who specifically has a 3rd person camera and maybe a projectile like a spear would be a really nice change with no real benefit given to the killer role.
If you change huntress or death slinger to 3rd person then you'd get players peeking around corners already knowing the location of the survivor which is where it becomes too much on those killers. You could argue that it would be a much needed buff but it's not worth the hassle on existing killers.
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Man, they can't make the game run properly on consoles while in a first person view, imagine how terrible it would be with a third person.
Though, for some odd reason the game doesn't lag as bad while playing survivor. What a joke.
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Tracking based on sound is dog #########.
Scratch marks are consistently misleading.
Looking around an angle leads to motion blur and not being able to see things properly for 2 seconds.
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Why would they do this wen they have actively been removing fov advantages?
They nerfed Shadowborn and then they moved the camera so it floats out in space in front of the killer, bringing with it dead zones where you can't see survivors directly under your nose.
They didn't stop with the visuals either, they have been slowly DESTROYING sound with each update on the killers side only, and at one point claimed it was a bug.
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Id like to see a killer power that allows temporary third person
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I totally agree. That being said, though, if Behaviour made a specific killer with the special ability that they can see in third person it could be kind of interesting. 🙂
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Can we at least get all of the old mori animations switched to 3rd person? The 1st person moris look terrible with the up-close ugly textures and clipping issues.
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It still would be a great option for people who get motion sickness from first player games. I know a couple people who are like me and can't play killer due to motion sickness, so I think adding a third person option would bring in more players.
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I mean on paper it sounds amazing. A killer going 3rd person would change the entire perspective of dbd.
But... that's just it, it will change the entirety of dbd. You will literally need to change EVERYTHING about dbd if you want this.
In reality this seems just too much time, money, resources.
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As someone asked why not slowly work to bring the mori's to tpp or as I surgessted just like the start of a match it can go into the camera pan after a match or even a post I made of a intro animation for killers and survivors or just a exit animation for the killers at the end of a game
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This is more of a possibility! :D
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Because it messes with the balance of the game and gives the Killer advantages they don't have normally, everyone who is competitive would use the option. Unfortunately we can't do this even in the interest of helping people who have motion sickness.
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is Almo giving hints? o.o
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Except prey cannot see around corners and walls.
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No hints. Just saying that Killer third person camera is not going to be an option, but it is not impossible that we could make a Killer that had a third person camera as part of their kit.
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I dunno dooood! I've never seen a group of zeebras running from a lion run back to pick up another zeebra off the ground after its been attacked and make that zeebra invincible for 1 attack. And I've definately never seen a zeebra whos on the ground stab a lion in the back with a shiv.
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I thought this topic was about the OP wanting to be able to view his Killer skins more often? Just a reminder that you can see yourself when you Mori. Might be nice to some how earn or have a free Mori. So we could see them more often, specifically without bringing in a Mori to scare survivors into an instant DC.
Like, If only one survivor remains and both doors are still locked and the hatch is closed...if I down said survivor, just gimme the Mori. I also want to see my skins more often.
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Psst... If you ever do "The Fly" the 360 view would make total sense. Bonus points if you got Jeff Goldblum for the voice work. 😉
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One thing I do that is very predator-like is this: "find the weakest of the herd". Someone loops me too long, I just go look for someone easier to catch. If I get the other three and the tough one escapes... that's fine. :)
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even if is truth i kind of think that survivors are the hunters and the killer the prey, is ironic, isnt it?
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maybe in a different gamemode?
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I've always been a bigger fan of giving the survivors a first person option. Imagine how much scarier it would be if you're working on a gen and only being able to turn your head. You turn around and see Ghostface or Michael just staring at you from around a corner.