Now with the graphical update, can we expect and optimization update as well?

Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

Yeah yeah, maps are going to look nicer and all, I wont be complaining about that, but I am worried about the FPS hit consoles will take if devs completely disregard optimization on console this patch.

I had to stop playing demo due to the annoying stuttering in some maps, especially lerys and hawkins and in general indoor maps. Its absolutely horrible, I think the lowest I have hit are 8 frames per second on lerys.

Im just asking you to take into account us console folks for once, please.


  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I had assumed a secondary function of the graphical update would be to increase visual quality and massively increase performance in one fell swoop, which is why I figure they've been quiet on the optimization front for consoles. They're rebuilding what makes the game run so poorly.

    But based on everything I've experienced since I started playing this game a lot (about 1-2 months now) I uh... I wouldn't count on it, bud. But maybe! Just maybe! The Entity does feed on hope, though... Hmm.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    If they didn't optimize to balance console with pc before activating crossplay I don't have much hope that they'll do it before the graphics update. 😂