Should I get dead by daylight on my laptop?

So i recently purchased a new laptop. Iv'e been pondering what games to get on it, and naturally dead by daylight came to mind. I've confirmed that i have enough storage to run it, but im worried that i will have a massive disadvantage against players who have a mouse. Assuming i don't have a bluetooth mouse and am not able to obtain one,should I purchase dbd? (Keep in mind that i am a casual player)
You can play with a controller.
Playing with the touchpad will be actually unbearable and not fun, and I'm sure your hand will begin to hurt very fast.
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Try the xbox one 1$ membership for a month on pc and download it for free, there you would able to see if dbd will be able to run and see if M&K or controller would best fit you. Then decide whether you want it buy it or not
What are your specs btw
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If you cant run it perfectly (at least 45fps) you can try using geforce now if you have good, wired internet. Im playing dbd on my 3 years old 300$ laptop on fullHD 60fps.
I have a 1Gb speed internet and there is no delay playing on cloud gaming.
Also, its free (1 hour sessions, after one hour you have to re-open the game, or you can pay 5 bucks monthly for 6 hours sessions without waiting time)
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What are you referring to when you say "it's free?"
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This is embarrassing, but i don't know how to check my specs. Iv'e never owned a computer before this one.
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Go to settings, System and click the "about".There , would be info about your laptop
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If your laptop can handle dbd I don't see why not, if it can't I would suggest not to, but if you want you can just plug a controller or a mouse and play with it.
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No worries! If you know the name of your laptop's model, you can search it up and you will usually find a list containing info like CPU, GPU and Ram as well as other specs. Alternatively (I'm not sure about this, haven't searched my specs in a while), you can go to the start menu at the bottom of your screen and type in 'System Information,' which will give you the option to open a window containing system information on your hardware.
You can also go to settings and click on 'About' and then on 'Device Specifications.' This list is much more coherent than system information in my opinion. You can use websites to enter in your specs to see if you can run a certain game/what games you are able to run (With a search option to see if you can run a specific game). Hope this helped!
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thanks guys! my specs are:
64-bit operating system
8 GB RAM (7.75 GB free)
intel core i5 10th gen
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I think almost all modern operating systems are 64-bit and very old (Like 14+ years old) are 32-bit. You have enough ram for Dead by Daylight and 10th gen CPU is the newest gen I believe. An i5 CPU should do the trick (I use an i5-10400F). I don't know what graphics card you have, though, but considering that you bought a prebuilt laptop with a latest gen CPU, I would imagine your GPU not to be lacking (I have a Nvidia GTX 1650, which is new and great, but certainly not amazing or anything). I think your laptop can handle it (Depends if your GPU is good enough (to be enjoyable that is)), but playing with a trackpad rather than a mouse is a significant disadvantage, especially when chasing.
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Your processor should be no problem. Your ram is ok (although 16gm would be better). At this point, the biggest thing that could make or break your gameplay is your graphics processor. If the computer has a dedicated GPU (i.e. ividia), you'll be fine. If it's using onboard intel graphics, it will be iffy. Definitely start out with it on the lowest graphics settings.
You can test the full game for a month (without DLCs) for $1 with the xbox gamepass for windows - it's $1 for the first month (then $5/mo after). If it works, buy the game on steam and cancel the gamepass (unless you actually want the gamepass for other games).
Don't play it with the touch pad! At the very least get a mouse. I find the laptop keyboard awkward to play on, but it is not nearly as dreadful as the mouse. Or, as others have said, just connect your controller.
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You'd be fine with those specs, glad to help!!
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side note: wow. I can't type. 😆
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Thanks for your help. My only question at this point is whether i should get it on game pass or steam. Although i may do what isilmerel suggested and test it out on gamepass, then buy it on steam if i like what i see (Lol idk if that was even what you were trying to say but whatever)
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lol yeah, that's what I was trying to say. 😆