Remove the ability to dc.

Just had a match as doctor on the Game map, used static blast once, hit everyone with it. Not one, not two, but THREE people left. One was upset because I was using a specific build. Well bully for you son, you left because the killer did ONE thing that you didn't like.
The third person basically acted like a sheep following the herd, but they had a little special reason. They play to "win" .
Is this really what the community is getting to? Leaving because the killer does something that the survivor doesn't like? That's sad.
Half of my games tonight have had DC's, and that's not an exaggeration. Unless they've fixed the infinite ban hack* though, there's not a lot they can do yet.
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I've noticed the pc crowd has had a much higher rate of DCing since cross play was added. Most of the time they will DC after a single down from the killer. Or the Killer will quit the moment the match starts to look like an uphill battle. Some console players do it too, but it hasn't been as frequent lately.
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I humbly disagree. Every DC I've had tonight has been from console players. I'm getting a lot of console full matches for some reason.
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If they'e mostly console, they could be getting the hill glitch and DCing due to that.
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Honestly I've seen so many killers DC in the past week, it's been kinda hilarious. Get their ankles broken for a gen, DC. Get pallet stunned too many times, DC. Ruin breaks in the first 30 seconds, DC.
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Nope. Many DC right after being downed in front of me, or in some cases when I downed them. PC also has a problem with the hill glitch.
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Not possible. Even if they removed the Leave Match button, people could still close the game with Task Manager or turn their console off.
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Or just disconnect the internet.
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So apparently there is some kind of bug with the old dc system where players could exploit it to ban other players. Until that gets fixed they won't re-enable dc penalty.
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I don't think he's talking about re-enabling the dc penalty, I think he just means remove the leave match button.
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kind of a moot point when ALT+F4 does the same thing. Quite awhile ago the dev's were talking about adding funcitonality to the game where when the player leaves a 'husk' remains. Not sure whatever happened to that. It hasn't been talked about much since.
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I agree
In see so many posts about people dcing against bubba, but I have had 3 bubbas dc today simply because they couldn't hit someone with their long arse chainsaw movementg.
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Well for me there is nothing to disagree with. We each have our experience playing games. My experience is what I assume is PC (Thanks to the ambiguous global symbol) players DCing at really high rates. Your experience could be the opposite. Heck it could be the Xbox/switch players for all I know. lol